Chapter 1 - Feelings

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Prestons P0V

It was 6 am in the morning. I woke up to my alarm clock to get ready for school so Mitch can pick me up at 7.

As i was getting my cup if daily coffee i noticed it has been a month since Senior Year Started.

I been struggling with my life for a long time now. I been through a lot.
My dads death, Depression, Anixety.

As I grew older and older I been trying to figure out who and what I am and what I want to be in 2 years.

Throughout my teen years so far. I haven't been that strong when I hear about my dads death especially since before he died in a car crash we had a agruement and it ended off him saying he hated me and wish I wasn't born before he strormed out outside.

I started blaming his death on me. If I didn't talk back to him in the agruement he wouldn't have stormed out and die.

Ever since his death I've been in depression and that soon lead me to cutting.

No one has been there when I needed someone the most. I'll I felt was pain when I'm all alone. My thoughts get to me when

Only that there's my best friend Rob who has known me for 7 years now. He's my best friend. Without him I would be dead now.

I really still cut but not normally. People think I stopped lying about what I'm feeling but I just got much better at it. I fake smile a lot.

I soon got out of my thoughts it was now 6:30. Well shit. I went to take a quick shower and changed my clothes. I decided to wear my regular jeans and my Rise Against Shirt. Little people know that its my favorite band (its true). I love bands a lot.

I checked the time its 6:50.
Yes I thought. 10 minutes to listen to Rise Against.

I put the song Prayer Of The Refugee. I can make so much connections with this song.

Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down down down

These lyrics is the story of my life. Pity people don't know this band.

Soon as the song finished I heard a honk outside. I checked my window and it was Mitch. I got my backpack and phone with my charger and headphones. I turned off the computer.

I went to my mom's room but she was just sleeping I gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

As soon as I got outside I can hear Mitch say Plebston hurry up. I wonder what's the rush since we are like 5 minutes early than usual.

As soon I got on I asked "Mitch what's the rush we have time"

"We have to pick up Jerome and Rob" He said driving.

"Oh ok" was all I simply said.

I haven't told anyone that I am discovering my sexuality. I'm Pansexual. People don't know that my sexuality exists according to most people. I don't blame them there is more sexualities than Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual.

People say its a choice for your sexuality. But actually your just born with it.

My dad was a homophobic. He really didn't like other sexualities other than being straight.

My mom accepted me. She was the best mom I can ever ask for.

Soon we got to Jeromes house and he was already outside waiting for us.

"Wassup biggums and LavaP? " Jerome said as he got on.

"Driving" Mitch said with a chuckle.

"Listening to music" I said putting my headphones in. I knew that sooner Mitch was going to put Rap music in. I don't hate it I just really don't care and I'm going to respect his music.

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