chapter one .

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.* stars and raindrops *.
chapter one .

With a soft thud, the brunette places the iced coffee down on the counter for you to take. You finally look up from looking out of the window. The rain has become worse than it was before.

"What brings you outside?" he asks you, his puppy-like eyes focused on you as you grab your card and walk up to the register after getting your drink. So he's all about the small talk, huh?

"Do I need to have a reason?" you ask him in return, swiping your card to pay. You lift your eyebrows, your eyes boring into his as you grin lightly.

He wipes his hair out of his eyes. He then rolls his eyes slightly. His fingers point at the window. "They advised anyone to stay inside, unless it was necessary to go out. I'm just wondering, that's all."

You chuckle. "I'm just joking around. I was away because it wasn't safe for me to be at home for the time being, so I went outside to be away from there."

The male makes an "O" with his mouth, nodding. "Sorry for asking," he says with a bow.

You shrug. "It's alright. I'm Lee Rin, by the way," you say, smiling and titling your head. "What's your name, coffee-boy?"

"Kim Seungmin," he answers. The brunette starts making the coffee for himself now, also grabbing a cup of ice and slamming it on the counter.

"Kim Seungmin..." You mumble, nodding. "Cute."

Then you title your head. "I thought you offered me something warm, why are you drinking iced now?" you ask, grinning.

His eyes meet yours again. "Making your iced caramel macchiato made me crave an iced americano. Plus it's warm inside, I might stay until the rain dies down a little bit more."

"Good idea. Can I stay?"

Seungmin looks at you and then at the rain outside. It's raining cats and dogs, and the wind has started becoming worse as well. He turns his head to look back at you and nods. "You can."

Seungmin pours the coffee into the cup with ice. He puts on the lid and shakes the plastic cup sideways, then putting in his reusable straw and takes a sip. A small smile grows around his face.

The boy walks away from the bar. He walks around it and goes towards the door, locking it so the door won't open again. The "Closed" sign didn't seem to work anyway, since you still walked in ignoring the sign.

"Oh, I love this song," you say, tapping your fingers on the bar and bobbing your head up and down on the beat. Seungmin looks up, listening to the radio to see if he knows the song.

"You like 3RACHA?"

You nod. "Yeah, they're awesome. Didn't know they could be heard on the radio, though. Aren't they quite small?" you ask as you take a sip from your iced coffee.

The boy nods at your words. You're right about that, the trio 3RACHA is quite small to be featured on the radio just yet, maybe. But as the café doesn't play music from radio stations, and rather a playlist that the employees just put on when they work, it can be heard through the café anyway.

"It's my own playlist," Seungmin answers. He leans onto the bar next to you, eyeing you up and down. He didn't take a good look at your body just yet– but now that he has the chance, he will take it. You're gorgeous.

You smile. "Ah! That makes so much sense! You like 3RACHA too then?"

"Mhm, they're my friends, actually."

You frown and lean your head in your left hand as you also lean on the bar. "What is someone doing working at a café when he's friends with the famous rap- and producing-trio 3RACHA?"

Seungmin rolls his eyes. He steps away from the bar and walks behind it again, ready to clean the machine so he doesn't have to do it later. He wants to leave as soon as the rain stops a little anyway so he can take a shower and climb in bed after to watch something on his laptop. He has to work again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that... So chilling in bed sounds great to him.

"Hey, I didn't mean it in a judging way! I'm just asking," you say as you see his face. He hasn't answered you just yet, so you figured he might've not liked your comment.

"We met through some mutual friends, actually," he says, taking the cleaning supplies from the cupboard underneath the coffee machine. "My friend, Jeongin, was in the same class at university as our friend, Felix. He had a birthday party a few years back and we were invited. Turns out he's friends with Chris, aka CB97, so that's how I met 3RACHA and we became friends too."

You nod and watch as Seungmin explains it. His back is facing you as he cleans the coffee machine. You notice he's quite tall– not much taller than 180 cm, though. He has a slim build, and his fashion sense is great if you just remove the apron.

"That's cool," you answer, noticing that you've been staring for way too long and didn't reply back to him just yet. Considering his back is facing yours, he never saw your nodding, so you have to be verbal about it.

"How do you know them?" Seungmin asks. He turns around shortly to meet your eyes. "I mean, their music," he adds.

You shrug, "I listen to a lot of music and just scroll through random playlists and stalk people on Instagram, Spotify, or Youtube. Sometimes I go on Soundcloud too, that's where I discovered them. They're cool."

"They are," Seungmin says. He turns back to clean the machine again. You smile and watch him in silence as the cleans the machine.

Turns out leaving your home for the night and leaving your mom there was a good decision after all.

riley's note~

i want this kim seungmin he's so cute

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