chapter four .

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.* stars and raindrops *.
chapter four .

Seungmin sighs as he takes off his apron. This morning was such a bore. It was raining again, so not much people were coming over to get their coffees. Instead they took the drive-in coffee places instead, he guessed.

So, there weren't much people this morning. Just him, his co-worker Sabrina (she's a total bitch), and the coffee machine. The guy is happy he can go home and that he had a short shift today.

He walks to the back of the café and hangs his apron over the hanger with his name on it. He takes a look at his nametag, feeling like it could be written again since some of the words are fading. Maybe he should do that tomorrow if he doesn't forget.

The male rubs his eyes a little and grabs his bag, then swinging it over his shoulder. He takes his phone from his pocket, 1:06 PM, time for coffee and some lunch.

Seungmin walks back to the café and over towards the coffee machine. Sabrina gives him a look, "What are you doing?" she asks in her overly sweet voice. Seungmin shrugs, "Making coffee? What else."

"But Seungminnie~" she starts, making Seungmin gag. Sabrina walks over to him. "I don't think Mrs. Park appreciates it if you made coffee after your shift."

The guy smiles fakely towards her, "Mrs. Park actually told me it was fine if I did so after my shift. As long as I pay, there's no need to make a thing about it, huh?"

Sabrina rolls her eyes, but Seungmin does the same back. Stupid bitch, he thinks to himself. No one likes you.

The bell rings and Seungmin looks up. His eyes lit up when he sees it's you that's walking into the café. Sabrina sees this and frowns. Who the hell is the bitch that just walked into the café and made Seungmin so happy? She has to figure it out.

Sabrina is about to walk towards the counter, when you spot Seungmin. "Kim Seungmin!" you say, just like the last time. You frown when you notice that his apron is gone. "Oh, is your shift over?"

He nods, "Yeah, it is. But I could make you your coffee if you want to?" he asks. He ignores Sabrina's stares.

"What do you want? I'll make it along with mine. Sabrina can take your order."

You smile. "Iced caramel macchiato," you say, nodding.

Seungmin chuckles, "No switching it up this time?" he asks, and you shake your head. "I liked the vanilla, but I like caramel more."

Sabrina ticks in your order and tells you to pay. She crosses her arms at how sickening Seungmin and you are. Who even are you? Do you have any idea that Seungmin is hers? You can't just come in and flirt with him out of nowhere.

You pay for your drink and skip towards the bar so you can talk to Seungmin instead as he makes your drink. "Where are you headed to?" Seungmin asks as he makes the coffee. One espresso shot for yours, and an americano for his iced drink.

"University, again," you say, titling your head. "My class starts at three. Where are you headed?"

"I was about to head home, but if you want... Uh, nah, forget it," he says, waving himself off. "I don't want to be a burden."

"Huh?" you bring out. "You can tell me."

He sighs and makes his way over to whip the milk, his eyes now searching for yours. When his find yours, he smiles softly. "I was thinking to walk you to university if you don't mind."

You smile. "That would be lovely, we could pick up some lunch on the way. I was craving a Subway sandwich, what do you think?"

Seungmin nods. "Subway sounds good. Alright, I'll walk you to your building then and we can get some lunch."

Seungmin puts the espresso in your drink and adds some caramel swirls on top, then putting the lid on your drink and handing it to you. He adds his americano to his ice and repeats the same process with the lid and straw. He then gives Sabrina some of his cash, "Here, it's exactly right. You can count."

Sabrina rolls her eyes and ticks it in on the register, then putting the money in it. "See you tomorrow, Seungmin."

"Bye, Sabrina," Seungmin answers, quickly walking around the bar so he can catch up with you. He smiles at you and motions for you to walk out of the door.

"After you, Lee Rin."

You chuckle and walk out of the door, Seungmin following you. Sabrina watches you two, fake-gagging as she sees you and him laugh over your iced coffees.

She wishes it would start raining again so the two of you will get soaked, or so Seungmin will walk home and not spend more time with you. But, sadly for her, the weather has changed and the sun is shining brightly now.

A good enough weather to walk half an hour to your university building, that is.

riley's note~

and to think i haven't even written angst for this story is so mind blowing to me , like who even am i? no angst? i must be getting sick

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