chapter three .

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.* stars and raindrops *.
chapter three .

It was a boring day for Seungmin.

There aren't many customers today. Sure, it is rather busy, but it isn't particularly... Fun. There aren't ones that hold a nice conversation with him, or there aren't any that he can laugh about, or there aren't any that he can guess their order from and fantasize about what kind of job they have and what their living situation is like. It is nothing like that today. Just regular, boring people only.

Sometimes there's just days like that, he understands it. But it doesn't make the day easier. Seungmin wishes there were more interesting people on days like this so he could at least fantasize about what kind of job they have and make up conversations in his head to cure his boredom. But it seems like no one like that will arrive soon.

Until the door opens and a certain brunette walks into the store. Your eyes land on the barista, and a small smile appears around your face.

"Kim Seungmin!" you say softly as you're walking up to the counter with a slightly bigger smile than before.

Seungmin looks up and is met by your beautiful and soft brown eyes. He shows you a small smile. Not too big– he can't show you how happy he is to see you. But also not too small, because you can see that he is glad you have arrived.

"Hi, Lee Rin," he says, bowing slightly and walking towards the register. "Can I get your order?"

You chuckle. He's so formal. You can understand why, though. He's working so he has to be formal towards you, right? You're just a customer after all. What happened that night is something no one has any idea of.

You put your finger on your lips and pout. "Mhm, I think I'll go for an iced vanilla macchiato today. Let's switch things up."

Seungmin nods, "Alright. Large, medium, or small?"

"Large, please. I still have to go to class for two hours without a break," you say with a sigh, then grabbing your card and swiping it on the card holder to pay.

"What do you study?"

You shrug. "Wouldn't you want to know."

"That's why I'm asking, dumbass," Seungmin mumbles. He rolls his eyes at you and turns around to make your coffee.

You smile softly and check out his back— again. Just like last time you let your eyes wander over his body, from his back towards his neck and to his hair.

You have no idea if it's just you, but you feel like his hair looks softer than it did the first time you met. Or maybe it's because there's natural lightning coming into the café. Last time the weather was so bad there was no such a thing as natural lightning. And it was night, which didn't help either.

But it looks soft and you feel the need to reach over to him and touch his hair, maybe ruffle it a bit. He's just too cute.

"What do you think I study?" you ask, walking along the bar when he walks further to make your coffee and add the milk and vanilla.

Seungmin looks up and scans your face. You see him checking you out, making your cheeks heat up slightly. You quickly turn your head away so he doesn't notice, you trying to play it off by looking out of the window as if that's very important to look at right now.

"Don't know, maybe Photography or something? Psychology?"

You shake your head, "Wrong. I'm a Science major."

Seungmin nods, "Ah, I wouldn't of have guessed that to be honest. Mhm, Science, huh?"

You nod, "Yeah, I think it's very interesting. I've always liked science, physics and chemistry in high school, especially the forensic investigation modules," you answer.

Seungmin turns around and nods. "What do you want to do when you're done with university, then?"

"Well," you start, feeling his eyes on you. "I want to work as a forensic science technician when I'm done so I can help to solve crimes."

"That's actually pretty cool, I've never heard anyone wanting that job ever," Seungmin says. He smiles softly. "But it sounds really cool. Seems like you're passionate about it."

You nod a little, "I am. I like science, so it would be nice if I could help detectives with it. Be a part of a team, you know," you answer.

Seungmin nods. "Makes sense."

"What do you want to be?"

The guy frowns, "What do you mean?"

"Well... Not to assume or anything, but I doubt you want to be a barista for the rest of your life?" you say, even though it comes out as a question.

Seungmin nods, "Ah, yeah. No, not really. It pays, and it's alright. I've always wanted to become a professional baseball player, actually," he says, nodding.

"Wanted to? So you want something else now?"

He chuckles slightly, then nodding and putting the espresso shot in your cup. "It may sound like a reach, but I'd love to become an idol. You know, be in a band and such. That would be cool."

He places your coffee down. "Here's your coffee. Hey, good luck with your classes," he says. "I hope it will be bearable."

You chuckle and take the coffee from him. "I think so, especially with coffee. Coffee always helps."

"Oh, I can agree," Seungmin says with a nod.

You turn away from the bar. "Thank you, coffee-boy, I will enjoy it while I listen to my professor talk about cells and stuff."

Seungmin smiles slightly, "Sure. I'll see you around, Lee Rin."

You turn around with a chuckle and walk away from the puppy-like boy. When you're a few meters away, you turn around again. "Oh, and also, Kim Seungmin..." you say, smiling. "I don't think it's a reach. If you want it, you should go for it and try. Maybe there's an opportunity, who knows. If it's meant to be... It's meant to be."

He nods, putting his thumbs up. "Thank you, university-girl."

You turn around again with a faint blush on your cheeks. A small sigh escapes your lips as you leave the café, turning left to walk to your university building.

Seungmin watches as he sees you walking away from the café. He feels his cheeks heating up a little. He really hopes you'll stop by again...

Only if it's just for a little while, just like today.

riley's note~

they're so cute it's sickening <3 KIDDING i love them shdkdkd. i've been into detective series my whole life and decided to finally create an oc that isn't into film making or animation/illustration or other creative things lmao but just something else, so science and lab things it is !!

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