chapter five .

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.* stars and raindrops *.
chapter five .

The day had been shit, per usual.

It feels like nothing can go right with you when it comes to your life at times. The grades you got back these days were terrible, the homework you got is way too much to finish in a weekend, and the annoying girls in your class threw their stupid matcha latte on your shirt. You had to change into something else, which is a shirt one of your friends from university gave you. Let's say it's not really your style, but at least it was nice of her to give it to you as she has to head home to grab new clothes now so she can spend the weekend at her girlfriends house.

You sigh and walk out of the toilet stall, then putting your wet shirt in your bag. "Thank you for letting me borrow your shirt, Jisoo," you say, looking in the mirror.

The shirt she gave you is a pink crop top. It's cute, that for sure, but pink isn't really your colour. Nor are crop tops your thing, but it's alright.

"Of course hun," she says, standing in front of you and fixing your hair a little bit. "Those girls are so annoying. It's high school all over again with those girls. We're at university, what's their problem?"

"I was thinking the same thing," you sigh, letting Jisoo fix your hair. You smile and thank her as she steps away.

Jisoo is basically your only friend. She has some friends that you've met too, but you're not as close as you'd like to be. They're not all in university, though. Actually, only four of her friends are. Which are her girlfriend, Gang Nari, who's studying English. Then there's Kim Minjoo, studying Film Production. There's Guo Lanhua, who studies Animal Science. Lastly you have Hong Renee, who studies business with Jisoo.

Neither of the girls are in any of your majors, and you only see them during lunch sometimes. The other times you see them is when you hang out with her other friends, consisting of a bunch of other girls that are either working, or just doing their own thing.

The one you're most scared of is Choi Robin, a social media influencer. It's not like you're actually scared, but she's intimidating with how big of a following she has. Then there's her cousin, Choi Raven, who's a tattoo artist and recently moved to Seoul. Another girl you recently met is Nishimura Mari, a part time nurse and photographer who works with Hwang Hyunjin, one of the most famous models in Seoul right now.

There's also a trio of three girls that you would never dare to seperate— "the golden trio" that most people call them. Nakano Riley, who edits Robin's videos or works for other companies. There's Hwang Alaska, a fashion designer who makes her own clothes and sells those to famous people (mostly Youtubers now and other people she knows). And lastly the youngest of the trio, Wang Mya, who's theater kid and sometimes travels the world with her plays.

There's a bunch of different people in Jisoo her friend group, but you all look up to them with how amazing they are in their own way. They all do things they love doing and that inspires you. You want to be like that, too.

"You can give the shirt back whenever, Rin," Jisoo says, then grabbing her back. "I need to get to class. You're going home?"

"Yeah," you say, looking at your watch. "I guess so."

She smiles and nods, then opening the door so you and her can get out of the bathroom. You say a quick goodbye before she leaves you and walks up to Renee to get to their next class.

You pout and grab your headphones, ready to walk the long way towards the coffee place so you have something nice for the day.

Kim Seungmin. He always manages to make you smile.

As soon as you're outside, you feel the wind on your face. It's cold, per usual. You zip up your coat a little bit better and nod to yourself.

When you want to walk off campus, you spot a familiar guy with brown locks. You frown and take off your headphones, walking up to him.

"Seungmin? What are you doing here?"

The male looks up in confusion but smiles softly. "I was looking for you."

"Me?" you ask, your cheeks starting to heat up at the thought. He's there for you. He came all the way to your university to see you.

"Yeah! I have an off day and I figured, maybe we could get some coffee and snacks and spend some time in the park! Only if you're free, though."

You think about all the assignments you have to work on and the rest of your homework you have to finish. Sadness takes over your body.

But, even if you have to do all of those things, your mouth says something else.

"Of course," you start, nodding at him. "That sounds fun. Let's do it."

You just need that little happiness sometimes.

riley's note~

bit of a filler, sorry🫢 also, this chapter took me way too long to edit but it's here lmao. i hope you enjoyed it regardless :) the girlies have made their appearance too, which is probably one of the little times they'll be there LOL

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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