chapter two .

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.* stars and raindrops *.
chapter two .

You thought that the rain would have stopped by now, but it seems to have gotten worse by the minute. When you left your house, your umbrella was still working somehow, but if you leave now, you can just keep it closed and you'll be as drained as you would be while using it.

"I think it's time to head home," you say placing the empty cup on the bar. "What about you? Do you live close?"

Seungmin looks up from wiping the counter with a towel. "I live quite close. Eh, are you sure you wouldn't wait a bit? I heard the rain will be less in ten minutes," he answers.

You shrug. "I'll get drenched anyway, might as well leave now. Unless you want me to wait until you're ready to go."

The brunette shrugs. "It's up to you."

You title your head and smile as you look at him. You check out his face. He's very cute. He has a beautiful face, and you love how his hair covers his eyes sometimes.

You shift in your seat, "Sure. I guess I'll wait, maybe I'll make it home somewhat dry."

Seungmin smiles a little and nods after. "I'll go change, then."

He walks away to the back of the café. You turn around in your seat, looking out of the window again. The weather really is bad. They already said it was going to be bad, but when you heard the weather forecast you didn't imagine it would be like this.

You're not kidding when you say that you can shower outside, that's how much water is falling down. If you would put shampoo in your hair you could rinse it out with ease. And while you're at it, might as well wash your clothes while you stand outside washing your hair.

You sigh with a hint of sadness in your voice. The storm wasn't predicted, so it came to a surprise that the weather is this bad. You were supposed to spend time with some of your friends, but you had to cancel your plans because of the weather. You really craved that coffee, though, so as you felt like you shouldn't be home, you went out anyway in search for an open café.

"I'm done," Seungmin says. You turn back around and see that he's changed his apron for a hoodie, and that he's put on his jacket. There's an umbrella in his right hand, and his bag is swung over his left shoulder. "Are you ready to go?"

You stand up from the chair and nod. "Yeah, I think so. It's still raining cats and dogs, though."

Seungmin chuckles. "It's good I like dogs, then."

You smile and nod. Seungmin grabs the keys of the café and walks towards the door. You follow him. He closes everything in the café, and makes sure everything is alright for tomorrow. Meanwhile you grab your umbrella and put on the hood from your jacket, ready to step outside.

The brunette opens the door and holds it open for you. You bow slightly and step outside, opening your umbrella. You close your eyes as a little bit of rain hits your face. The male steps outside as well. He opens his umbrella too and locks the door to the café.

"What way are you headed?" you ask. He points into a direction. "That way."

"Cool. I'll walk with you."

He smiles shortly and starts walking. "You live that way too, then?"

No, you think to yourself. You bite your lip. You just don't want to go home yet. "Not really," you answer in honesty. It has no point to lie to him. You'll feel bad if you do. "I just want to be away from home a little longer."

Seungmin nods. "That's okay," he assures you. "Thanks for walking a bit with me and keeping me company, then," he says. He wipes some hair out of his face and watches the road in front of him.

After seven minutes or so, Seungmin points at some apartments. "I live here, so I'll go inside. Will you be fine walking home on your own?"

You look up at the apartment complex and nod at him. "Alright. Thanks for letting me go inside and have a coffee, it's really appreciated," you say, then meeting his eyes that look at you. "I live ten minutes away from here, I'll be okay."

He nods. "Okay, that's good. And you're welcome. Have a good night, Lee Rin," he says as he takes a few steps sideways towards his apartment complex.

You smile. "You too. I hope to see you around, coffee boy."

You bow and turn around to walk towards your own home, leaving Seungmin to watch you walk away. When you walk around the corner, he makes his way inside the building, shivers running down his spine as rain droplets hit his neck.

He sighs. I hope to see you around. Right. He smiles to himself, walking up the stairs towards the third floor.

He sure hopes he'll see you again, because Kim Seungmin seems to be very fond of the girl that calls herself Lee Rin.

riley's note~

guess kim seungmin fell for someone already🤭

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