Chapter 12: The Fall

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"Boss, power levels are way below opt..." Friday tries to explains to Tony as he flies under the floating Sokovia.

"Re-route everything. We get one shot at this" Tony interrupts.

Barton and Natasha are making their way to the lifeboats. Clint drives as Natasha sits in the passenger seat, listening to him ramble.

"I know what I need to do. The dining room! If I knock out that east wall, it'll make a nice work space for Laura, huh? Put up some baffling, she can't hear the kids running around, what do you think?" Clint says with a smile.

"You guys always eat in the kitchen anyway" Nat says with a smile

"No one eats in a dining room" Clint says as they reach the lifeboats "We don't have a lot of time"

"So get your ass on a boat" Natasha finds the Hulk "Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low" Natasha says as she takes her glove off and approaches the hulk

Barton gets onto one of the lifeboats, but notices a woman calling out for someone

"Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" The woman shouts, Clint spots him hidden in a small area, surrounded by rubble, Barton runs off to find the boy

"Thor, I'm gonna need you back in the church" Tony says as he gets under the island.

Thor speaks, referring to the people getting onto the lifeboats and turns to Steve "Is this the last of them?"

"Yeah. Everyone else is on the carrier" Steve replies

"You know, if this works, we maybe don't walk away" Tony explains

"Maybe not"

As Natasha tries to calm Hulk down to get him back to being Banner Ultron flies in with a jet and starts shooting at them. Natasha gets knocked back as the hulk roars and runs off.

Ultron sings as he flies the jet "I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone" As Clint is saving the boy, Costel, Ultron starts shooting at them. Thor and Steve are blasted back and falll to the ground, Clint holds the boy in his arms, turning around to protect the boy he prepares to take the shots to save the kid, but Pietro runs into the line of fire and takes the shots to save both of them. pushing a car in front of the two to protect them, and raking bullets himself.

"You didn't see that coming" Pietro mutters as he falls to the ground as he dies. In the church, Wanda senses his death, causing her to fall in despair, and release a wave of energy that destroys all the robots around her. Aloisia had heard Wanda's scream, so had flown back into the church, and found no one there. Pietro is picked up to be carried away to the boats.

Hulk drops Natasha off onto the Helicarrier and then jumps onto the jet Ultron is on. Going inside and attacking Ultron..

"Oh, for God's sake!" Ultron shouts as Hulk throws Ultron out of the jet and he crashes inside a train; at the same time Barton delivers Costel safely onto the lifeboat, a man goes over to help him with his wounds

"No, no. I'm fine" Clint bats him away and lies down next to the dead body of Pietro "Oh, it's been a long day" Clint mutters. Wanda then finds Ultron, while Aloisia continues to search for the girl. Unknowingly dropping her wall of fire protection around the core.

"Wanda. If you stay here, you'll die" Ultron mutters

"I just did. Do you know how it felt?" she uses her power to rip Ultron's core out of his body "It felt like that" Wanda announces, her face, streaked with tears. One remaining robot turns the key in the church, and the city starts falling. Steve managed to jump onto a ship ot save himself as he watches the island fall. Tony is almost crushed but circles back to fire a blast into the centre under earth the city in the hopes to destroy it.

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