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Ji-su's pov;

Cheong-san found a chocolate bar.

I watched as it was passed around, I skipped because I didn't eat mundane foods.

I watched as everyone put armour on themselves. I didn't bother, but I took a metal pipe that was randomly rusting on the floor as ab extra measure of protection. I saw Eun-ji grab the baseball bat Nam-ra was holding before.

This was it. We were finally escaping. I had figured out that, once the group had found their way, I'd finally take my leave, Eun-ji said she wanted to go with me..but I didn't know, I wasn't sure..

"I think it's best, if one of you three open the door." Joo-yeong said, referring to Nam-ra, Eun-ji and I. The three of us looked at each other. Eunji and I decided to open.

We held the handle flipping the key that held it locked so it unlocked. I looked back at everyone, wanting to make sure they were, and when they gave us the green light. We opened it.

It was all a rush, with Eun-ji and I at the front, we hit any zombies that tried to go towards the group. Making sure they had enough time to close the shield. When it was done they'd call for us.

"We're closed!"

Then with a few more hits to a few more Zombies, Eunji and I jumped over the shield, entering inside to help the others push.

The shield was moving much faster with the help of Namra, Eunji and I's hambie strength, but it wasn't moving fast enough. For more zombies came hurdling at us, pushing into the shield.

What was even worse was the scent of their blood was getting to me.

"They're getting over it!"

I used the metal pipe to stab one in the forehead, making it's blood splatter on my face, I try to ignore how strongly I wanted to rip it's head off.

I felt Eunji's inner voice warn me. Ji-su..your arm..the veins were increasing, reaching past my knuckles to my wrist. As it did I felt a rising urge within me. The others were too busy to notice.

I take my pipe, using my above average height to my advantage, I try to stab away at some more zombies to make them leave, it seemed with more of them around..the more my urges rise.

There was one that tried to grab, Hyoryung, I stabbed it in the throat. I kept stabbing and stabbing.

I heard Mi-Jin cursing from behind me, I turn around, one grabbed her, trying to take her over the shield, I didn't allow that, I saw Joo-yeong going towards her, but I pushed him aside, stabbing Mi-jin's attacker in the head, pulling back I pipe, I watched all the blood drip, I was indulging in the sight. Mi-Jin's first instinct was to come over to me. She did, but backed up when she saw the veins on my arms. She looked frightened. Scared.

And my emotions were too on the rise right now to explain to her, so as I continued, stabbing more zombies, as my urges to kill heightened, I felt myself climbing over the walls of the shield, I zoned out any calls of my name. My only agenda was to kill.

I grabbed hold of a zombie's neck, squeezing it's head off with my bare hands. I grabbed more and more, killing them all one by one.

I grabbed one. I bit it's neck, biting a chunk off so the venom of my bite doesn't revive it into a stronger zombie. I took another one and ripped its heart out of it's chest. I panted at the rush of adrenaline going through me. I didn't care about how sticky my face was with sweat and zombie blood. I didn't care about anything..until a voice snapped me back.


It was faded muffles that cleared up into something audible..

"Ji-su.." the person cried. I zoned back in, the person was shaking my shoulders.


I look around. The whole gymnasium filled with dead zombies. Either killed or possibly eaten by me. The room had no humans, it meant the others had left.

I blinked for a second, there was so much blood on me

Eun-ji didn't let go off me, she sniffed a bit, I held her back, my eyes settling on the veins that wasn't just on my wrist anymore, but spread on my forearm. Eunji stared at my face, holding it, which probably meant that there was probably more there..

I only sighed, tears entering my eyes, they spilt because of the stinging of some of the blood that entered my eye. I wiped my face. I looked at Eun-ji.

"Let's get out of this shitty place.." I chuckled.

She nodded, "To Yangdong?" I nodded.

And we walked out.

New Breed, 21

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