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After Cauis just let himself into my home, I was furious; sliding under his arm to stop him from entering any further.
"Sir you may not step any further than you have until I get some answers, first who are you people, secondly why are you trying to catch me and third if your working with or for the Cullens then you can leave at once." My face was pale and I felt faint I snapped without a single breathe, falling into a chair I sat and waited; they stood outside my door all but one like they were waiting for and invitation. Everyone stepped in an a tall muscular man closed the door shut and stood still waiting for someone to speak.
"You really must forgive us dear child, for we are here on behalf of our guard Felix's and your ties to our Coven my dear lost child." The last gentleman spoke of the three so called kings I believe they call him Aro;
I stood up and ran up to the bathroom I felt ill and confused, I was hungry but again is wasn't for my usual meals it was a taste that painted its was into my mouth that made my mouth water and my eye's were burning, I came back downstairs because I wanted to know why I was so important to them.
"Sorry I've been ill every now and then, anyway what do I have to do with your guard and your group, I'm just a girl who's been alone for almost twenty something years, im no one important. " I finished and Cauis tapped back in to speak,"Child do you know how old you are, or do you just think your a pitty human with weird abilities and ideas that no one understands? " He finished and Marcus chimed in to speak as well,"Well dear child you may not understand now but Felix and yourself are eternal mates, at least that is how it works in the vampire world, but you don't just belong to our Coven through a mated bond but also because you are the child of a king." I hadn't noticed that he had moved closer to me until I felt his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me and easy some of the overwhelming thoughts I began to feel.
I started to speak again," I am twenty years old, I am a human at least I think my mother hid a lot from me and then she died, and what the hell is a mate bond; and my father well I've never met him but I clearly don't need him now you can leave." I started to make my way for the door running out of my own house as fast as I could only I got stuck in the middle of the woods and I think I was on wolve territory because I could see Lapush from here and sense I'm an enemy to wolves and the Cullens I realized that I'm laying in a death bed of my own troubles.
I seen something move from the corner of my eye a creature pouncing infront of my and baring its teeth,"You are not welcome here, blood demon." They snarled and pounced closer as I stepped further and further I came closer and closer to the Lapush cliff and there was no way of getting out of this mess. "I'M NOT A BLOOD DEMON YOU SNARLING RABID DOG." I screamed and felt anger run through me, I jumped for the closest tree and began jumping from branch to branch until I was far away from Lapush and closer to home, but I couldn't stay here anymore; I ran into my home packed as much as I could in a bag and called a car to the airport, I made my choice, I was heading back home.

On the plane back home

I sat by the window a woman with a baby sat next to me and the baby wouldn't stop crying the whole ride, when we got closer to landing I was beyond relieved to be off that stupid plane, then I froze Aro, Marcus, Cauis and their guards where all at the airport and it looked like they were looking for something or someone.
"Shit, shit, shit..." I panicked as I snuck past them and headed outside of the airport but then I was stopped almost instantly in my tracks,"Well look at that you really did run off to come back home, and you walked right into your next worse fear." I couldn't remember her name but I know she was the pain inflicting ability, I dashed past as fast as I could run to look normal to humans and went straight to my friends place; knocking frantically at the door until it became open,"Lucia what on earth are you doing here in Rome, I though you ran off to Washington to start fresh on your own." My friend spoke as I pushed through to get inside, "I'm in some trouble Welze and I don't have a place to go home to right now, I'm hiding from some people and if they find me I'm a goner. " He nodded and let me sleep on the couch for the next two days; until the scent showed up at the door with the others. "SHIT SHIT!" I shouted and made a run for it, sliding down the drain pipe of my friends fancy apartment and then hanging from a balcony for a moment. What am I gonna do they have a tracker in their Coven, I let go of the balcony railing and hit the ground, pain shot through my legs as I stood up to run into near shops and avoid being found again.

Three days in Rome, hiding from the Volturi

I've been hiding out in a low spot in Rome and making my way to an abandoned place I heard about in the woods. Once I finally made it I started to make myself at home and it made me feel less on edge,
I went outside and started to collect food that I found nearby, I collected some berries then went inside to make some cookies and bread with supplies I found in the house already.
I stayed in the cottage for a few more weeks until a knock hit the door aggressively.
I could smell him and I had no where to go,so I swallowed my pride and opened the door,"What do you want?" I asked as I seen him standing in the doorway with his friend standing behind him,"You need to come with me back to Volterra now, there's a lot to talk about and get through; also you can't hide from your mate forever." He sounded so annoyed as he grabbed my arm and dragged me back to Volterra with him and the tracker.
"PUT ME DOWN NOW YOU GIANT IDIOTIC MAN." I started to scream as they pulled me into the side entrance of the tower the guards took to get into the main building.

Writers message:
Sorry For not updating regularly but I'm concerned that my work isn't good enough anyway I do try and I'll do my best to keep updating even though I'm sure no one will like it.

Anyway thanks everyone,

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