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I sat down in a chair and waited for hour while thinking to myself about how Santiago could be the cause of my end, my downfall, my eternal destruction. I was in a mind of my own that I didn't even see Heidi pop through the door and place herself next to me. "Hey darling I don't mean to interrupt your deep thoughts, but my kings are asking to see you at once love." She finished talking then placed her hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch and draw my eyes to her, " Oh um right I'll be down there in a moment, I just have to wash up and then I'll head that way." I whispered then drew in a long breath.

Down in the throne room

"You asked for me?" I replied as I approached the steps just below where the three kings sat waiting for me with a great deal of patience. "Yes, we wanted to ask how you were doing sense your nightmare dear child." Marcus spoke as gently as possible. "I'm just fine uncle Marcus, a bit shaken but well enough to continue on with my evening, hopefully not to make trouble." I replied back a bit tired as my voice let out a yawn that was trapped in my chest. "Well if you need anything, Felix, Demetri, Heidi, Jane, Alec or one of us will answer to your needs until we know that Santiago won't be a threat to you nor cause or bring you harm." Aro finished and looked down at me fear and fatigue painted under my eyes as I waited for him to finish his speech of a sentence.

When I was finally able to leave, I headed straight back up to my room and layed my head down on the soft pillow that drew me to my bed in the first place, "Goodnight strange world, see you at sunrise."  I whispered to myself and anything that would hear or listen to me. I woke to a hard crush in my room, my eyes shot open to find a dark shadow at the foot of my bed and a broken vase with crushed flowers spread across the floor. My head hurt and my eyes wouldn't adjust fast enough to see who it was that stood at the foot of the bed, "Hello who's there?" My words came out shaky as I reached for a light at the bedside table, but the shadow practically ran at me. The burning pain from my dream felt real but how I obeyed what I was told as a voice I didn't recognize met my ear, " You can stay away all you want to, but I have worked her long enough to get around no trouble love, you never should have come here, and you know it." The voice stopped and a sizzling sound hit my ears as a scream left my throat. I felt helpless as a hot fluid ran down the side of my neck and as the burning grew worse sending me into a panic until the door flew open and everything started to darken. "Lucia, Cara it's okay, you're okay." There was a panic in the voice, and I knew who it was, "Felix hurry and get Aro please." That was Jane she was standing in the doorway, Alec leapt from the balcony window to follow after Santiago, Felix and Demetri doing the same once Aro and Marcus arrived. Jane stayed in the guard quatres incase Santiago decided to try and come back into the castle somehow.

"My sweet little angel, it's okay, you're alright, I'm going to try and help you, but you must trust me child." He sounded so scared and concerned maybe it was because he would now have to save me the same way he killed others like me, I felt his teeth pierce through my skin and i screamed it hurt, I tried to fight it and to make him stop but it wasn't working in a world where you learn you're a human/vampire through birth  and your father is the very vampire in which you came from he's definitely in full control. I couldn't find Marcus anywhere; he stepped out and tried to call out to Aro before he had killed me instead of helping me.

"Master Aro, Sir you have to stop before you kill your own child." Heidi pushed her way through Marcus and pulled at Aro with the only strength she had until Demetri and Felix came back to take over, "Get him far away from here, I'll do my best to keep her alive." Heidi sounded like she was unsure about being able to help me, but she must have been able to because I woke up four days later. 

I was startled fast with Heidi appearing at my side, "Oh Lucia child you're alive after all, I thought I was going to have to deliver bad news to Aro." She sounded so relieved to see me awake, "Oh darling before I leave you, I think there is something you should know, you're not exactly as you once were; there was an incident and let's just say Master Aro should never be put in such positions that involve draining other vampires' venom from his own child, but at least your one of us truly now." She finished and took a few steps back, "WHAT, YOU"RE JOKING HEIDI, TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING?" I screamed at her jumping from the bed to run to the bathroom, it was true my eyes were scarlet red, and my throat burned, my head hurt from the anger that build up in my chest. "WHERE IS HE HEIDI?" I yelled as she maneuvered out of my way as I used to much force and pulled the door open. Felix and Demetri tried pushing me back as I slipped past making my way down to the throne room where Marcus, Aro, and Caius all sat talking amongst each other.

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