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With two glasses of whiskey in each hand, Ruzek leaves the kitchen behind and goes out to the living room where Kim Burgess was sitting. He met her gaze and a smile crossed his lips, he held out the glass of whiskey to her and she grabbed it with her hand.

"Being served by Adam Ruzek, what a luxury." She said jokingly as he sat down beside her. He took a sip out of the glass and laughed as he swallowed.
He leaned back in the sofa and tilted his head towards Kim, still smiling. He reaches out his hand and puts it over Kim's that lied down onto the sofa.

"I've missed you, and I know you know that." He said as he stoke his thumb over her hand, Kim's eyes traces down onto their hands together. It's been a while since it'd happen. It's been up and down throughout the years and finally they were back on track. It felt good.

Before she had the chance to respond Adams phone rang. Adam immediately brought the phone up from his pocket and answered the call.

"Ruzek." He said firmly into the phone.

"Adam" Voight's gruff voice came through. Sensing the awkwardness in his voice he furrows his eyebrows and stands up from the couch.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked with a firm voice. There's a long pause and Adam hears how Voight sighs through the phone.

"You need to come down to Med, now." He orders, shaken by the firm voice from Voight he understood it was something important. Since there were no point in trying to get away, Adam told him he'd be on his way and declined the call. He looks back up at Kim as he turned back to her and put his phone into his pocket again.

"Sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you." Kim nods quietly at his words and watches as he leaves the apartment in a hurry.

As Adam arrives at Med, he walks through the doors and walks up to the first nurse he sees. Before he can say anything, he sees Hank coming towards him from the corner of the hall. He waved his hands in the air wondering what was so important.

"Come with me." Hank says and gestures with his hand for him to follow, which he does. Soon they arrive at a room and Hank asks him to check into the room a couple of feet away from him.
"What is th-"

Adam stops talking when he sees the woman lying in an hospital bed through the window of the room. He blinks and exhales casually, he looks back at Hank, but quickly turns his gaze back to her.
"Elena." He breathes out her name and almost loses his balance as he runs his hand through his hair.

Adam sits in the waiting room with Jay and Atwater beside him, they all got coffee mugs in each hand. Still in choch Adam sips on his coffe in silence, his mind is all over the place as he tries to understand how she after all this time ended up here.
"You good?" Atwater asks and turns his head towards Adam, still not saying anything.

"All the information we have regarding Elena is that she apparently ran through a large forest and then ended up on the highway. She doesn't remember how she ended up here". Hank's raspy voice caught the attention of the detective and he immediately stands up, facing him.

"Nah, this can't be real. After all these years?" He turns to a wall and slams his fist into it, leaning his forehead against it quickly after. His mind ends up at Kim, wondering what'll happen now. Jay stands up, leaning a comforting hand on Adam's back and pats on it.

"We'll find out." He says as Adam turns to face them again. "We'll notify the others." Hank nods at Jay as both him and Atwater leaves. Hank comes up to Adam with his hands crossed over his chest.

"Does she remember anything?" Adam asks under his breath, Hank shrugs. "I-I need to talk to her."
"We'll do it together." Hank says, Adams nods and they both walk out from the waiting area.

As they come closer to the room they notice that Elena sits up in the bed, her gaze meets Adams and she looks just as shocked as he did. Adam stopped for a second, catching his breath and leaned down with his hands onto his knees.

"Come on, kid." Hank says and rests his hand on Adams back. Adam looks down into the ground, thinking of what he'll say. He leans back upright and glances at Hank before they walk into her room together.

"Adam". Elena breathes out his name as they approach her bed. Adam looks down at his feet, not knowing how to act around her. Hank walks over to her and lays his hands on hers.

"It's so good to see you again, Elena." He says and she meets his gaze. Her eyes flickered as she moved her face towards Adam again, water were filling her eyes and she closed them. Trying so hard not to show that she was crying.

Still not sure what to do or say Adam walks up to the end of her bed and leans his arms on the rail. He just breathed in and out loudly and meet her eyes. They were still as brown as they always had been, the glow from the lamp above her made her eyes sparkle as she looked at him. He saw the tears in her eyes but he quickly looked down at the covers on the bed.

"Do you remember anything of how you ended up here, Elena?" Hank asked her cautiously. She looked back up at him, putting her hand onto her cheek as she dried it from her tears. She shook her head.

"No, I don't." She explained, Hank nodded softly with his head as he looked over at Adam.
"Tell me, what do you remember?" He asked with a low voice, showing her they meant no harm at all.

"I remember this big forest, I don't remember how I got there but I was just there. I ran, I ran as fast as I could with my feet bleeding. It's all I can remember." She clenched her hands in aggravation.

"Take it easy, it's okay. We'll figure this all out." Hank assured her, she nodded in agreement, still with tears filling her eyes. She moved her gaze towards Adam again, he met her eyes.

"I'm so so sorry, Adam.." She pleaded to him, he shrugged his shoulders as he stood up straight with his eyes locked on her. He didn't know what to tell her, nor did he know what her intentions were coming back after all this years.

Hank walked over to Adam but turned back to Elena, looking at her questioningly. This was the girl that just had disappeared from the face of the earth six years ago, he needed to know what had happen to her or what made her disappear.

"I remember all of you. How kindly you all treated me, like family. I'll never forget that." Elena pauses and catches her breath and looks up at the both men again. A single tear fell down her cheek and a half smile crosses her pink lips. "None of you deserved what happened."

Adam let out a sarcastic laugh and looked down at the ground. He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at her.
"How ironic of you to say, Elena." He pauses as their eyes meet again. "If that was true, you would've never thought of doing what you did." Is all that he says before leaving the room, leaving her and Hank behind in that moment.

He closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his eyelids, irritated by the whole damn situation. She knew that coming back here would stir up some things.

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