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As you grow older you realise that it's not about what's happening to you, but how you respond to it that ultimately determines where you end up

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As you grow older you realise that it's not about what's happening to you, but how you respond to it that ultimately determines where you end up.

It's cold as Elena walks down the street, her jacket wasn't thick enough to warm her cold arms. Her brown hair was dancing with the wind as she looked down at her feet, slowly walking through an old park.

She saw a park bench and decided to sit on it, she carefully sat down and pulled her hands further up her arms to keep warm.
"Elena? What are you doing here?"
Adams voice grabs her attention and she turns her head to the side. A half smile spreads across her dry lips as Adam sits down next to her.
"Just needed to collect my thoughts a bit."
Adam nods and looks down at the ground for a hot minute as he tries to come up with something to say.

"I've missed you loads." Elena says after a while, Adam looks up at her and meets her gaze. The light from the lamp above them makes her eyes sparkle.
"I've missed you too you know." He says and looks down into his hands again, thinking about everything that had happen the last few days.
"Did you really?" She asks.

Adam looks up at her face again and furrows his brows. Surprised at her irritation.
"What are you sayin?" He asks and stands up and stands in front of her. He puts his hands in his pockets and waits patiently for her answer.
"I'm not sayin anything." She says and stands up, her gaze meets Adams and they look at each other for a moment before he decides to break the ongoing silence between them again.

"Just because I moved on doesn't mean I didn't miss you, Elena. Nobody waits for someone they through left willingly for six years-" Elena cuts him
off, anger boiling inside of her.

"After all that we went through together nothing could've made me want to give up or move on until you had told me that you didn't want me! If you had disappeared I would've searched for you until I found your ugly ass and gotten an answer! But you, you didn't care about me enough to find out."

She was breathing heavily from the anger inside her body, the hot air from her mouth colliding with the cold winter chill creating smoke. Adam snorted loudly at her words and quickly looked down at the ground but up again, the disappointment of her words not knowing the whole truth cut deep into his heart.
"You don't know what you're talking about." Is all that comes out from his mouth, he gasps in annoyance. "There's only so much hurt a man can take." His eyes search down to his feet, he couldn't bear to argue with her. He heard her braids and how she swung around in annoyance until she turned to face him again, arms still crossed over her chest.

"What did you say?" She gasped, her eyes darting to Adams but he looked away to avoid meeting her eyes. "You mean fucking someone else while the love of your life is fighting for her life-" Adam couldn't take her accusations anymore, he angrily turned his head up at her and yelled.
"Do you think I planned this?! Elena, you were gone, how would I've known you were in trouble? I searched for you for years! And yes, I fell in love with someone else during the time but I never planned on it!" Elena was taken back by his anger and his direct honesty. "I was so madly in love with you that I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you, I thought you left me! Six years without anything from you, someday you have to move on so the pain doesn't swallow you whole!"

Before she could answer she heard Antonio's voice behind them, both she and Adam quickly turned around.
"This is not the time or place to do this, alright?" He said putting his arms around his best friend, Adam took a few steps back. Adam took a few deep breaths and turned his gaze back to Antonio and Elena.

"You can't just stumble back here after all this time, believing everything will go back to normal just because you want it to. Things change, people change, time fucking changes. I still care about you, I do. But I'm deeply in love with Kim. She helped me through it all. The pain, the brokenness, everything." Adam pauses and puts his hands in his jacket pockets and looks down at the ground.

"Things happen for a reason. We're not meant to be together anymore, Elena. I'm sorry. But I'm still right here, I will help you through everything." Water filled her eyes as she looked sadly into Adam's beautiful brown eyes. If this was the end for them, she had to move on sooner or later.
"I don't need you." She said and turned to Antonio again, this time she let the tears fall from her eyes. Antonio put his arms around her and gently led her away. Adam was left alone, he watched them leave and finally he went home again to Kim.

Short chapter I KNOW.
I will make it up to y'all and I'll hope you're enjoying it so far!!! x

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