Toothpaste & Peach Soju

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Ever since Chaewon followed Yunjin to Seoul and was introduced to the wonders of bars and fruity cocktails, they've always had the same routine for the day after a party or a night out; they'll go home together, sleep until mid to late morning cuddled up together, Chaewon will either drag a complaining Yunjin out for brunch or cook breakfast herself depending on how fragile she's feeling — always Chaewon, never Yunjin, because the Huh kitchen curse extends beyond just Eunchae — and then they'll take up residence on the sofa or back in bed — again, depending on levels of fragility — and binge watch whatever current drama Chaewon's taken to because the lead actress is hot or one of Yunjin's dorky nature documentaries while Yunjin whines about her hangover and Chaewon pays her extra attention.

Just because in one delusional, tequila-soaked moment Chaewon convinced herself Yunjin was about to kiss her doesn't mean that that routine is going to change. It doesn't mean that anything's changed. Chaewon still isn't entirely convinced it actually happened and that it wasn't just some kind of bizarre hallucination brought about by watching Yunjin sucking suggestively on a slice of lime one too many times, messing with her head and making her see things that aren't there.

Besides, Yunjin seems completely unaffected by the entire thing; she's sprawled out on Chaewon's bed playing on her phone when Chaewon comes into her room after getting ready for bed, immediately pouting and complaining that Chaewon took too long and she wants to cuddle.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're a very high-maintenance best friend?"

"Nope, never," Yunjin says with an innocent smile, shuffling over and patting the empty space next to her.

Yunjin clearly isn't still thinking about how it felt to be pressed against one another, so Chaewon does her best to shove it out of her mind, turning off the lights and climbing into bed next to the very person she's trying not to think about. She gets comfortable and checks the few notifications on her own phone.

Yujin has sent her a series of texts that starts with Wonyoung just hit on our uber driver and ends with Wonyoung just threw up in the kitchen sink. So at least they made it home, even if Wonyoung might die tomorrow.

There's a string of unintelligible gibberish and emojis from Kazuha that might take a while to translate — she thinks it ends with love you whore and the various tongue emojis are kind of self-explanatory so at least she knows Kazuha isn't being murdered or something.

Sakura has sent her a single cowboy emoji with absolutely no context. Chaewon ignores that one.

There's an Instagram notification as well — jenaissante tagged you in a post! — and when she opens it she sees Yunjin has posted the selfie they took with Sakura in the taxi on the way to Eden. Chaewon is sandwiched between them, both of them holding up peace signs, Sakura winking at the camera and Yunjin resting her head on Chaewon's shoulder. It's not a bad photo of Chaewon, quite the opposite in fact, if she does say so herself, but she can't help but look at Yunjin next to her, looking otherworldly pretty even in the shitty lighting of streetlights through the taxi window, and then look back at herself, and think why the hell would she ever want you?

She's hyper aware of Yunjin's body next to her and the minimal space between them, more so than usual. Apart from Yunjin's freezing toes trying to wiggle their way under Chaewon's calf, they're not touching, but out of the corner of her eye Chaewon can see Yunjin's hand, the one not holding her phone, fidgeting slightly, like she's holding herself back from something.

After she double tapped the photo and commented a few heart emojis, Chaewon puts her phone on her nightstand and pushes at Yunjin's shoulder to roll her onto her side. She's in the mood to be the big spoon for once; she feels a little off-balance after having Yunjin all over her earlier in the club, and having to spend the rest of the night with Yunjin wrapped around her like a limpet, her soft breathing tickling the back of Chaewon's neck like it always does... Chaewon isn't sure she can handle that.

Forbidden Feelings (Purinz / Chaewon x Yunjin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora