Melt Into You (M)

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After Yena's birthday, they don't make out for a while.

There was a moment, once, when they'd all gone home for Chuseok at the end of September, and they'd found themselves alone in the Huh's kitchen getting more snacks while everyone else was still in the living room. A moment where it looked like Yunjin was about to take Chaewon's face in her hands, lean forward and kiss her right there under the dim kitchen lights, despite the fact both their families were just in the next room. Except then Eunchae came into the kitchen looking for a knife — a terrifying thought, really — and the moment was broken.

Apart from that, and apart from a few lunches with the others or grabbing coffee together when their schedules line up, Chaewon hasn't really seen Yunjin much.

Which isn't unexpected; classes have started again, Chaewon has picked up a few extra shifts at the café so she has enough funds for all the upcoming birthday and Christmas presents she's going to have to buy, and Yunjin is busy with her own studies and dance team commitments, the latter already starting to put together their performances for the charity winter showcase in December, all proceeds from the ticket sales being donated to women's shelters and LGBT associations based in Seoul.

Chaewon wonders sometimes if maybe it's over. Wonders if Yunjin's concluded her little experiment, or if she's found someone new to make out with when she's bored, or if she — most likely — just doesn't want Chaewon anymore.

But then she walks into Yunjin and Sakura's apartment, where everyone has congregated for the group get together for both Kazuha and Wonyoung's birthdays, because they're the ones with the biggest living room and they're the only ones who live within the delivery parameters of their favorite pizza place, and she catches sight of Yunjin, sprawled out on the sofa next to Yujin, raking her eyes up and down Chaewon so slowly she feels her ears start to warm up.

It's just a relaxed kickback according to Kazuha, with ninety thousand won worth of pizza, Sakura's seemingly bottomless weed stash, and a few drinks, Wonyoung having already outlawed any hard liquor in the group chat a few days ago.

please god can we NOT have a party

i haven't been able to look at vodka the same since that club Minjeong took us to months ago


and proud of it, bitch)

"What?" Chaewon asks, once she's settled in the armchair next to Yunjin with a beer, feeling a little self-conscious under Yunjin's stare.

She's not even that dressed up — Sakura had announced cool I'm wearing sweatpants then in the group chat when Kazuha and Wonyoung both confirmed they didn't want to go out, which set the dress code for the evening — just wearing her favorite red sweater and a pair of cuffed comfortable jeans.

"Nothing," Yunjin says in a way that sounds like the furthest thing from nothing. "You look nice."

It's something Chaewon's heard a thousand times before, Yunjin hyping her up like any best friend would, but it feels a little different with Yunjin's eyes lingering on her exposed collarbones. It feels a little different now that she knows what it's like to have Yunjin's mouth trailing over her skin.

Yunjin gives her a little smirk, slouching down further on the sofa as she turns away from Chaewon to bicker with Yujin about something, and Chaewon tries not to think about how inviting her lap looks.

It's the first time since Yena's birthday that they've actually all been free on the same night, so instead of stressing over Yunjin and over analyzing every look Yunjin sends her way, Chaewon lets herself relax and enjoy a night off with her friends.

Forbidden Feelings (Purinz / Chaewon x Yunjin)Where stories live. Discover now