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The crew comes-to, moaning and groaning as they regain their senses, with Bumblebee being the first to speak.

BB: "Is everyone okay?"

KO: "Depends on your definition of okay."

SS: "I can't feel my wings."

KO: "Well, that doesn't sound good."

MR: "Um, guys?"

Moonracer's uncharacteristically nervous voice immediately catches everyones' attention. Their optics fly open to the sight of a small group of humans sitting in the midst of the rising dawn.

A short, curvy man in his late 30's sporting a light tan, red eyes, and short, well-kept red hair, dressed in a red shirt beneath a white lab coat, black pants and boots, and solid gold jewelry.

A tall, toned man in his late 40's, with pale skin, red eyes, and short, silky silver hair with a red streak in the front, wearing a color-matching red vest and silver pants, along with a short, dark gray cape, blue gauntlets, and heeled black boots.

A short, lean woman in her early 30's sporting a dark tan, blue eyes, and shoulder-length, wavy honey blonde hair with turquoise highlights, dressed in a turquoise short beneath a white lab coat, black pants and boots, and gray fingerless gloves.

A seemingly average young man in his late 20's, with sun-tanned skin, blue eyes, and short, scruffy blonde hair, donning a traditional police uniform, but with a yellow shirt instead of blue.

However, the longer they stare, the more something doesn't add up: the Cybertronians are the same size as the humans. Either they shrunk, or these humans are actually giants. Or maybe it's something else entirely.

MR: "So... Did we just... This wasn't supposed to happen, right?"

As the human female speaks in Moonracer's voice, that's when they know something has definitely gone wrong.

BB: "Oh scrap."

Knockout rises to his feet and starts angrily pacing.

KO: "We're humans? Stupid, squishy, tiny humans? BLASTED PITS, WHAT HAPPENED?"

Meanwhile, Starscream curls in on himself and rocks back and forth.

SS: "My wings! My beautiful wings! What am I supposed to do now? I can't live without them! Not being able to fly is torture!"

Bumblebee understands why they are so upset, but at the same time, he is in no mood to deal with either of them. He rubs his temples to relieve his headache, ignoring the strange feel of flesh and hair as opposed to metal.

MR: "Hey, guys, not that I'm not just as concerned about all of this as you are, but haven't you noticed that Steeljaw isn't here?"

The men stop and snap to attention.

SS: "He isn't?"

BB: "You have got to be kidding me."

KO: "DAMMIT! Now we have to go find him and we have no idea where we are or..."

Knockout is cut-off by the sound of pebbles cascading down the rockface of a nearby plateau, followed by the silhouette of what appears to be a werewolf.

KO: "Eep! What is that thing?"

Knockout hides behind the closest person to him. Starscream glares at his friend out of the corner of his eye.

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