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Bumblebee, Knockout, Starscream, and Moonracer reach the city's limits about an hour and a half later. The sun is still low in the sky, but is steadily rising and casting light upon the earth, and in turn, warming the freezing humans.

KO: "Oh thank Primus we made it! I don't know how much longer I could've lasted! How in the world do humans manage being so small and weak?"

BB: "They're stronger than you think they are, Knockout."

SS: "Perhaps more resilient, I will admit, but that doesn't make me despise them any less."

BB: "Don't expect you to. Now, to find out where we are."

MR: "Didn't the sign we pass on the way here say Bellwood?"

BB: "It did..."

Bumblebee trails off, attention being directed inward. The others notice him drifting off into his own little world.

KO: "Hey, Bee, are you going to finish that statement?"

When Bumblebee doesn't answer, Knockout elbows him.

BB: "OW!"

He jolts to reality and reaches around to coddle his side.

BB: "Knockout, what did you do that for?"

KO: "You spaced out. What's bothering you?"

For a moment, it seems like Bumblebee is debating whether he should voice his concerns.

BB: "The thing is, I've never heard of this place, which adds onto the theory that this isn't our Earth, and I haven't the slightest clue what to do about it. I don't know how we got here, and that information could be integral to getting us home. Back to our own world."

He sighs and allows his body to sag.

BB: "I'm worried, because I don't know what to do."

The others stare at their group leader, eyes lighting in understanding and sympathy. They are all stressed and tired and confused, but none more so than Bumblebee, apparently.

MR: "It's alright, Bumblebee."

The only female of the group reaches up and places a comforting hand on Bumblebee's shoulder.

MR: "You aren't alone. We're all here, and we will figure out how to get home. For now, take it easy. Worrying yourself to death isn't going to help anyone."

Bumblebee mulls over Moonracer's words, allowing them to take up space in his mind and calm him.

BB: "Thanks, Moonracer. I really needed that."

Moonracer smiles and nods.

MR: "Anytime!"

KO: "Can we please just get a move on? I'm sick and tired and sore all over!"

SS: "I'll give you something to complain about if you don't stop being so Pit-spawned dramatic!"

Knockout scoffs and crosses his arms, but doesn't proceed with the jabs.

Bumblebee leads the group into the populated area of Bellwood, taking everything in from the unique perspective of a giant alien robot in a human's body. His heart beats erratically as he constantly turns his head left and right, trying to pick out every little detail that his new organic form can possibly take in and analyze.

A groan sounds behind him.

SS: "What's wrong with you now?"

KO: "My feet hurt! I miss transforming!"

Robots in BellwoodWhere stories live. Discover now