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At Plumber's headquarters, Bumblebee and company tell their tale: who they are, where they come from, how they accidentally managed to get transported to this world, etc.

Once the story reaches its conclusion, the new humans recline in their seats, feeling as if a big weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Steeljaw awakens from his light slumber by their feet.

SJ: "Oh? You're finally done talking?"

BB: "Yeah."

SS: "Were you asleep the whole time?"

SJ: "I can't help being tired! These organic bodies run out of energy quickly!"

Starscream doesn't see fit to argue the point, instead turning to take in their surroundings for the dozenth time.

BEN: "Well, it's not like we haven't dealt with alien robots from other dimensions before!"

ROOK: "True, but none of them have ever had this happen before. Unless I am missing something?"

MAX: "You're not. This is a first."

BEN: "So what do we do with them?"

GWEN: "We help them, obviously!"

BEN: "And how exactly do you suppose we do that?"

KEVIN: "I hate to agree with your cousin, Gwen, but Ben does have a point. What can we do if they don't even know what went wrong?"

GWEN: "They need to get home somehow! They don't belong here!"

She flinches and turns to the main crew.

GWEN: "No offense."

Bumblebee waves it off.

BB: "None taken. I understand that this is going to be difficult, but hopefully we can figure something out, together."

A yawn from the back of the group catches their attention.

BB: "Moonracer?"

MR: "Hm?"

BB: "Are you alright?"

Moonracer sighs and bends over, covering her face in her hands.

MR: "I'm fine. I think it's just all that's happened. I'm pretty spent. Really need some rest."

Bumblebee releases a pent-up breath, relieved that Moonracer is only tired and overwhelmed, just like the rest of them.

KEVIN: "A good night's sleep will perk you right up!"

ROOK: "You do realize it is almost mid-day, correct?"

KEVIN: "So? By the looks of them, I'll bet they'll sleep till around this time tomorrow!"

BEN: "Yeah. It's not like it's impossible to sleep during the day or anything!"

Magister Tennyson looks at his grandson, eyebrow raised, a suspicious glint in his eyes.

MAX: "Ben, have you been taking naps while on duty?"

BEN: "What? No, of course not! I would never!"

GWEN: "Rook?"

BEN: "Rook, don't you dare..."

ROOK: "Only on the slow days."

BEN: "Dude!"

Rook shrugs. Ben crosses his arms and grumbles something under his breath.

Knockout clears his throat and says...

KO: "Pardon the intrusion. Not that I don't enjoy sitting back and watching a good fight, but all of this talk has got me thinking. Where are we going to hunker down, as you humans say, for the duration of our stay?"

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