First Everything

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A/N- Okay so there will be a total of THREE lemons/ smut throughout the entirety of this book ( basically it's within the story line) Now then if you'd like to participate in what character is in the lemon just write down four names in the comment section that are in the romantic love interest category. Whichever four has the most votes will be in a lemon (whatever y'all choose as a whole will basically somewhat alter the story) And if you can't think of whichever four you can put one or two or three it doesn't matter, as long as you put a name down. Now then, I hope you enjoy this longggggg awaited chapter.

Also...incase you haven't noticed from this chapter and beyond things might be a little 18+ (This chapter is a little spicy)

Y/n frowned as she matched Yujiros pace, her long legs easily catching up to him making the man smirk. " You look different." Y/n said making the redhead glance at her. " Oh yeah?" He started in a gruff voice, how so?" 

" More...mature? I don't know how to put it. Last time I saw you, you stumbled on my homeland...I didn't even know you were from here." Y/n said as her eyes took in everything. Yujiro furrowed his eyebrows,  " I did tell you." He turned his head, an annoyed look taking over his expression.

"....Oh righttttt!" Y/n said in realization making the man scoff. " Here." He said, tossing y/n her phone, catching it y/n grinned to herself as her phone lit up showing her home screen of Herself and Cole. Shoving the device in her pocket y/n abruptly looked over to Yujiro when he stopped walking. It seemed as if his mood had gone sour. 

" I'm going home..." He said huffing as he turned around. "Jeez...someone's moody." Y/n said to herself but loud enough for Yujiro to hear. " Yeah yeah, Just go home." Yujiro waved off making y/n shrug her shoulders. 'I'll just go book a hotel.' Y/n thought to herself. She groaned in annoyance realizing that she had to go home and pack a back, so turning on her heel she treaded her way home, her feet starting to ache.

As y/n crossed a busy street,  she heard her name being called out. Now, as she stood safely on the other side of the sidewalk she looked around to find who was calling her. "Hey! Y/n!" 

Looking towards the voice once more y/n's eyes lit up spotting Retsu. " I didn't think I'd see you again today." Y/n said halfheartedly. Immediately Retsu took notice of the cuts on her. Dried blood splattered on her pants that made civilians look at her with fear. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, "What happened?" He motioned towards your clothing and the deep cuts. Looking down y/n's eyes widened in surprise, she hadn't even noticed how rugged she looked. Looking up she smiled sheepishly, " One of the death row inmates tried to kill my roommate....It was the Lithuanian girl I think." Y/n said the last part to herself as she tried to imagine the girls face. 

Retsu's fists tightened, " She did what? I'll take revenge-"

" Ah no....I killed her." Y/n said cutting the man off. His face morphed into one that was surprised. " What?" Y/n said in a confused manner as if she hadn't just said what was said. " I couldn't have her coming back." Y/n spoke, shoving her hands deep inside her pocket. 

Retsu sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. " Then I'm guessing you can't sleep at your house tonight?" 

Y/n nodded. " Yeah, the big man said it needs to be evaluated so they can retrieve anything that might've been stolen." She said shifting her weight into one foot. " So I'm on my way to grab some clothes for the rest of the week and book a hotel." 

Retsu's eyebrows furrowed as if he were in deep thought. " You could stay with me." He finally said. It was now y/n's turn to be surprised. " It's fine really, I'll just book a hotel for four nights, don't worry about me." Y/n said with a sheepish smile. " I'll see you tomorrow alright-"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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Sweet as candy ( Yandere Baki various x Black reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ