Tripple 'friendship'

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Y/N's POV:

I hear birds chirping out the window.. but I honestly don't feel like getting up yet. I know I'm awake but.. just not yet. I'm not ready to start working today.. not really. I don't know how Emma will react to me carrying her to her room. I barely met her yesterday. But I was helping Jenna so, if she didn't like it that's my excuse.

Everyone on the cast already has built relationships however and I'm just kind of here. They all seemed welcoming though so that's great. As a introvert it helps a lot.

I groan, finally sitting up. I look over to my left to see my alarm clock. 6:28.. two minutes before my alarm. We start late today since it's everybody's first day back. However tomorrow I have to wake up at 4. Ughh. I stare at my alarm clock until it rings. Hitting 6:30, finally I get up and head to my closet to grab my towel and take a shower.

I take one quickly and head back out for breakfast, brush my hair, teeth, and grab my coat, heading out the door. The hair and make up team does that for us. And then we get into costumes.

Finally I get there, thank my Uber driver and make it to hair and make up. Doing my make up pretty easily, doing my hair which luckily I don't need to wear a wig, then finally make it to the lounge to wait for Tim Burton to get here and start or official work day.

I'm over at the service cart, getting coffee when Emma comes up to me, in costume and everything. Ah. This is gonna be good. I turn to her and she waves.

"Hey, by the way I wanted to thank you.. for last night. Carrying me all that way, I had one of the best sleeps of my life, and if I had stayed at joys I bet it wouldn't have been nearly as good."

She takes me by surprise, I definitely wasn't expecting that but it was nice. I smile. She smiles back and grabs a cup of coffee.

"Your welcome, Jenna was going to take you.. but she seemed kind of small.. so I-"

"I'm not 'small' just... just short.. short but not small."

I look to my right seeing Jenna. In her Wednesday costume but not with the hair. God Wednesday should definitely go brunette.

"Sorry sorry, you seemed short and struggling.. a little."

Emma chuckled, I finished making my coffee. Emma stepped closer to me, talking to Jenna but I happened to be in the middle of them.

"Aw, but you are small!"

"Emma, let be remind you, your only two inches taller then me."

"But your so small and adorable! You could fit in my cup!~"

"I- I cannot! Emma, I know I'm short but I'm not 'small.'"

I saw Jenna's face blush slightly when Emma called her adorable. Then it hit me, their dating! I mean why else would Jenna stay with Emma in her room for no reason?

"So.. am I third-wheeling right now?"

Both Emma and Jenna went silent, then Emma freaked out.

Good going Y/N! We made things awkward between us and them, and themselves. Why do we say things?! Think before you speak! Think before you speak Y/N! Think before you speak! We are awesome at fitting in apparently..

Jenna x Emma x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now