Oh you got a boyfriend?

482 16 18

Y/N's POV:

Filming was long, but nice. The first day was cool, I felt like I fit right in. Me and the group are all soaring at a diner place. Waiting for our food to come then going back to Hunters to hangout and play games.

I swear I saw Jenna take glances at me every once and a while but I brushed it off. I was sitting on the outer edge of our booth, next to Emma and Hunter on the other side of her, then Jenna across from Hunter, Georgie then Joy.

The dinner talk was actually a bit boring, only getting interesting when Emma had subconsciously rested her hand on my thigh. I didn't want to make things weird so I kept it to myself and acted as if I didn't notice.

"And then my boyfriend and I-"

Suddenly I couldn't hear anymore. Emma your what? I thought- I guess you shouldn't think... I adjusted my seat, Emma realizing her hand was on my thigh and pulled off, awkwardly smiling at me. Me and Jenna shared a glance as we looked back at Emma, Hunter Joy and Georgie all laughing as if nothing happened.

"Y/N? Are you even listening?"

"What..? Yeah! Yeah— sorry just... zoned out for minute."

"Ok... continuing.. that's when he decided to ask me on a date. So I'm going with him this Friday!"

I don't know why it hurt so much. I had realized I had a slight crush on her this morning but this bad? I've only known her like a day and already beating myself up over someone who's already taken. She was already, most likely straight though and now just proves it. I knew I didn't want to really get close to her. After figuring out I liked her knew it was going to end up fucked up. But I thought what's the worse that could happen...



The table grew silent. Now all staring at me. Fuck I really did fuck up.

"Shit I'm- I'm sorry I- I'm just going to go to the restroom."

I quickly get up and start trudging to the restroom, a hand grabs my shoulder and continues to gently push me to the restroom. I see in my rear view it's Jenna. Why her?

"Jenna, what are you.. what are you doing..?"

"You like her..? Emma?"

"Haha- what? Emma? No.."

It was obvious and I don't know why I'm lying but I did. I'm going to look like some sucker who just wanted to meet Emma to get with her now.

"Yes you do. I saw the way you looked at her when she mentioned her boyfriend."

"Ok fine. What is it to you? I doesn't matter anyway.. I've only knows her a day so it's just a small crush and-"

"Y/N stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop thinking about her. She's taken. Move on."


"Move on."

"Wow- heh.. harsh? You like her to or something? Just want a chance with her without anymore competition..?"


Omg she does like her. She does like Emma. I'm so stupid, I came in here acting like I knew everybody, like I fit in. But I had no idea. If I knew I wouldn't have even thought twice about Emma. It's not like she has much of a chance anyway, but it still hurts. Holy shit. Wait. If she likes Emma she's gay. Like... gay gay.

Jenna x Emma x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now