Jenna.. shes.. she's different

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Y/N's POV:

I lay on my bed, should I be sleeping? Yes. Why am I not? I don't know. Do I have filming in two hours? Yes. Did I just get off work three hours ago? Yes. Have I been laying here doing nothing? Also yes.

I sighed and sat up, finally moving. My back hurt. So so so bad. From just laying there for three hours? It sucked, I don't know why I thought I'd just lay there. I groaned and walked over to my couch, maybe I'll be able sleep on there.

Was the 'talk' with Jenna to.. too much? No. It couldn't have been. I let her have Emma. Not that she was mine to begin with. She just, I'm not giving her competition. Although she already has a boyfriend. So I don't know how much that does for Jenna's chances with her. Holy shit. It's this seriously what's been keeping me up for three hours? Jenna and Emma's relationship?

I groaned again. Why was I still thinking about this. Its been a couple days. Tomorrow we get off early and that's also when Emma goes on that 'date.' Why'd it bother me so much I barley know her. Like actually know her. I got off my couch and walked to the kitchen. Getting a pain killer for my headache and getting a light drink. Maybe I'd be able to wash out what ever u was feeling with a shot.

Grabbing the drink and pouring me a shot, I heard something bang on my door. I was tempted to grabs a knife but I waited to see if maybe they got the wrong room number and left. A couple minutes pass and I think they are gone before they knock again. So, I do as my gut tells me and grab a kitchen knife. Suddenly I do feel like I'm in a horror movie. Specifically scream but I didn't get a call so I'm going to assume I'm in the clear. Opening the door I see Jenna, she glances at me really quickly before looking at the knife and almsot screaming- I cover her mouth and pull her in.

"Y/N! Why the fffuck do you have a fucking knife!?"

"Why do you come knocking at my door at 1 in the morning?! I thought I was letting a demon in or something!"

"Ok? Well I'm not a demon?!"

"Well how am I supposed to know that?

"I don't know maybe check the peep hole?!"

"Jenna! Must I remind you we are at a hotel were they don't have those?!"

"Ok- ok fine but put it down!"

"No- why, you might be wanting to kill me! What do you need?"

I half joked, continuing to hold the knife. Watching Jenna's face turn slightly to the side, avoiding me and my knife, her face slightly terrified.

"I just wanted to hang out I don't know."

"Jenna it's 1 a.m. your supposed to be sleeping. What do you need."

"Why aren't you sleeping?! It's not always about me!"

"I should be sleeping to, thanks for asking. Gonna go do that now."

I say while rolling my eyes and placing the knife back down, heading to the bedroom. I could smell Jenna's perfume when I walked passed her, feeling almost bad, but I don't know why I was so irritated with her. I decided to go to my room to try and not yell at her.

" what do you mean you or going to sleep? Now? You have a shot glass out! What were you doing before I came?!"

"I was about to drink away all my shitty problems, then probably go out for a drive while drunk, crash and die. Happy?"

Jenna x Emma x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now