part 13

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Vegas pov :-

It was hot day. I was in my bed with my so called omega.

It been couple of week since the last incident. I was civil to Pete. The things change after that but for good to pete now my mom love pete more. He is favorite son of my mom
His name ever where. ....

My family is so happy because 4 days ago pete got his frist heat.
All our family members are happy . Speaking about how lucky  I am to have omega with his frist heat. My mom telling me that the frist heat omega is so special .....

They are now fully ready to serve to alpha. .....
They should try new life with them....

Maybe not for me now I am worried about future how I don't have any excuse form our divorces.

Maybe he will never leave my life . He was always there in my life suck here ....

But don't think that i did spend his heat together .
We are just try to be with each other in our heat and rut .... As a roommate or friend maybe FWB I don't have idea about any thing I just want this time to pass ...

8 months after :-

A lot thing happened with in this time. Special my relationship with Pete change

Me and pete now talk as friend or maybe more than just friends

We does spend our heat and rut together. We also spend time outside together to . We still just cuddle......

Pete is not that bad just so protective towards his brothers.
Some time he act like there mom. Also same time he act like father to.

Maybe I did find a friend in him after a while someone who doesn't just wanted me for my money . We does share fare experience

He is Interested in my life . He such cool boi.

We did go on date .!
No it's not date it just we both try new restaurant whenever we are free

He told he that he have a lot to do beside just college student Or CEO' . He is food critic he have site where he did share his true experience about food that he eat most his audience is foreign.
He also make pottery. He also write online novel.

. He also love making things such making pottery, baking, cooking new dish form different contry . We did try them . We go Each weekend to see one movie some fun active ( not bed one)

We also go on book date he also like to riding book but he prepared function on but he did ride other one.

The person I hate most now is begin to be my one of favorite person I may not like him as omega but he is one of try friend I have.

It like me and Pete same person but just grown up different environment.

IF YOU TRY TO TELL THIS VEGAS BEFORE that he might like his biggest enemy that small Omega come one of best person in his HE MIGHT SHOT YOU IN HEAD

Their friendship didn't grow over night but it does slow.....
You can't tell that vegas that he will find happiness in small things like eating different food, going out for just fun night , trying new things this fun he will definitely did it.

Some time benign with someone give you peace in life. What he was thinking childish things actually give him smile and to someone their life Sevier.

Now he never want Pete to go ever out of his life......

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Sorry for keep you guys waiting .
Also I know that chapter is short now I will  consistent and come up with longer chapter  .
A lot happened in my life. I couldn't  make in university what I want  now I have zero idea  about what to do.   But it ok may I can try new short term course or  completely new things to this free time so bye  bye 👋👋👋

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