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"Welcome to 'Spill your truths'. Please welcome today's guests; model Harry Styles, actress Florence Pugh, singer Louis Tomlinson and goalkeeper of the England national team Sam Johnstone!" the moderator Liam Payne exclaims happily while all four are already lined up backstage waiting for their entrance.

Louis is torn between how he feels. He is annoyed that Thomas didn't tell him more about the guests as agreed and knew immediately why, when he saw Harry. Since then, he and Harry have exchanged pinched looks backstage but have kept their distance from each other. And on the other hand he's in absolute fangirl mode because of Sam. Both of them were already talking about football eagerly until they were called in by the presenter. Which in turn earned him angry looks from Harry. Not that Louis would have checked with a sideways glance sometimes if and how Harry reacted to his conversation with the footballer. Anyway, Sam doesn't seem to have noticed anything the whole time and even if Louis doesn't know anything about Sam's sexuality, he does know when a man flirts with him and he always gives him his best smile back.

"Let's talk again later," Sam whispers to him as Louis makes his way into the studio behind the others.

Louis looks back over his shoulder, winks at him and gives him a thumbs up.

When he looks ahead again, he sees Harry already sinking into one of the armchairs that are standing in a circle with his shoulders already tense and then shooting him dagger from his eyes before quickly shuffling his face into a friendly expression again. As if nothing had happened, Harry waves and smiles at the clapping audience while Louis collapses onto the armchair across from him and tries not to show his tension. Instead, he smiles at the audience and Sam, who takes the last seat next to him, and avoids looking at Harry. Louis just hopes that both can behave civilly and not fall victim to the tense atmosphere between them.

"Nice that you are all here. Our topic for today is -" Liam starts but stops and looks expectantly at the audience and the foursome to create suspense, "Worst and best date ever."

Harry and Louis both scoff loudly at the same time, which the other three in the group and the audience didn't miss. While they laugh about it, Harry and Louis give each other an annoyed look and look away at the same time. Louis curses Thomas at this moment and feverishly considers whether he can fire him without notice.

But it starts right away and Florence is encouraged to start. With fingers crossed in his lap, Louis tries to keep his composure and pretends to be listening. He laughs with the audience when they laugh and makes a horrified face when they murmur loudly. But inside he's in absolute panic because what the hell is he going to say when it's his turn?

How do you tell an audience of millions with your ex boyfriend present that your best date was Harry. But also your worst, because even if it led to his great love, in hindsight it was the worst. If he had never gotten involved with Harry then he wouldn't be sitting here today, with everything that was ever sacred to him broken.

"Louis?" he is suddenly torn from his thoughts.

Louis looks up, startled. "Excuse me what?"

Liam gives him a knowing and sympathetic look. Of course, everyone knows about Harry and his past and the mud battles that followed. "I asked you how is it for you being single? Do you have enough dates to spill the truth?"

Louis just decides to pretend Harry isn't there. As if everything was fine.

"Oh yeah. I moved on from dating models to football players, because they have better stamina," he replies and winks at Sam, who licks his lips with a grin. Louis thinks it's a bit sexy but quickly looks away and chuckles when he sees Liam and Florence smirk. Unlike Harry, who rolls his eyes and crosses his leg in annoyance. He sits there like a diva and Louis finds that a bit sexy too.

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