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Although Louis would have guessed that Sam's and Harry's part would have been filmed again after the incident like the show was originally planned, it turned out very differently. Everything was just left as it was and that's exactly what Thomas tells him at this moment after Louis took annoyed the call.

"You two are an absolute disaster! If I were Harry's manager I would definitely have a screaming fit, but I'm about to have one with you too, Louis!"

Louis snorts loudly. "You'd best be very quiet Thomas! You let me run into the open knife without warning! Your damn job was to let me know beforehand that Harry was there. Maybe it wouldn't have happened then! But that was your plan all along, wasn't it? Not that I wouldn't appear if I had known beforehand, right? Don't you dare blame me. I'm so mad at you."

"You are an artist Louis and I expect no matter what circumstance professionalism of you. With or without my warning. You're not a teenager anymore Louis. In case you forgot - you're 31 years old!" Thomas hisses back.

"Fuck you. I will not enter into another contract with you and this shitty management. And certainly will no longer discuss how I should behave. Do you know why? Because I'm a human being with feelings and I will not pretend just to please you. Now just tell me if we're going to film the show again and if when!"

"No, they want to broadcast it just as much. You both make a mockery of yourselves but you know what? I don't care anymore. We have just as little interest in renewing a contract. Let someone else deal with you!"

"Nice! Then we'll both finally be free of each other in a years time," Louis says in a particularly friendly manner and rolls his eyes. After that, Louis hangs up without another word and buries his face in his hands.

"Fuck," he murmurs softly.

Because he knows that the tabloids will make a huge story out of it as soon as the show has aired. But it does not matter. Actually, anything doesn't matter because what bothers Louis the most is that Harry didn't get in touch as discussed. It's only early afternoon, but after their sex and the way they both assured themselves, he thought he'd already had a message from Harry.

Nervously, he gets up from his chair in his kitchen and begins to walk around the empty and oversized house. He just doesn't know what to do with himself because Krystal got back to her husband late last night after escorting him home.

"Do you want to finally tell me what happened?" Krystal asked as they both collapsed onto the sofa and she pulled Louis into a sideway hug.

Louis snuggled his head on her shoulder and stared at the ceiling while trying to put it all into words. "We had sex."

"We heard that," Krystal chuckled softly.

Louis looked up in horror. "How long did you guys stand in front of the room? My god, that's so embarrassing."

While his cheeks were getting warm and he was certainly red as a tomato, Krystal ruffled his hair and grinned. "It was like when you pass a car accident and you can't look away."

"Can we please stop talking about how we had sex for you all to hear? Thank you very much," Louis whimpered.

"Naturally. So, were there any talks or how did you end up having sex?"

"Yes we talked to each other. Harry still loves me as much as I love him. And we want back what we had. But I'm not going to make it easy for him, Krystal."

Krystal nodded and both were silent for a moment. Louis relaxed more and more while Krystal ran her fingers through his hair over and over again.

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