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It's finally time to go back to Hogwarts.
My Christmas has been lonely.
Sirius never came back and I'm glad for it, I would have feared for him if he did, it wouldn't have been good for him, but I knew James wouldn't let him back whether he wanted to come back or not.
Thinking about James hurts. I haven't heard from James since his last letter. He never wrote back and I never wrote to him, in respect of his wishes.
I've had no one.
Two days after Christmas, we had a visit from Mrs Potter. I didn't see her myself but I eavesdropped on the conversation between her and my mother.
"What brings you here, Euphemia?" Asked Mother
"I just came to let you know your son is fine, Walburga" Mrs Potter had replied
"I don't recall asking for an update on Sirius. And he is no son of mine, not anymore"
"What you did to that sweet, innocent boy is disgusting and I'm glad you're not expecting him back because I was never going to let him return to this godforsaken house, not ever. Now, I'd like to take Regulus off of your hands too, this is clearly an unsafe household for a child to be brought up in"
I remember my heart fluttering with hope in that moment and also with warmth at the thought that Mrs Potter cares enough to try this hard, to fight for me.
"You have no right to comment on what goes on in this household! Sirius deserved to be punished and I say good riddance to him, he was a horrible heir, he is no son of mine. As for Regulus, he is my most prized possession, he is my sole heir, he will remain in this household. You are no longer allowed on these premises, Euphemia, if you step foot here again I will not hesitate"
"Are you threatening me, Walburga?"
"If the shoe fits"
"I will find a way to ensure Regulus' safety, and if I find out you've harmed that boy in any way I will withstand your threats to get him out"
"Get out"
"No need to tell me twice"
With that Mrs Potter had left, taking my hopes with her.
After that my mother had given me 50 lashings because she suspected I was conspiring with the Potters and making an escape plan.
It's been a week since that interaction and I'm finally leaving 12 Grimmuald Place and making my way to Kings Cross station so I can spend the next few months at Hogwarts before I'm subjected to this godforsaken house at Easter.
I say goodbye to my parents and board the Hogwarts Express. As soon as I step foot on the train I feel a massive weight lifted from my shoulders and I feel myself relax.
I walk down the train trying to find an empty car. As I'm walking down the train I come across a car containing my brother, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and of course, James Potter. My heart leaps at the sight of James. I've missed him. I just want to wrap him up in my arms and kiss him and tell him how much I love him, but I can't because right now he probably hates me.
For some reason, I think it'd be a good idea to have a chat with my brother, so I open the door of the car which immediately turns everyone's attention on to me.
"Oh, hey, Reg" says Sirius.
He's quiet and I hate it, he's never quiet. He should be loud and bubbly like he always is. In this moment I despise my parent, more than I ever have. How dare they take that away from him. How dare they strip him down to this. How dare they do this, what gives them the right to change him this way?
"Hey" I reply
"Is there a reason you're here?" Asks James, venom tainting his voice.
"I just wanted to see if you were okay, Sirius" I reply
"I'm alright, Reg, are you?"
"I'm okay"
There's a silence that drapes over us, none of us making eye contact, none of us knowing what to say
"I'm going to go now" I say
"Yeah that's probably best" replies James bitterly
"Do you have an issue with me, Potter?" I ask, deciding I'm not going to tolerate this behaviour when he doesn't have the full story
"I have a fair few problems" replies James
"Yeah I'm sure you do, you like forming opinions before you have the whole story" I say vehemently
"Reg, how about you go find Pandora" Sirius intercepts.
I go to argue, but then I remember that Sirius has been through enough and so for his sake I simply nod my head "Alright fine" I state before turning and walking away.
I find Dora in a car on her own and I let myself in.
"Hey, Dora" I say, immediately feeling better with her.
"Hey, Reggie" she replies, smiling.
I sit opposite her and slam my back against the back of the chair, completely forgetting about my wounds and immediately wincing
"Are you okay, Reggie?" Asks Dora
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Don't lie to me, Regulus"
"I just have...a bad back"
"Let me see"
"Lift up your shirt and let me see"
"There's nothing to see"
"Regulus I know what your family is like and I know what you mean when you say you have a bad back so let me help"
I sigh and resign to defeat. I turn so my back is facing her and I lift up my shirt. I hear Dora audibly gasp.
"Oh, Regulus" she says, she places a hand on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring squeeze.
"Alright I'll need to put some salve on that first. Is that okay?" Asks Dora
I nod "sure thing" I reply.
I hear some shuffling "Okay, this is going to be a bit cold and it might sting a bit" Dora warns, I simply nod.
She wasn't wrong, the salve is very cold, cold enough to make me jump slightly and it did sting. I wince but I try to play down the pain.
"What the fuck?" I hear someone ask, a very familiar voice, one I know belongs to James Potter
I turn quickly to face James "what are you doing here?" I ask
"What happened to you?" Asks James
"Why do you care?" I ask
"You know what, Reggie, I'm done with the salve, I'll do the rest later I need to go ask some classmates something anyway, I'll leave you two to it" says Dora.
I know better than to argue with her so I just nod "Thank you, Dora, I'll see you later"
James and I watch Dora leave and close the car door behind her. I pull my shirt back down and James comes and sits opposite me.
"What happened?" James asks again
"It was my punishment" I reply
"What for?" Asks James
"First time was for helping Sirius get to you and the second time was after your mum visited"
"My mum visited?"
"She wanted to take me away from 12 Grimmuald Place so mother thought I was planning an escape"
"I didn't realize"
"Why are you here?"
"I was on my way to the loos to change into my robes when I saw you in here and I saw your back and, well I guess I was concerned"
"I thought you hated me"
"Of course I don't hate you. I still love you, I'm just mad at you"
"You have no right to be mad at me. There was nothing I could do, they hexed me and forced me to watch whilst I was completely helpless and when they were so in to punishing Sirius that they let the hex go I jumped in front of their wands so that their cruciatus curse deflected to me to allow Sirius to get to you. They stopped their torture the moment they realized it was me, by that point, Sirius had already gone and that's when I recieved my lashings"
James just stares at me, I can see the guilt taking over his face. I can see the regret eating away at him. Regret for being mad at me, regret for being mean to me, regret for disregarding me, regret for ignoring me
"Reg, I- I'm so sorry"
"Look, you weren't to know"
"That's no excuse"
"No, it's not, just promise me one thing"
"Never jump to conclusions before getting my side of the story"
"Of course"
"And one more thing"
"Whatever you want"
"Kiss me"
James doesn't hesitate, he strides over to me, grabs my face in both of his hands and kisses me.
"I love you" James says
"I love you too" I reply "but James" I start
"mhm" James replies
"You ever doubt me like that again and I will castrate you" I continue
"And I don't doubt that. I pledge to never be that stupid again"
"Good, I'm glad you've learned"
James rolls his eyes and shakes his head, but I don't miss the smile that spreads across his face. "I've gotta go change" says James
"I'll see you soon"
"How about you see me later at the astronomy tower?"
"Maybe you will, maybe you won't"
"I'll take that as a yes" James says with a smirk
I roll my eyes but I kiss him anyway.
"I'll see you later" says James
"Bye" I reply
James walks away, a huge grin on his face.
Minutes later, Dora comes back into the car after noticing it's just me and James has gone.
"So" says Dora
"Oh dear" I reply
It's never good when Dora get's serious
"You have some explaining to do about what's going on between you and James Potter"
"There's no-."
"Don't you dare say nothing is going on. I've never seen you speak a word to that boy and yet he was a bit too concerned about you and your wellbeing to be just your brother's best friend. So tell me what's going on"
I sigh and run my hands through my hair, unsure of what to say or even how to say it. I've wanted to tell her, of course I have, I've been dying to fill her in on every little detail. She's my Dora, I tell her everything. Keeping this from her has been driving me mad and filling me with guilt but at the same time, I haven't been ready to tell anyone, out of fear of judgement. I know Dora would take it well, but that's the thing about irrational fears, they tend not to rationalise.
"Please don't be mad at me" I begin
"I make no promises, you could be conspiring against something" Dora replies,  small smile on her face, causing a smile to grow on my face.
"James is kinda, sorta my boyfriend"
"Kinda, sorta?"
"James is my boyfriend" I correct myself
Dora squeals and embraces me in a bone crushing hug. Who knew someone so small contained so much power?
"Oh I knew it!"
"You knew? How?"
"Well, I didn't know it was James, not until I saw the concern on his face anyway, but I suspected you were seeing someone. You were sneaking out, going to Hogsmeade on your own, getting all defensive. It all added up, now you've finally confirmed it"
"And you're not mad?"
"Mad? Of course not! Reggie, I'm so happy for you!"
"Thanks Dora"
There's a moment of comfortable silence between us before a sudden fear fills me "promise not to tell anyone" I say
"Of course I wouldn't, Reggie, that's not my story to tell"
"I know it's just, you're the first person I've told, not even Evan and Barty know"
"They have their suspicions"
"They don't know for sure though so it's still up to you to confirm it"
"That's true I guess, I just don't want the whole of Hogwarts to know. I especially don't want Sirius to know, he'd hit the roof"
"Reggie, your secret is safe with me"
In that moment I feel both safe and calm. Everything is okay.


Hello there my lovelies!

Reggie is finally out to someone!! We all knew Dora had to be the first one to know, it just made sense. Anyways I hope you enjoyed! I'll see you in the next one! Have the best day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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