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TW: depictions of torture and murder

I watch Regulus leave my dorm room, leaving just Sirius and I.
"Really, James? You two break up with your partners and immediately start shagging?" Sirius asks, his tone strict which makes me feel as though I'm being told off.
"I just can't stay away" I reply with a shrug
"Fuck sake, James" Sirius curses
"Look, I'd love to sit and chat about how much I love fucking your brother, mate, I really would, but I have to go, gotta go speak to someone" I state and before Sirius can reply, I leave the dorm room.
Soon enough, I end up at the staircase that leads to Dumbledore's office.
"Liquorice" I say and the staircase opens up, revealing the stairs that lead to Dumbledore's large circular office.
I knock on the door three times and wait patiently. The door opens and Professor Dumbledore is stood before me.
"Mr Potter, come in" says Dumbledore, moving aside which allows me to slip inside the office which is exactly what I do.
Dumbledore walks over to his desk and sits behind it, gesturing to a seat opposite him which I take a seat in.
"How can I help you, Mr Potter?" Asks Dumbledore
"Do you remember how I asked you to look out for Regulus? To protect him?" I ask
"I do, yes" Dumbledore replies
"It may interest you to know that Regulus was called to a Death Eater attack"
"Yes, in Hogsmeade, I'm aware"
"You knew about it?"
"I did"
"And you didn't stop him? Didn't help him?"
"It was not my place to do so"
"It is exactly your job! You said you would protect him!"
"I'm doing the best that I can"
"You're not doing enough!"
Dumbledore stares at me pointedly. If this were any other occasion,  I would apologise profusely, but this is about Regulus, and I won't apologise for fighting for Regulus' safety, I will not lose him, especially not to this war, not before our time. I've barely had time to love him yet, I'm not going to lose him any time soon.
"I suggest you think about who you are talking to" Dumbledore warns sternly
"I'm well aware of who I'm talking to" I retort "I am usually a respectful man, but my respect only stretches so far and I will not stand by and watch as the people I love are tortured and torn to shreds until they are nothing but the ghost of who they used to be, so excuse me if I seem a little bit tetchy for once in my life" I continue
"I understand your frustration, but there is only so much I can do" Dumbledore replies
"Well, if that's the case then we're all doomed" I say before I storm out of his office.
I walk back to the Gryffindor Common Room in a foul mood and on my way there I bump into someone.
"Watch it, James" says Peter
"Sorry, Pete, I didn't see you" I mutter
"Yeah, you never do" Peter retorts
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask, in absolutely no mood to beat around the bush
"I mean that you never seem to see me, ever, it seems like you, Sirius and Remus have your little trio and I just tag along when it's convenient for you" Peter replies angrily
"That's ridiculous, Pete, you're being stupid"
"Yeah, that's me, Peter Pettigrew, James Potter's stupid friend"
"Why are you being like this out of nowhere?"
"Because I'm fucking fed up! You guys all focus on your own problems you've hardly even noticed I never hang out with you anymore, you don't even know that I've been dating Florence Hyland from Ravenclaw for six months now, none of you seem to give a flying fuck about me so why on Earth would I give a single shit about caring about you lot? Why should I bother beating around the bush when none of you ever bother to even check in on me?"
"It's not like you've been trying to get our attention is it? You just walk off without a word"
"Oh classic, Potter, never taking any fucking responsibility for his actions"
"Why do I have to do everything? I take care of fucking everyone and all anyone does is give me shit, like you're doing now! Why am I the one that has to check in on everyone all the fucking time? Why couldn't you have told us you wanted to talk, given us an update on how things were with you? Why didn't you just confront us properly and sort things out sooner, hmm? Did you fancy a bit of drama? Wanted your main character moment? Well here it is, Pete, here's your fifteen minutes of fucking fame, take it while you can before you decide to bottle everything up for another six months and explode at me again sometime at the end of the year"
"You're a right prick you know that?"
"Oh yeah? Fucking bite me"
I storm off and continue back to Gryffindor Tower
"Don't you just look like a bundle of joy?" Asks The Fat Lady
"Wow, great one, crack another joke why don't you?" I ask, rolling my eyes "Cabert Draconus" I say bluntly
The Fat Lady huffs at me before swinging open, gaining me access to Gryffindor Common Room.
"What's up with you, Prongs?" Asks Sirius who is currently cuddling up to Remus by the fire.
"Nothing, I'm going to bed" I reply, my tone clipped
"You sure, mate? You sound pissed off" Sirius presses
"That's because I am, I'm going to bed" I reply shortly.
Sirius nods but doesn't say anything, letting me continue to the staircase so I can head up to my dorm room.
"Hey, James" Lily says just before I reach the staircase
"Hi, Lils" I reply trying not to snap at her
"You look a bit...tense, reckon I could help with that?" Asks Lily, stroking my arm and catching her bottom lip between her teeth.
I may be pissed off, but my body doesn't care about that, I stare at her bottom lip being chewed by her teeth and I can't help but lick my lips and bite my own bottom lip.
Maybe some stress relief would be beneficial
"I don't feel like being all that gentle if I'm honest" I reply flatly
"Who said I wanted gentle?" Asks Lily
I take her hand in mine and lead her up to my dorm.
As soon as the door is closed I pull her in for a rough, hard, lustful kiss as I begin removing my clothes and she removes hers.
I walk her over to the bed and lay her down "You sure you want to?" I ask because no matter what mood I'm in consent is always key.
"I do, are you sure?" Asks Lily and I nod, spreading her legs and positioning myself before entering her.
I barely give her any time to adjust before I start thrusting in and out at a quick and steady pace. I leave no room for change or error, I just keep going. The room is soon filled with a mixture of skin on skin contact, heavy breathing and breathless moans.
Neither of us last very long with the speed I'm going at, Lily finishes first and I finish moments later, riding out my high before rolling off of her onto the other side of the bed.
Neither of us say a word as we both catch our breath.
"You weren't kidding about not being gentle" Lily comments breathlessly
"No I was not" I reply, feeling a bit better, but still rather pissed off
"You wanna talk about it?" Lily asks
"Not particularly" I reply
"Are you sure?" Asks Lily
"One hundred per cent" I reply and Lily nods.
A few moments later she rolls off of the bed and starts to re-dress
"That was fun" Lily says and I nod, humming in response
"You don't want me to stay do you?" Asks Lily
"No I'm good here, plus we're not dating anymore so I suppose casual hook ups don't exactly have sleep overs" I reply
"No, I suppose not" Lily adds almost thoughtfully.
She bids me goodbye before leaving the room, leaving me to my own thoughts and feelings, to my own anger.
I close the hangings around my bed and stare at the ceiling, hoping that sleep captures me before I shout at anyone else.
I feel guilty for shouting at Peter, he was just trying to tell me how we had made him feel recently and if I hadn't have been in such a foul mood I would have explained that we never intended to make him feel isolated, and that we're sorry and if he had have said we would have gotten our act together. Instead I was just a dick about it.
I make a mental note to apologise to him tomorrow and see if I can reconcile our friendship.
As I lay in my bed I soon drift off into an uneasy sleep

I'm stood amongst the rubble of what used to be a house.
I look around and I see my parents, Sirius, Remus and Regulus, but they're held in a cage, and I'm not.
I frown and look in other directions until I then spot them: He Who Must Not Be Named and Arlo.
"You see, Potter, stealing what is mine is going to have its consequences" Arlo states coldly
"Let them go, please, I'll take their place, I'll die for them, please" I beg, instantly knowing that what is coming next for my loved ones is anything but good.
"See, that would be an easy way out, Potter, and I have always loved a challenge" He Who Must Not Be Named replies, his voice serpent-like, it sends a cold shiver down my spine.
The Dark Lord points his wand at the cage and Arlo follows "Crucio" they say in unison and immediately, everyone that I love is being tortured simultaneously, causing a cacophony of screams that make my skin crawl.
I raise my own wand but they catch me, and soon enough their wands are both pointed at me "Crucio" they say in unison once more.
Hot, searing pain encapsulates me, clinging on to every inch of my body, every nerve ending in my nervous system. I hear myself scream and feel myself writhe under the relentless, continuous pain, but it's useless, there's no escape.
I feel like I could pass out, the pain continues until it stops, and I feel a wave of relief flood through me.
However, that relief is quickly stamped out of me when I feel black vines wrapping around me, holding me in place facing the cage holding everyone that I love.
"Arlo, would you like to do the honours?" Asks the Dark Lord
"With pleasure" Arlo replies
He opens the cage and brings out my Mother who is shaking violently under his grasp "Avada Kedavra" He says almost bored and I watch my Mother go limp and her body hit the floor, and I'm completely helpless. I then watch as Arlo kills each and everyone of them, one right after the other, despite my pleads, cries and screams.

I'm shaken awake by Sirius who looks at me with wild, concerned eyes. I grip onto him and give him a once over.
"You're alive? It was a dream?" I ask
"James? Are you alright?" Asks Sirius, sounding even more concerned
"Just a nightmare" I reply breathlessly "Merlin, that felt scarily real" I add
"You look really shaken, mate" Sirius state
"I feel it" I reply "sorry for waking you" I add
"Not a problem, just glad you're alright" Sirius replies with a small smile.
He gets back into bed but I stay up.
I head to the bathroom to splash my face with water and take some deep breaths to calm down.
I then spend the rest of the night tossing and turning, unable to get the images of my loved ones' dead bodies out of my head


Hello there my lovelies!

Truthfully, I did not expect this chapter to be finished today bc I'm acc ill and I fell asleep at like 9pm but then I woke up with an idea and had to get it all down and it is now 10:30pm and I have a whole chapter to publish so go me! I will soon be headed back to bed after tho lols.
Anyways! We have angry James!! And angry Peter!! Lots of angst and anger, a small bit of spice, but mainly angst and anger in this chapter because of course there is, it's a marauders fic, we physically cannot escape angst and anger here.
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then have an absolutely great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

StarChaser// Jegulus||✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz