
545 20 11

It's Saturday, three days after my break up with Regulus.
It's also a Gryffindor Vs Slytherin quidditch match and I've moved on from being sad, I'm now angry about the break up, especially since Sirius told me Regulus slept with Arlo and I'm ready to take my anger out in this game.
I step out onto the quidditch pitch gripping my broom, anxious for the game to start.
I catch Regulus' eye, he was already staring at me but quickly looked away the moment I looked back. I clench my jaw.
The game begins and I fly off ready to wrench the quaffle out of some Slytherin's arms and score some goals.
I manage to wrench the Quaffle out of one of the chaser's arms, taking it for myself and rushing over to the goals. En route to the goals, I pass Regulus. I move ever so slightly to ensure I knock him. He wavers and glares at me as I rush past before scoring
"20 POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR!" The commentator announces with glee.
The match lasts almost an hour with Gryffindor winning with a 275-120 win
which felt good.
We change back and the rest of the team leave before me and I'm the last in the changing room. At least I thought I was.
"What the fuck was that about?" Asks Regulus
"Dunno what you mean" I reply not looking at him
"You shoved me on purpose I watched you"
"It'a Quidditch, Regulus, it's not a gentle sport, get over it"
"What's the matter with you?"
"Why do you care?"
"I still care about you, James"
"Really? Did you care about me when you fucked Arlo not even an hour after we'd broken up?"
Regulus' face pales "Sirius had no right telling you that"
I scoff
"James, please, I don't want you to hate me"
I turn to face him which is a mistake because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss him and how much I resent him right now.
"I don't hate you I just hate what you did"
"I did it for the best, James, our relationship wasn't working, surely you saw that"
"No, I didn't because I love you"
"and I love you too"
After he says that I can't help myself. I grab him and pull him into me roughly, kissing him hard, the kiss filled with lust and resentment. He kisses me back just as hard
"Tell me to stop" I say and he doesn't reply so I carry on. I roughly pull him onto the ground with me, wasting no time with foreplay today I practically rip his clothes off him and he removes mine just as hastily.
I kiss him hard as I enter him. The sex is rough and raw. I thrust into him mercilessly my pace quick, never faltering. We both moan in between kisses and I can feel my lips bruising with the intensity of every kiss.
My thrusts grow quicker as I near my climax. Regulus finishes before me and I ride out my high before pulling out of him.
I don't lay on him the way I used to. I leer over him and I place my hand on his throat, I don't add any pressure it's just a possessive hold before I kiss him.
"I'll let this be my lasting memory for you" I say lowly as I stand and redress myself
"James" Regulus says, scurrying to get up "James we should talk about this"
"There's nothing to talk about, I shouldn't have done it, I apologise"
"I'm not looking for an apology, I just want to talk"
"Yeah well you should have taken your chance to talk with me the day you broke up with me. I'm done with talking, Regulus"
"Goodbye, Regulus"
I walk away leaving Regulus in the changing room.
When I return to the team I'm informed that there'll be a party in Gryffindor Tower which is good because I need an excuse to get drunk
When we get back to the Gryffindor Tower someone has already put music on and everyone is cheering and chatting.
Twenty minutes into the party, Sirius, Remus and Peter return from the kitchens with handfuls of snacks and bottles of butter beer and firewhiskey.
I immediately gravitate to the firewhiskey and take a bottle for myself, uncapping it and drinking straight from the bottle
"Steady on soldier" Lily says jokingly as she shifts past me to help herself to a pumpkin pasty
"I like to make an entrance" I reply taking another swig
"Why so forlorn, champ?" Asks Lily
"My boyfriend broke up with me, slept with a guy who looks like me and is a prick" I reply monotoned, really not in the mood for celebrations
"Thats horrid, I'm sorry" says Lily
I shrug and drink some more "I'll be more fun in a few minutes when the alcohol gets through my system" I reassure her
"Good, I'd hate to admit that this wouldn't be a party without James Potter" Lily replies with a smile and a wink before walking away to join her friends. I smile and take another swig.
After a while my bad mood deteriorates, being replaced with a warm, subdued, happy feeling thanks to the firewhiskey
"Alright let's get some real tunes on!" I exclaim I walk over to the record player which is currently playing some Fleetwood Mac and I change the record, putting on a Queen record, causing people to cheer as "Don't Stop Me Now" starts playing which sends me, Sirius, Remus and Peter into the middle of the room to dance because we're all drunk enough. We have no set choreography, we're just throwing some limbs around and laughing at one another but everyone cheers us on nonetheless. In that moment it's just us four dancing to the music laughing at one another for how stupid we all look, and in that moment, I feel so happy and grateful for the friends beside me.
The night goes on and I soon enough get to the stage of being a soppy drunk. I slump down on one of the sofas next to Lily.
"Hey, you" I say with a sloppy grin, my speech kind of slurred
"Hey" Lily says smiling
"You are so pretty" I say staring at her
"Thank you, James" Lily replies
"You really are beautiful"
"James, I think you need to drink some water"
"No, I mean it, Lils, you are quite possibly the prettiest person I've ever laid eyes upon. That's why I tried to go out with you for so long, you know? I just knew dating you would be my biggest achievement, and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, that wasn't fair of me"
"James, don't say all those things if you don't mean it"
"I mean it, I swear on my magic, Lily, I mean it"
Lily shifts closer to me "really? You think I'm pretty?"
"The very prettiest" I offer her what I hope is a charming grin "I've always thought you're pretty, and I always will, whether you're mine or not"
"Do you want me to be yours?"
"Maybe one day, but I can't...not now at least"
"No, it's too soon"
"That's a shame" I sigh
I stare at her for a while and then I lean in "Tell me to stop" I say, leaning closer. I move close enough that there is less than an inch of space between us. She says nothing. I lean my head to the side and close the space between us, capturing her in a kiss. The kiss starts slow. I slide my tongue along her lips, causing her to part them, allowing my tongue access to her mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance, with mine winning.
I pull her ontop of me so she's straddling my lap and we deepen the kiss.
"Should we move to somewhere private?" I whisper in her ear and she nods.
She grabs my hand and we head to my dorm. I place charms over my bed and close the hangings before I clim atop Lily.
I kiss her once more and I can feel myself sobering up "wait, James, you're drunk, we shouldn't" Lily says
"I'm not that drunk anymore it's quickly wearing off, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable"
"No if you can make conscious decisions then I'm okay" she says before she kisses me causing me to smile against her lips.
I kiss down her neck and grind my hips against hers causing her to whimper.
I kiss her lips again and my hand roams her body, brushing over her breasts causing her to gasp.
"Is this where you want to be touched?" I ask and she nods kissing me deeply. I rub my thumb over her breast where her nipple would be causing her to moan and lift her hips into mine. My hand roams lower and grips her inner thigh which makes her gasp. I then run my hand up her skirt close to where she wants to be touched the most. "Please" she whispers. I push her panties aside and run my fingers up her folds and rub slow circles on her clit causing her to moan.
I kiss down her body as I continue to rub circles and make her moan.
I soon position my head between her legs and look up at her waiting for her permission. She looks at me and nods. I remove her panties completely but leave her skirt on, simply folding it up.
I lick her gently causing her to gasp before swirling my tongue, dipping it into her wetness. I groan before I dive in head first, eating her like she's my last fucking meal. She finishes and I emerge from between her legs. She's breathless, her chest heaving as I kiss her once more.
As I kiss her she locks her legs around my waist and flips us over which is actually quite hot.
She kisses down my neck and her hand travels to my crotch and she grips me through my jeans causing me to groan and thrust my hips up in desperation.
She unbuttons my jeans and pulls them off along with my boxers. She licks from the base to the tip of my shaft and I shiver at the pleasure from that small action. She then takes me in her mouth, bobbing her head back and forth, her hand gripping and pumping the base in the same rhythm of her mouth. I elicit a string of curses and moans, climaxing in mere minutes.
Lily then lays down next to me and I let her rest her head on my chest, placing a kiss on her head.
"Were you okay with that, sweet girl?" I ask
She nods, tracing shapes on my chest with her finger "I was, were you?" She asks, her finger pausing as she looks up at me, I nod and place a kiss on the top of her head. She smiles and continues to trace shapes.
"Lils, I meant what I said about not being ready for a relationship" I warn her
"I'm okay with that, I'll wait for you" Lily replies
"Don't make promises like that"
"I'm saying it because I mean it, James, I'll wait for you"
I kiss her head again "Thank you" I say, deciding it's not something I should argue or make an issue out of it. So instead I just lay there with her in a comfortable silence, letting her lay on my chest, still tracing shapes. I stroke her hair mindlessly and smile, feeling happy and content for the first time in days. Maybe I should be feeling guilty, but I can't think of why I should be, I haven't done anything wrong. I shake my thoughts away and instead focus on Lily as I run my hand through her hair. Soon enough the both of us fall asleep.


Hello there my lovelies!

This chapter is a steamy one (like the last one i suppose) but there's angst in there too or else it wouldn't be a marauders fic lmao. Anyway i hope yous enjoyed this one, I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a good one, folks!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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