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TW: brief mentions of death, depictions of a battle
Today is the day of Narcissa's wedding.
I've never really had an issue with Narcissa, she's never done anything wrong really, I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's nice, but she's never been outwardly cruel to me. In a way, I'm happy for her, as long as she's happy.
I out on a black tux with a white shirt, a black bow tie and black dress shoes. My curls are unruly, I don't try to tame them, I can't look exactly how my Mother wants me to, that would be conforming to her standards, and I'm trying not to do that anymore, if not for me, then for Sirius.
"Regulus, downstairs, now" My mother's clipped tone rings through the hallway into my room and slices through me like a knife. I shudder and take a deep breath "Yes, Mother" I call back, glancing at myself in the mirror one last time before exiting my room and heading down the stairs.
My mother is stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me with the same pensive expression she always wears. She is wearing a black a line dress with a lace skirt and a lace neck ruffle. She swoops over to me and starts ruffling around with my hair before huffing in my face "It'll have to do" my Mother states
"Yes, Mother" I reply
She walks off, and I know well enough by now that I'm supposed to follow her, so I do, I follow her into the kitchen where we are met with my Father, who is wearing the exact same thing as I am.
"Fix his hair" My Father says, barely even glancing at me
"That is his hair fixed" my Mother replies pointedly, my Father just huffs, the same way my Mother did not even minutes before.
"The wedding is at Malfoy Manor, so we will have to apparate lest we be late" my Mother announces.
I fucking hate apparating, and she knows that, she just doesn't care. She takes my hand in hers, taking my Father's and then my Father takes my other hand, the three of us standing in some sort of cult-like circle before we all apparate and appear in front of iron gates.
I look past the iron gates at the white and grey marble mansion with the perfectly cut grass. This place sends chills down my spine, it makes me feel wildly uncomfortable. I hate it here, and I know that I will be seeing a lot more of it if Death Eater meetings keep being held here.
I roll my shoulders to get rid of the chill down my spine and follow my parents down the path leading toward the entrance to Malfoy Manor.
We walk into what would usually be the dining hall, except the table has been removed and the room is filled with chairs, split down the middle by a red carpet that leads to a white archway where Lucius is already stood, waiting.
We take a seat on the right side of the room where the bride's family is seated, and we wait patiently.
Soon after we sit down, a miserable wedding march begins to play, and everyone seated stands, and Lucius turns to look down the aisle, awaiting Narcissa's arrival.
Narcissa walks down the aisle in the arm of her Father, Cygnus.
She does look lovely, she's wearing a sleeveless, tight fitted gown with a lace bodice her hair is braided back, showing off the blonde and black in her hair.
The ceremony drags on agonisingly slowly, with each of them exchanging the generic vowels, because of course neither of them would take time to come up with their own vowels, that would be far too much emotion for my family, and that's frowned upon here.
They finally get to the part in which the bride and groom can kiss to signify the union, and it's the most awkward kiss I've seen, they slowly lean in to one another, wait a moment and then peck one another before looking away from each other with a small level of what looks like embarrassment.
The house elves in Malfoy Manor waste no time in pushing the chairs into circular tables, leaving just enough room for a small dance floor and conjuring up a stage. Moments later, a band files in and takes their place on the stage before they begin playing classical music, because of course they would.
The dance floor is clear save for Lucius and Narcissa, who are having their first dance. The two of them look stiff and uncomfortable as they sway in the middle of the room, and in all fairness to them, I too would be wildly uncomfortable if my family was watching me like a hawk. I can't see Narcissa or Lucius being wildly into public displays of affection either so that probably doesn't help their case.
When James and I get married, Sirius will be the only person from my family invited, and we'll have colour and actual music, and we'll dance like no one is watching.
I catch myself by surprise.
When James and I get married? At what point did I start planning mine and James' wedding?
I'd better not tell James about that thought, his ego would grow so big his head would barely be able to fit through the door.
I find myself smiling at the thought of James, and it is very unlike me to smile around my family.
"Feeling sentimental?" Asks Bellatrix, pulling me out of my thoughts
"Hm? Sorry, I was purposely pretending I wasn't here" I reply flatly
"You're no fun anymore, Reggie" Bellatrix states
"Was I ever?" I ask
"No, I suppose Sirius was always the fun one, but we aren't supposed to talk about him anymore are we? And he doesn't like me very much" Bellatrix replies
"Yes, I wonder why" I say sarcastically
"I know! Well, other than his rebellious nature, I didn't much like him either" Bellatrix replies, clearly not sensing my sarcasm
"I'm sure he'd be in pieces to hear that" I deadpan
"Make sure you send him my message, I do enjoy people knowing exactly how I feel about them" Bellatrix says with a sickening grin
"Aren't you a bundle of joy?" I ask monotonously
"I like to think so" Bellatrix replies with a cackle of a laugh that rubs me the wrong way.
Around an hour in to the wedding party, my arm begins to burn. I grit my teeth and hold my left hand over it to see if that soothes the sensation, it does not.
The band stops playing, and the room falls silent.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Dark Lord calls upon us" Lucius announces. I can see Narcissa who looks defeated, and I feel sick to my stomach.
The room suddenly the room is filled with a cracking sound, signalling that someone has apparated into the room, and that someone is the Dark Lord who makes a beeline straight to Lucius and Narcissa.
"I believe congratulations are in order" The Dark Lord announces with his twisted smile and serpent-like voice.
"Thank you, My Lord" Lucius states, bowing his head to him.
"My apologies for the sudden interruption" The Dark Lord adds, not sounding sorry at all.
"It is no trouble at all, My Lord" Lucius replies
"I must ask that you all join me in battle. The Order of the Phoenix thought it would be wise to try and infiltrate where I am residing, the other Death Eaters are fighting on my behalf whilst I ask the rest of you to join me, I expect you there as soon as possible, those of you who do not show up will be met with dire consequences" The Dark Lord explains before he disappears.
I see Lucius look at Narcissa apologetically and say something to her, which I assume is an apology, but this does not seem to please her as she simply rolls her eyes, waves her wand over her uniform and is now in jeans and a jumper. They both disappear together.
My Mother and Father grab either side of me before we apparate.
We reappear in some random town I'm not sure I'm familiar with and all around me fighting is happening. I feel sick from the apparition, but there's no time for me to focus on that.
I see spells being shot in all directions. I have to duck because a spell is thrown in my direction.
"Expelliarmus" I shoot back in the direction of where the spell came from.
I come face to face with an older woman who looks soft and kind, with her greying brown hair tied back and her deep green eyes and a soft looking face that is beginning to wrinkle. She looks maternal almost. She could be a Mother for all I know.
"Regulus?" She asks and I frown
"Do I know you?" I ask
"I'm Euphemia, Euphemia Potter" She replies
My eyes widen and I feel panic setting in "You're James' Mum?" I ask and she nods, I lower my voice to a whisper "I promise, I'm only here because I have to be" I add
"I know, love, just shoot a stunner my way to cover yourself, I'll be alright I promise, just use a light one alright?" Asks Euphemia
"Are you sure?" I ask
"Of course, sweet, we don't want you being suspected of anything now do we?" Asks Euphemia
"Thank you, Mrs Potter" I reply
"Effie" She corrects with a smile
"Thank you, Effie" I say, returning her smile. I then raise my wand at her "Stupefy" I mutter, looking away, unable to look as the spell stuns her.
I move away quickly, deciding to try and lay low.
I move through the battle, trying to dodge spells. However, I'm too slow when dodging a fiendfyre curse, and it scrapes my arm.
I feel white, hot, searing pain spread through me. I want to shout out in pain, to cower away and hide, but I refuse to show any sign of weakness, so instead I grit my teeth and send a disarming charm in the same direction the fiendfyre came from.
"Reg! Help!" I hear Evan exclaim. I whip my head around and see Evan who has been hit with a leg locker curse, I then look to the side and see someone approaching him, wand raised ready to do more damage.
"Patrificus Totalus" I exclaim, shooting the spell at the Order member who was approaching Evan before I turn my attention to Evan.
"Rennervate" I say, moving my wand slowly along Evan's body. He wriggles his legs before he hauls himself up
"Thanks mate" says Evan
"Don't mention it" I reply
"Woah, Reg, shit man your arm isn't looking too good" Evan says worriedly, pointing to the area of my arm in which the fiendfyre curse hit me.
"My arm is fine" I reply "Where's Barty?" I ask
"Fighting somewhere, he's worryingly into this, I think he's starting to believe it all" Evan replies
"He's just being a rebellious little shit, you know what he's like every time his dad breathes in a certain direction" I state
"I suppose you're right" Evan concedes
"I usually am" I grin, earning me a playful shove from Evan
"We best split off and carry on" Evan says
"Good idea" I reply before walking off from Evan and shooting some stunning spells and some disarming spells in various directions to make it look like I'm doing my part.
I look around and spot my Father who is duelling with an older man who looks like...James. My Father is duelling with Fleamont Potter.
My heart races.
I move myself close to where my Father is. I find a random person "Imperio" I say and I make them walk over to where Fleamont is. I make them push Fleamont out of the way and shoot a stunner spell at my Father.
"Avada Kedavra" my Father curses, shooting the killing curse at the random man I had been controlling. I watch the man fall dead in the spot Fleamont Potter was only moments ago.
I just saved Fleamont Potter's life.


Hello there my lovelies!

I told you there was angst!! However, Euphemia!!! My light, my love, my life, she's a literal icon, like the way she told Regulus to stun her so he didn't suffer any consequences??? What a queen. Also!!!! Regulus saving Fleamont??????? The brief Rosekiller??? Please I love Evan and Barty sm honestly, they're so in love I'm unwell.
Also, can we talk about the fact that this fic will be a year old in May??? That's crazy, like we're not exactly close to the end, but we aren't far from it either, but we've been in this game for a whole ass year???? That's wild.
Anyways, I hope yous enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

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