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James walks out of Dumbledore's office and turns his attention to me.
My breath catches in my throat. I see his lips moving but I didn't hear a word he said. I'm just focusing on him, how full his lips are, how smooth his skin is, the way his hair falls over his forehead, the way his glasses sit slightly crooked on his face.
He looks at me expectantly, as though waiting on a reply. I have no idea what he said, I didn't even truly register that he was talking. "Hm?" I ask, still preoccupied with how good he looks.
"Dumbledore wants you" James states. My cheeks redden and I nod quickly.
"Right. Yes. Thank you" I fumble as I turn and head into Professor Dumbledore's office, wishing the ground would simply swallow me whole right now.
"Mr Black, take a seat" Dumbledore says softly with a smile as I close the door behind me. I smile and nod, taking a seat directly in front of him.
"Now, obviously you have your mission from Lord Voldemort to be a spy, however, if you wish to be a part of the Order you must undertake missions from me too, is this understood?" Asks Dumbledore.
I nod "Yes, sir, I understand" I reply and Dumbledore nods curtly at me, folding his hands together and placing them on the desk in front of him, looking very business-like.
"Good. Now, I know you are already gathering information for me and you are undertaking your occulmency lessons, I want you to continue that, I do, however have something else for you to do. I wanted to preface the first bit to you alone to ensure that remained between you and I, but for this next part I will need you to ask Miss Evans to come and join us, this next part concerns the both of you" Dumbledore continues. I frown but I stand nonetheless and walk over to the door, popping my head out.
"Lily, Dumbledore would like you in here too" I say
"With you?" Lily asks frowning
"Apparently so" I reply with a shrug
Lily looks at the others before shrugging and following me in
"Miss Evans, please take a seat with Mr Black" Dumbledore states.
Lily and I take seats next to one another and wait patiently for Dumbledore to explain why he needs the both of us when he just told us to keep our missions to ourselves.
"I'm sure you're wondering why you're both here" Dumbledore prefaces. As if he read my mind. We both nod
"Well, I see you both have quite a knack for potions. I would like you to work with Professor Slughorn closely to make healing potions in bulk as well as any other potions you think may be important. I also think the both of you would do well to meet Madam Pomfrey once every two weeks for basic healer training, we will need field healers on standby, there will no doubt be some horrible injuries and we need experts to ensure no time is lost, or incase they are unable to immediately apparate and need a quick fix" Dumbledore explains
How the fuck am I going to be a field healer when I'm supposed to be a Death Eater? Surely everyone will catch onto that? Maybe Dumbledore is devising a plan to get me out of being a Death Eater and a fully fledged Order Member. I decide not to query this.
"Would it not be beneficial for us to have an in-house healer too?" Asks Lily
"You mean in a safe house of sorts?" Asks Dumbledore
"Well, yes, you can't expect victims to fill up the Hogwarts infirmary" Lily replies
"I was going to send them to St Mungos" Dumbledore state
"Surely that would put St Mungos at a disadvantage" Lily counters
"Whilst I appreciate your concern, Miss Evans, I like to think I know what I'm doing" Dumbledore states with a smile that does not meet his eyes
"I'm sure you do, Headmaster, I was simply wondering if you thought it would be beneficial, I would be happy to volunteer myself to take on full healer training if it was needed" Lily presses.
I must admit I do admire how determined she is to always go the extra mile.
"Yes, well, I'll keep that in mind, Miss Evans" Dumbledore's smile is strained and his tone is quite firm, he's trying so hard to stay level. "Anyway, are you two willing to take up this mission?" Asks Dumbledore and we both nod "Excellent, would you now get me Mr Lupin" Asks Dumbledore. Lily nods and stands but I remain seated
"Professor, I was wondering if I may quickly have a private word before you speak to Remus" I ask
"Yes of course. Don't worry about asking Mr Lupin to come in, Miss Evans, Mr Black can do that when he is finished" Dumbledore states.
Lily simply nods before she leaves the office to join the others.
"What is it you wish to speak with me about, Mr Black?" Asks Dumbledore
"I was simply wondering how I'm going to be a field healer when I'm also supposed to be a Death Eater? Surely it would raise suspicion" I ask
"Ah, yes I can see why you would come to that conclusion. I want you to tell Lord Voldemort about this mission I've given you. Under no circumstances are you to mention Miss Evans, as far as Lord Voldemort should be concerned, you are the only one on this mission. When you tell him about your basic healer training, you tell him you will be required to fight in some of the battles on the side of the Order so that you can maintain your ruse. I believe he will be understanding of this, in fact he may appreciate the skill" Dumbledore explains.
I nod slowly "I will need to see him again soon" I reply
"I am sure you'll need to see him as soon as you leave this office, but wait for the others to be done before you head off so it doesn't raise suspicion" Dumbledore states
"Right, okay. Thank you, Professor" I say as I leave the office and join the others.
"Remus, Dumbledore wants to see you next" I say, Remus nods and heads into the office.
I wait for everyone else to be done before I leave with them.
I split off from them before we get to the Great Hall.
I get off school grounds and into Hogsmeade. I find a secluded alleyway before I draw my wand. I roll up my sleeve and swallow thickly as I hold my wand to the Mark.
My arm burns. It hurts. I grit my teeth and wait.
There's a crack and the Dark Lord is standing before me.
"Regulus" He hisses as he lays eyes on me "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon" The Dark Lord adds
"I have information for you, My Lord, after my meeting with you, Dumbledore called me to his office with a mission for me" I reply
"A mission?" He asks, interest in his tone
"He has asked me to master in potions, specifically healing ones, he then asks that I meet with the school matron every fortnight to complete basic healer training. He wishes for me to become a field healer. I fear this means I must have to fight some battles on the opposing side to maintain my ruse, however, this does not change my loyalty for you, My Lord, I will remain your faithful servant" I explain
"This is excellent news, it means Dumbledore trusts you. I am pleased with this information, I have reason to believe you will move quickly in your ranks" The Dark Lord praises, a sickening smile on his face
"Thank you, My Lord, that is the highest praise to receive, I am forever grateful" I say, pandering to him
"Excellent" The Dark Lord states, and with a crack, he disappears.
I exhale with relief at the knowledge that I won't be subjected to his legillimency for a second time today, I'm not sure I could have handled it.
I make it back to the castle with enough time to have lunch before it ends.
I see Arlo at the Slytherin table and sit down next to him.
"Hey, stranger" I say with a smile
"Hey, where have you been? I've missed you" Arlo asks as I peck him on the cheek.
"I had some errands to run, some meetings" I reply nonchalantly
"You're making yourself sound very important, Reggie" Barty chimes in. I flash him a grin
"That's because I am important, Barty, jealous?" I tease
"Jealous? Of you? Why would I be when I'm so much cooler than you?" Asks Barty with a grin
"For fucks sake, Reg, how do you manage to insult him and feed his ego at once?" Asks Evan
"It's somewhat of a talent I have" I reply with a smirk causing Evan to roll his eyes.
When we're back in my dorm, Arlo and I are sat in my bed just enjoying each other's company.
"What were your meetings about?" Asks Arlo
I stiffen
"I'm not supposed to tell you" I reply, Arlo quirks a brow at me questioningly
"Why not?" He asks
"I can tell you it was to do with the Death Eaters and the Order" I reply
"It's just us here, you can tell me" Arlo presses
"I'm under strict orders not to tell anyone, including you, baby, I'm sorry" I reply
Arlo grips my chin and moves my head so that I'm looking at him.
He's so beautiful. So effortlessly beautiful. And he's all mine
"Remember, Regulus, you belong to me, you're mine you don't take orders from anyone but me, understand?" He asks, his voice low and oh so attractive
"I understand, but this is for your safety as well as mine, if I could tell you I would, baby, you know that" I reply sweetly
"Okay, I trust you, just make sure you're not keeping secrets"
"I wouldn't dream of it"
Arlo kisses me, hard, passionately, his hand moving from my chin to my neck, gripping it slightly, somewhat choking me. I like that. He keeps his hand on my neck possessively but softens his grip as he shifts and moves himself in between my legs so that he's now on top of me, looming over me.
"You're mine" he states matter of factly as he grinds his hips into mine
"I'm all yours" I assure him as I lift my hips to meet his, hoping to gain more friction, realising now how desperately I need him.
He takes my clothes off quickly, smoothly.
He's so needy, and I love it. I love being needed, being wanted, being lusted for.
He kisses down my torso as he unbuttons his shirt. He lingers over me as he removes his clothes before he takes me in his mouth.
Immediately I spout a string of curses as pleasure captures my entire body, causing me to writhe under him.
He soon stops and quickly positions himself in between my legs before entering me swiftly.
He doesn't wait for me to adjust, he gives me the time it takes for his hand to take its place on my neck once more before he begins to thrust into me.
As usual when he's ensuring I know how possessive he is of me, his thrusts are consistent, relentless, merciless but they feel so fucking good.
He feels so fucking good.
"Mine" he states over and over, every time adding a small amount of pressure to my neck
"I'm yours" I assure him. Every time.
When we finish he lays on top of me, his chin resting on my chest and he smiles at me, I return the smile.
"I love you" he says
"I love you too" I reply
Because I do. I really, really do.


Hello there my lovelies!!

Just for the record I wrote the spice in this chapter on the coach home with someone sat next to me
so no one can say i'm not dedicated to this fic😭 Anyways, our Reg is a wee bit confused bless. He's oggling at James in the beginning of the chapter then at the end of the chapter he's like yeah but I love Arlo, like babes make up your mind (i am aware i wrote this let me live pls xoxo). Also we have our first missions! Obviously we only know what's expected of James, Regulus and Lily but the others do have tasks too! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day my loves!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

StarChaser// Jegulus||✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang