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I walk away from James feeling terrible.
Maybe I shouldn't have kissed his cheek.
Maybe I shouldn't have talked about Arlo. No. Arlo and I have a good thing going, I have every right to talk about him.
I think about the interaction with James, dissecting it bit by bit all the way to the Great Hall.
"Hey, you" Arlo says, greeting me with a smile as I take a seat next to him
"Hello" I reply, returning his smile as I grab a ladle and spoon lasagna onto my plate. Alro follows suit.
We eat in a comfortable silence. About half way through lunch, Arlo places his hand on my thigh and he slowly begins to inch it up. He stops at my inner thigh and grips it. It takes everything in me to maintain a stoic expression. I can see Arlo's smug expression through the corner of my eye and I immediately know that his plans are planned and calculated.
He begins to move his hand further up, I can feel the need, the desire for him growing within me the closer he gets to my crotch.
He slides his hand up and down the space between my thigh and crotch and I grit my teeth. I shovel another spoonful of lasagna into my mouth and as I do so, he moves his hand onto my crotch and applies a small amount of pressure so I can feel his presence. Tremors of pleasure flutter through me, but it's not enough. I subtly shift my hips so I'm leaning into his hand. He adds more pressure by gripping me through my jeans. I choke back a moan. He begins to rub me through my jeans and I have to restrain myself from moving my hips to gain more friction or else everyone will know what we're doing.
He leans into my ear "Do you want me, pretty boy?" He whispers in my ear before nibbling on my earlobe. I nod "Are you going to use your words?" He asks. I shake my head, knowing that if I open my mouth I will most likely moan. He takes his hand away and I look at him, desperation written across my face "Please" I say lowly
He stands up and gestures for me to do the same, so I do. He leads me up the stairs and down a random hallway before pulling me into an empty classroom. He shuts and locks the door, quickly casting a silencing charm before striding over to me and pushing me up against the wall. He holds both of my wrists above my head with one of his hands as he kisses me, using the other hand to continue rubbing me through my jeans. I moan into his mouth.
He unbuttons my jeans with his free hand, pulling them down my legs, taking my boxers with them.
He takes me in his hand and starts pumping my shaft, slowly at first and I moan as I buck my hips into his hand, needing him to move faster, needing more friction.
He finally lets my hands free so he can take his own clothes off. He takes his hand away from me and I whimper at the loss of friction but use the opportunity to take my jeans fully off and remove my shirt.
"Bend over the table for me" Arlo coos into my ear as he kisses down my neck and back up to my lips. I bend over the table next to us and Arlo positions himself before entering me, causing me to gasp. As he thrusts into me, he takes my shaft back into his hand and pumps me in rhythm with his thrusts which causes me to lose my collective shit. I can barely form a thought, I can barely speak, the only noises coming out of my mouth are moans and the occasional swear word.
I climax before Arlo and he finishes minutes after me. He turns me over when he's finished and kisses me "Merry Christmas" he says with a grin. I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless "Merry Christmas" I reply, kissing him.
We both redress and leave the classroom, our fingers interlaced.
On the way back to the dungeons we spot James, Sirius, Remus and Peter turning the corner and I tense slightly. I see James spot me and his happy expression falters. Then Sirius spots me and excuses himself from his group who walk on without him.
Sirius approaches me "Arlo, mate, mind letting me have a word with Reggie alone?" Asks Sirius. Arlo looks at me and I nod, letting him know that it's okay. Arlo lets go of my hand and walks off without me, leaving just me and my brother.
"Let's head into a classroom for some privacy" Sirius states and opens the door next to the classroom Arlo and I were just in which I'm weirdly relieved about, something about having a chat with my brother in a room I just had sex in feels wrong.
"I haven't spoken to you since September, come to shout at me some more?" I ask bitterly, I'm still mad at him
"I'm sorry, Reggie, I really am. I was mad, but I shouldn't have been, it wasn't fair on you and I really am sorry about that" Sirius replies, and then he engulfs me in a hug and I suddenly feel the need to cry into his shoulder, but I don't.
"I'm sorry too, I said some things that weren't fair. I should have never even suggested that you were never there for me, you're the one who's been there for me the most and it was wrong of me to disregard that"
Sirius smiles at me and I can see the relief flood through him as I admit that he is a good brother. I hate to think that he's been worried about being a bad brother since September
"How are you feeling about going home tomorrow?" Sirius asks tentatively. I scoff and shake my head "I'm not exactly excited about it, but I think it won't be an absolute horror show. There's a meeting on the 23rd of December so Mother and Father should be in good moods" I reply
"I wish I could get you out of there"
"Then they would definitely kill you for sure, you robbed them of one heir, to rob them of two would be down right treasonous in their eyes" I try to offer a grin but it was fruitless "I assume you're staying at the Potter's?" I ask, changing the subject. Sirius nods.
"I tried to tell James I'd stay here for Christmas, I know I'd never be allowed to step foot in Grimmuald Place while our parents walk this Earth, even if I wanted to, but I didn't want to be extra baggage on Effie and Monty, but of course, Saint Potter had to take me in, he loves taking in strays, it's why we still keep Pete around" Sirius replies
"I thought you guys liked Peter?"
"He's alright he's just...odd, doesn't really glue as well as the rest of us do. He tries though, bless him, and he's never done anything wrong to any of us, wouldn't hurt a fly would our Pete"
"Is that why you call him wormy? Because he's the least favourite?"
Sirius smirks and shakes his head " that's a little inside joke, if you will" Sirius replies. Sensing that he wasn't going to expand on that, I change the subject.
"Do you all go to James' for Christmas?"
"Not all of us, just me, Pete sometimes comes to the Potter's Christmas Party, but Remus is never allowed to leave the boys home unless it's to go to school, he has to leave the boys home after easter given that he'll be 16 by that point but Effie and Monty are going to take him in so he'll be at the Potter's next year too" Sirius suddenly stops talking and his face falls "Sorry, I realise you didn't ask for that information, I get carried away" Sirius apologises
"No, it's okay" I reply, offering him a weak smile. In truth, I am rather jealous of Sirius' happy Christmas plans knowing that I'll be returning to Grimmuald Place, probably having a terrible Christmas one that most definitely pales in comparison to Sirius'.
"Are you going to go to that meeting?" Sirius asks nervously
"I have no choice" I reply sadly
"Fuck, Reg, I'm sorry. I want to help you. I want to get you out"
"Sirius, there is no getting me out, this mark is permanent. I tried to get rid of it, I've tried cutting it away, scrubbing it off, it's fruitless, nothing works, I'm stuck with it"
Sirius pales at this "Reg, please, please don't maim yourself to get rid of it, there are other ways we can help. Please don't hurt yourself, please" Sirius begs. My heart hurts for him
"How else can you help me?" I ask, genuinely curious
"Maybe you could talk to Dumbledore"
"What would he do?"
"I don't know, Reg, anything is better than nothing, please just give me something here"
"Let me think about it, Sirius. I'll go to the meeting, see what happens and when I come back I'll be able to bring some information to Dumbledore and see if there's anything he can do to help me. I have it under control Sirius, I promise"
Sirius nods slowly, seemingly thinking about my proposal and weighing the pros and cons of it. "Alright" is all he says after a few minutes.
"Look, Reg, I need to say this now while I have you because I fear that our differing...allegiances for lack of a better word, is going to limit our time together" Sirius begins, I nod, allowing for him to talk and say what he needs to say.
"I just want to say that despite the war, despite the path you choose, being your brother will always be my greatest achievement. I will always love you, you will always be my little brother. I don't want you to ever think I won't be there for you. No matter the time, no matter the place, if you call for me I will always come. Always. I know you think I see James as a brother, he is my best friend, yes, but I will only ever have one brother; you. No one can ever replace you. There is only one of you, Regulus, and you are invaluable, priceless, irreplaceable. I just need you to know you're loved, regardless of who or what you are"
I feel a lump forming in my throat. I wasn't aware of how much I needed to hear that, how much I desired this validation. I needed the security of knowing I won't forever be alone.
I engulf Sirius in a hug and I let myself cry into his shoulder. He rubs circles into my back as a form of comfort and waits until I am able to catch my breath and stop my tears.
"Thank you, Sirius. I don't deserve you, I won the jackpot when it comes to brothers" I reply, he offers me a sheepish smile "You had to, you weren't exactly winning in the parent department" he says with a grin, I laugh and shake my head.
"You best get back, your friends will think I've eaten you" I joke and he smiles
"I suppose" he sighs, he turns to leave but then turns back to me "Reggie, look after yourself"
"You too"
I watch as he leaves and parts of me feel as though that was his way of saying goodbye, he truly thinks if I become a real Death Eater he'll never see me again.
I hate that he thinks that way and I am absolutely determined to prove him wrong. I think it's time for me to devise a new plan.


Hello there my lovelies!!

This one is somewhat wholesome amongst the angst and spice!! I hope you enjoyed this one! I'll catch you in the next one! Until then, have a great day!

Stay wonderful!

All my everlasting love,

StarChaser// Jegulus||✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن