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minho was out picking plants for his potions, until a heavy body slammed into him. he dropped to the ground, and he groaned. "oh my, i am so, so sor- witch- oh my god. i am incredibly sorry!" felix nearly pissed his pants at the sight of the witch.

the boy was pretty. minho had to admit. but he also had blood pouring out of his side, staining his clothes. he got up, glancing behind him. "sorry, sorry, i-" minho followed his gaze and saw the man running towards him.


before minho could think, he rested a hand on the boy's shoulder and snapped, bringing them back to his own home. the boy stumbled a bit, eyes widening. "oh gosh. am i going to be a subject for a potion? i apologized- and i- i have people i haven't shared my secrets to! oh god, how am i supposed to tell chan about how i broke my wrist because i jerked off to his posters in his bed! oh fuck!"

minho merely blinked, a small small playing on his lips as he shook his head. "no. i don't test on people. i was taking you away from the hunter. and don't worry, i won't bother asking." he eyed the gash that felix had his palm over and sighed.

"i'll fix it for you. if you answer a question for me." felix nodded, and minho brought him into the potions room, motioning for him to sit on the bed there. whenever he had to heal someone, it was easier for minho to help if they were laid down. so he set a bed up.

"you in a pack? i met two wolves last might, they tried to kill my familiar." felix's eyes widened, remembering jisung and changbin's terrified expressions as they got home.

their eyes were wide, all the color drained from their faces as they rambled to chan about how they almost died and how a witch bullied them.

"yes. they're in my pack. they're very sorry, by the way." minho hummed, shuffling in his cupboard until he pulled a purple vial. "drink this. you will be sleepy, but your body needs to heal." felix nodded, and minho could have yelled at him for accepting something so quickly from a witch. he drank the vial and had a small smile.

"that tastes nice. can i have some more?"

"if i give you more, you'll be out for the next 24 hours, so i cannot." felix pouted. "oh! i'm felix, by the way!" minho hummed, moving felix gently so he laid down. "minho." he adjusted the pillow and pulled a blanket over the boy. "let your body rest and let the healing kick in. it will heal in about 15 minutes."

"like, fully?" at minho's nod, felix gasped. "that's so cool! could i bring some home for my pack?! they get hurt all the time from other witches." minho frowned at that. "other witches? what do they do?" felix yawned, snuggling into the pillow.

"many people try to hurt us. especially witches since we have rare breeds in our pack. but thank you for helping me. i'm going to nap now." minho nodded, shutting off the lights before closing the door behind him. the last thing he needed was an entire pack of wolves in his home.


felix woke up, rubbing his eyes. as he sat up, he had no pain in his side. he lifted his shirt and saw no gash at all. magic is a crazy world. minho was clearly powerful, he hoped he could keep him around in case of emergency injuries. he got out of the comfy bed, and opened the door. he saw minho eyeing different vials, pouring them into a bowl.

"hey." minho glanced at felix, quirking his lips ever so slightly. "hello. how is your gash? gone?" felix nodded with a bright smile. he hopped up to sit on the counter beside minho's potion making and hummed to himself.

"what are you making?"

"healing potion for a customer." he poured it into a vial, labelling it 'healing' and put in his cat's little backpack.

"go deliver this for me." the cat ran out of the house and felix lit up. "did you have to train them to do that?" minho shook his head. "no, familiars are automatically responding to demands when they choose a witch." felix pulled out his phone and his eyes widened. he had so many messages and calls.

"oh god, i must have worried my pack so bad! i have to go!" before he ran out, he smiled at minho.

"if an emergency comes up, can i come to you?" minho wanted to say no. he didn't want to get attached to people. especially a pack. but, this boy seemed genuine.

"sure, felix. come find me whenever you need me." felix gently pet the other cats at the door. "what if i'm bored? can i come watch you make potions? and possibly bring another pack mate? or two?"

"you love questions, hm?" minho chuckled. "yes, felix. you can bring up to two pack-mates, and visit me whenever you'd like." felix widely smiled, thanking him before he ran out the door. minho eyed his cats. "don't look at me like that."


there was a knock on his door and he gently set his vials down. he opened it and saw felix with the other 2 wolves from the other night. "ah, felix and the cat murderers." he opened the door wider and they all stepped in. felix instantly rushed over to minho's pot, bubbling over.

"minho- your thing is-"

"don't touch it! it could harm you!" minho quickly covered the pot and sighed. "felix. please don't touch potions. what if it was a shrinking potion?" felix pouted. "i'm sorry, minho. i was curious." minho sighed, picking up his notebook.

"would you 3 like to help me make these? give you something to do?" the 3 nodded and minho rolled his eyes. they were all quite helpful and minho got more deliveries done than normal. he learned the 2 were changbin and jisung and they apologized for the cat incident again.

hours had gone by and none of them noticed. minho was used to time flying by while he did potions, but it went quicker with help. "thank you for having us, minho. we appreciate the change of scenery. it was boring at home but we had lots of fun today!" minho nodded, a small smile on his lips. "it's no problem. you're welcome anytime. and if you need anything, come find me."

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