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minho sleeps peacefully in his bed, unaware of the vivid nightmare that is about to grip him. as the night progresses, he tosses and turns, his brow furrowing in distress. he finds himself back in his childhood village, a place he has tried to forget. the sky is dark, and fear lingers in the air. he is accused of being a witch, surrounded by angry villagers brandishing torches and pitchforks.

he relives the horrifying childhood trauma of being accused of witchcraft and being burned at the stake. the nightmarish scenes play out in haunting detail, and minho's cries of fear and pain echo through the room.

"witch! you brought misfortune upon us! you must pay for your dark magic!"

"we can't let this evil witch live among us any longer!"

minho pleads for his innocence, but his voice falls on deaf ears. the fear and desperation he felt as a child come flooding back, and he tries to run, but his feet feel heavy as if rooted to the ground.

"please, i'm not a witch! i've done nothing wrong!" the villagers surround him, their voices growing louder, and the flames from the torches grow brighter, illuminating the darkness with an ominous glow.

back in the real world, jisung stirs awake, sensing something is wrong. he notices minho thrashing in bed, his face contorted with fear and distress. jisung reaches out to wake him gently, but minho remains trapped in the nightmare.

"minho, wake up! it's just a dream. you're safe."

but minho's nightmare intensifies, and he begins to cry out in his sleep, still trapped in the horrors of his past. "no, no, please- 'm not a witch-"

jisung's heart aches for his boyfriend, but he knows he must find a way to bring him back to reality. he knows about minho's painful past and his fear of being judged and misunderstood as a witch. with determination, jisung tries to comfort him, calling his name and stroking his hair.

but the nightmare's grip on minho doesn't loosen. the room seems to grow colder, and the atmosphere becomes tense with minho's fear.

"minho, please wake up. you're scaring me." he hovered over him, gently pressing their lips together. he was desperate to just get minho out of his trauma filled nightmare. he pulled off, shaking him again.

tears streams down minho's face as he panted. "j-jisung?" jisung wraps his arms around minho, offering comfort and reassurance. "you're safe now. i'm here with you."

minho trembled in jisung's hold and the younger had never seen him so vulnerable. "it felt so real... the villagers, the fire..." jisung holds minho close, letting him know that he's not alone, and the nightmare is behind him.

"i know it's terrifying, but you're not there anymore. you're with me, and i won't let anything hurt you." minho clings to jisung, finding love in his embrace. slowly, the fear subsides, and he begins to feel grounded again.

"thank you for waking me up."

"always. i'll always be here for you." they stay in each other's arms, finding comfort in their love and the strength they give each other to face their fears and heal from their pasts.


jisung and minho sit on a comfortable couch, surrounded by warm lighting. there's a slight tension in the air, as jisung looks nervously at minho, trying to find the right words. "min, there's something important i need to talk to you about."

"of course, what's on your mind?" jisung takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "i've been thinking about the possibility of us becoming mates."

"mates? like... werewolf mates?" jisung nods, his heart pounding in his chest. "yes, exactly. but, i need you to understand that the process of becoming mates involves a bite, and it can be quite painful. it's not an easy decision to make. especially since you're not a wolf, the pain might be worse."

minho looks thoughtful, absorbing the information. "i won't deny the bond we have. it's unlike anything I've experienced before. but the pain... can you tell me more about it?"

"the bite is a ritual that binds two werewolves together, connecting our souls. it's an intense experience, and the pain varies from person to person. some find it tolerable, while others have a harder time enduring it. i won't lie to you, minho; it's not an easy process."

"is it worth it? the pain and everything that comes with it?" jisung looks into minho's eyes, his own reflecting sincerity and affection.

"for me, it's worth it. the bond we'd share is something extraordinary, a connection that goes beyond words. but i won't pressure you into anything. it's your decision to make, minho, and i'll respect whatever you choose."

minho takes a moment to process everything, weighing his emotions and thoughts. "i care about you deeply, jisung. if it means being connected to you in such a profound way, i'm willing to face the pain."

jisung smiles, touched by minho's willingness. "thank you, minho. your trust means everything to me." they share a tender moment, their eyes locked, understanding passing between them

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