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sunlight filters through the windows as minho and jisung step into the alchemy room. it's their first day as boyfriends, and they can't help but feel a sense of excitement and affection in the air. the room is filled with the tantalizing scent of magical herbs and potions.

"so, what are we going to do today, potion master?"

minho shoved him playfully, grinning. "well, today you get the grand tour of my alchemy wonders. i'll teach you how to brew some basic potions." jisung smiles, feeling thrilled to learn from minho. as minho begins to explain the ingredients and the steps involved, jisung listens intently, eager to absorb all the knowledge.

"it's great to share my passion with you, jisung. i've always wanted to show you the wonders of alchemy."

"i'm lucky to have a talented boyfriend who can teach me."

they work side by side, minho guiding jisung through the process of potion-making. as they mix the ingredients, their hands occasionally brush against each other, causing a spark of excitement in their hearts.

minho giggled, before teasing him. "careful there, we don't want our love potion to be too powerful." jisung nudged him, before laughing. "oh, we don't need a potion for that. i'm already head over heels for you."

after brewing a few successful potions, minho leads jisung to another room in the cottage. it's where he keeps his beloved cats, who are known for their mischievous and magical antics. "so, these are the famous magical tricksters, huh?"

minho hummed. "yes, meet soonie, doongie, and dori. they might seem aloof, but they have a soft spot for me." jisung takes a cautious step closer to the cats, who watch him with curious eyes. he extends his hand, hoping to earn their trust.

"hey there. i promise i'm a friend." to his delight, soonie pads over and sniffs his hand, seemingly accepting his presence. jisung beams, feeling accomplished. "i think he likes me!"

"looks like you've won him over. you have a way with animals."

as the day goes by, minho and jisung continue to bond over potions, magical experiments, and cuddling with the cats. their connection deepens, and they revel in the joy of being not just friends but loving partners.


jisung stands by the entrance, looking expectantly at minho. "min, please come with me to town. it'll be fun, i promise!"

minho hesitates, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. he's always been wary of going out in public, afraid of the judgment and fear that comes with being a powerful witch in a world where magic is often misunderstood.

"i don't know, ji. you know i'm not comfortable being out in the open. especially not towns."

"i understand, but it's just a casual trip to town. no one knows about your magic there. we can have a good time together." after a moment of contemplation, minho gives in to jisung's puppy eyes and hopeful expression.

"alright, i'll come with you, but let's not stay for long."


minho and jisung stroll through the town square, the hustle and bustle of people and vendors filling the air with excitement. minho clings tightly to jisung's arm, trying to hide his unease. "look at all the things they have here! let's check out that cute little bakery."

minho forces a smile, trying to focus on enjoying the moment with jisung. they enter the bakery, and the smell of freshly baked goods surrounds them. "oh, they have your favorite pastries here!"

minho's anxiety starts to fade as he indulges in the delicious treats. jisung's contagious enthusiasm and genuine joy ease his worries, and he begins to relax. "you always know how to cheer me up."

"well, that's what boyfriends are for, right?"

minho's heart flutters at the mention of the word "boyfriends." he's reminded of their deep connection and how much he cares for jisung. "right." they continue exploring the town, visiting quirky shops and chatting with friendly locals. jinho finds himself becoming more at ease as jisung keeps him distracted with their shared laughter and adventures.

"see? this wasn't so bad, was it?"

minho smiled softly, gaze on the path as walked back. "i guess not. thanks for convincing me to go." as they head back to the cottage, minho realizes that he's grateful for jisung's persistence. being out in the town with jisung by his side has shown him that sometimes stepping out of his comfort zone can lead to beautiful and cherished memories.

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