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jisung wakes up to the soft rays of the morning sun, his eyes slowly adjusting to the light. he finds himself lying next to minho, who's still sound asleep. a warm smile spreads across jisung's face as he takes a moment to admire minho's peaceful expression. he can't help but be captivated by minho's features and the way he looks so serene in slumber.

after a while, jisung carefully gets out of bed, being mindful not to wake minho. he slips on his robe and tiptoes out of the room, leaving the door ajar. jisung heads downstairs, greeted by the familiar sound of laughter and chatter from the rest of the pack. he enters the kitchen to find the pack members gathered around the table, already digging into a hearty breakfast prepared by changbin and felix.

felix smiled widely. "morning, jisung! sleep well?" jisung chuckled before yawning. "morning, guys. yeah, i did. how about you all?" they nod in response, and jisung joins them at the table, feeling the warmth of their camaraderie. even though they all have busy lives and obligations, moments like this, when they come together as a pack, are precious to them.

meanwhile, back in jisung's bedroom, minho stirs awake, blinking sleepily. he notices jisung's absence and the faint scent of breakfast in the air. curiosity piqued, he gets out of bed, following the enticing aroma downstairs.

as minho walks into the kitchen, his eyes meet jisung's, who looks up from his plate. a warm smile spreads across minho's face, and he moves closer, taking the empty seat next to jisung. "seems like i missed all the fun."

jisung nudged him. "don't worry, we saved some food for you." they share a playful exchange, and the rest of the pack welcomes minho with cheerful greetings.

chan smiled at the two, eyebrow raising. "sleep well, lovebirds?" hyunjin scoffed. "yeah, they did. did you not hear them last night?" the duo blush, but they don't deny it, letting their affection for each other be known.

jisung smirked lightly as disgusted sounds filled the tabke. "we slept great, thanks. orgasms make you tired, 'know?" they all continue to enjoy their breakfast together, the laughter and camaraderie flowing effortlessly.

the pack members may have their unique personalities and responsibilities, but in moments like these, they are simply a group of close friends, bound by a strong bond that transcends the supernatural world they live in.


the soft rays of sunlight filter through the windows, illuminating minho's cottage with a warm glow. minho is engrossed in his magical work, carefully measuring out ingredients for a potion he's brewing. The gentle scent of herbs fills the air as he concentrates on his task.

the door creaks open, and jisung cautiously steps inside, his heart fluttering at the sight of minho in his element. he watches silently for a while, admiring the skill and grace with which minho handles the arcane arts.

minho turns, jumping at the sight of him. "oh, jisung! you're here. i didn't hear you come in."

jisung smiled warmly, peeking over at what minho is brewing. "i didn't want to interrupt. it's fascinating to watch you work." minho's face lights up at the compliment, and he motions for jisung to come closer.

"come take a closer look. this potion is almost ready."

jisung walks over to the table, and minho explains the various steps involved in the potion-making process. as they continue chatting, jisung finds himself captivated not only by the magic but also by minho's passion and knowledge.

"you're so talented, minho. your magic is amazing."

"thank you, jisung. it means a lot to me that you appreciate it." they share a warm smile, the affection between them palpable. "actually, there's something i wanted to talk to you about."

minho senses the seriousness in jisung's voice and gives him his full attention. "go ahead, ji.  what's on your mind?" jisung takes a deep breath, gathering his courage before he speaks.

"minho, we've known each other for a while now, and i can't stop thinking about you. i... ireally like you, more than just as a friend. and, uh, i was wondering if you'd like to be my boyfriend."

minho's eyes widen in surprise, but a radiant smile spreads across his face, his heart swelling with happiness. "jisung, i've liked you for so long, and i've been hoping you'd feel the same way. the answer is yes, i want to be your boyfriend."

"really? you mean it?" jisung's nervousness gives way to relief and joy, and he can't help but return minho's smile

"absolutely. i've been waiting for this moment."

jisung's heart races with excitement, and he takes a step closer to minho, unable to hide his happiness. "i'm so glad i finally gathered the courage to ask." minho poked at his chest, muttering teasingly.

"to be fair, i was just about to ask you the same thing." they both laugh, the air around them filled with a newfound sense of affection and warmth. "i'm looking forward to being your boyfriend, min."

"and i'm looking forward to being yours, jisung."

with that, they seal their newfound relationship with a tender kiss, embracing the magic of their love and the enchanting journey that lies ahead.

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