Skull headcanons!

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A/N: My head hurts but I'm still gonna do this rn

-Istg I've seen too many fan art pics of Skull being muscular so now I keep imagining him being muscular and really tall-

-In the splat 3 universe, Skull would have so much trouble trying to pick a team for the ice cream splatfest

-Skull isn't the type to get into arguments, but he would argue with Vintage about with team should win during the spicy, sweet or sour splatfest (idk what to call it)

-If you give this bish the smallest amount of something spicy, he would immediately die

-Skull has an entire drawer full of candy


-When he was little, he chipped his tooth while biting a lollipop, but he didn't notice until after he finished the damn lollipop💀 (he also swallowed the piece of his tooth)

-Aloha gave Skull one of those lollipops with ants in it and he didn't care about them. He just ate the lollipop

-Goggles once drew eyebrows on him

-He'll buy almost every thing from a bakery

-Skull would go feral as a kid when he would have anything sweet

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