41| his other half

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41; his other half

Standing before the large doorframe, a dinner tray in her hands, Chelsea rolled her ankles as she shifted carefully from one foot to another. After a long day of running about, helping the others out with tasks, her legs were dying for a break. Despite the dull ache in her calf muscles, Chelsea had still been quick to offer Leona a hand when she was on her way to deliver her last task for the day - the Alpha's dinner. 

Leona, the sweet girl who seemed to always be spotted in her braid, had become fast friends with Chelsea after the first few times they were paired off to their shared duties. Chelsea scrunched her nose at herself. Maybe to say they were friends was still quite a stretch for someone as closed off as Chelsea. But they were great together, and frankly, she had become one of the reasons why Chelsea hasn't been dreading being trapped within these high walls so much anymore.

After spending as much time as Chelsea had by Leona who seemed to be a natural social butterfly, Chelsea could not help but find herself influenced by Leona's ever-loving and giving spirit. So when the always-so-bubbly girl reported to work looking like she was about to puke her guts out at any moment, Chelsea was quick to notice something amiss with her frie- colleague. That didn't sound very right either. Maybe, they were considered... acquaintances?

Regardless of what they were, terms aside, Chelsea could not bear to leave the poor girl on her own. And since the stubborn girl refused to take the whole day off to properly rest, Chelsea could only help share some of her workload for her with one of it being to deliver the Alpha his dinner.

Chelsea huffed under her breath as she waited after her knocks. Had she known that the last task was to be this... Had she known-

Her train of thought was struggling to predict its tracks ahead. What would she have done had she known this beforehand? 

"You're on your own, girl. Can't help you with that." Surrendering her hands up in the air by her head.

Chelsea grimaced at her own imagination. That's not right, not when the poor girl was doubling over and crouching down every now and then over her abdomen pain. 

The girl really needed the help today, Chelsea made a face with her lips pressed together and into a side of her cheeks. She could feel a sigh coming up before they even did. The feeling of dread resurfaced with an incoming thought.

But now she has to see Valius, again...

Before her thoughts were allowed to wander any further, the door to the King's chamber swung open. Snapping out of her state of wonder instantly, Chelsea steadied the tray in her arms.

Standing before her with a hand still on the doorknob on the other side of the door, Chelsea could sense Valius's body still for a moment as his eyes stared down at her. 

Without wasting a moment, she headed straight into setting the tray at its destination and turned to leave immediately after mumbling an almost inaudible "if there's nothing else" without looking at Valius.


Chelsea momentarily stopped in her tracks, silently cursing at herself for reacting to his voice and his words so effortlessly. She relaxed to continue moving towards the door but he stepped forward and shut the door behind him, effectively blocking her way to the door.

"Where are you hurrying off to?"

With her path obstructed by this insufferable giant of a man before her, Chelsea lifted her head to look at her obstructor for the first time since he opened the door. His hair had been a wet mess at the top of his head with a towel hanging off a shoulder. Freshly out of the shower, his lashes had looked longer in the bedroom light. Horrified at her distracted mind, Chelsea schooled herself quickly before producing a scowl.

Pretty Red Eyes (previously "KING, AGAIN")Where stories live. Discover now