Forgoing Peace

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The sun hung low in the sky, casting an orange glow across the desolate landscape. Broken buildings and rusted remnants of vehicles stretched out in every direction, a testament to the world that once was. Amidst the decay, a small group of humans and a vampire had gathered around a weathered car, their faces etched with determination. 

After breaking free from the either side of the war and defecting from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army, the Shinoa Squad - which now consists of Shiho Kimizuki, Shinoa Hiragi, Mitsuba Sangu, Yoichi Saotome, Mikaela Hyakuya, Makoto Narumi, and Yuichiro Hyakuya - has been living in an abandoned house that overlooks the beach, far from any major settlements of vampires and humans.

Although they are still unsure on where to go in order to survive the coming chaos, they know that so long as they are together, they will make it through.

Mika's POV

Yuichiro "Hey guys! This one has some fuel left in it!"

Kimizuki "And the engine doesn't seen too badly damaged. We should put this in the back and bring it with us just in case."

Mitsuba "Will the engine even work with our vehicle?"

Kimizuki "This model is a bit newer from the one we're using right now, but the engine is roughly the same so it should still work."

Kimizuki's voice then raised and boomed, directed towards the person who is currently sitting in the car, pretending to drive it. "Hey! Idiot! Help me get this engine to the car!" He yelled. Yuu, as expected retaliated but eventually got out of the car and moved next to Kimizuki.

Breaking my focus from them, I looked back out towards the desolate roads of the countryside. My mind seemingly went blank as I began to imagine the infinite scenarios that could possibly play out in my many unanswered questions. Sanguinem, Krul, Ferid, Kimizuki's sister... it's been 3 days since all that played out and I still can't get it out of my head. One scenario in particular ran a sharp chill down my spine. It was a possibility that even Krul herself feared might happen...

She told me that if she failed to win this war, then the wrath of the Progenitor Council would be upon us...

Once again, my mind swam into the oceans of horrifying ideas, surrounded by terrors that lurked just under the veil of my conscious imagination. Terrors that await to drag me under...

Images flash within my mind. Brief glimpses of the Progenitors watching me from their holographic screens. Krul says that there is one Progenitor in particular that she never wants to see in Japan. That if he were to step on ground that is not his territory, then there is something horribly wrong, and that he was sent by the Council's leader to burn all these mistakes to the ground, or wash them with a tidal wave of blood. The Red Death. The 3rd Progenitor by the name of (Y/N). The deadliest vampire the world has ever known....


Narumi "-ey. Hey. Hey Mika. Mika. You there?"

My consciousness clicked back as I blinked and shook my head lightly. Turning my face slightly to the left, I saw the concerned looks of a few people, namely Narumi, Yoichi, Yuu, and Shinoa. Their gaze peered at me with anticipation and anxiety.

Narumi "You okay there, Mika? You've been spaced out for a while now and you have this look on your face..."

Mikaela "What look?"

Shinoa "Like you've just seen The Devil."

Once again, I mentally snapped myself back to reality. I guess I didn't quite notice what was going on around me as I was pondering. Affixing my gaze back towards my friends, I reassured them that I was okay and that I was only thinking of hypotheticals. In the end, the majority of them dropped their presses, seeing as I was for the most part alright and regrouped with the rest of us - all but one.

Yuichiro "Hey, Are you sure you're alright? You know you can talk to us if there's something wrong."

As usual, he is the one who cares the most for us, even if he won't ever admit it.

Mikaela "I'm okay, Yuu. Like I said, I was just thinking."

Yuichiro "About what?"

Mikaela "It's not important."

Yuchiro "Well if it's not important, how come you were so distracted by it? Come on, We're family aren't we? You can tell me."

He seems insistent on this. I'm beginning to worry he might not stop pestering me until I spit it out. Thankfully, I was saved by Kimizuki and the others beckoning us to get back on the jeep as they've finished grabbing all of the necessary materials. Yuu still pressed me a little, but after I began moving away from him, he finally dropped the topic.

Returning to the M.R.A.P. that we stole from the Imperial Demon Army, Yuu and I got on our seats at the back and we were off. The ride was fairly calm safe for the occasional banter which sounds oddly loud to me. Maybe I'm just not used to being a full-fledged vampire yet. That said, something did strike me as off, a familiar noise rand in my ears but it wasn't the sound of the vehicle I'm in nor the voices of the others, nor the sound of the road.

I looked around and it seems like none of the others have noticed it but as the ride goes on, it became louder and louder. As I began to refamiliarize myself with the noise, I finally realized what it was...

A vampire carrier was on its way to us!

"Kimizuki! A carrier is on our tail!" I shouted. My sudden outburst took the others in shock but it didn't take long for them to question the validity of my senses. Ahead of us, two vampires clad in the white uniform and cloak blocked the road.

Kimizuki stepped on the gas pedal. The tires of the car let out a screech as it grinded against the asphalt. The car began to pick up speed as we drew closer and closer to the vampires who blocked our path. They dodged our impact at the last second but looking out the back window, I didn't see them anymore which could only mean-

A sudden yelp from Yoichi confirmed my suspicions. They were on top of us and one of them just struck his blade down, piercing the roof of the armored vehicle. Yuu and I readied our blades as Kimizuki kept the car going at high speeds whilst avoiding the roadside debris.

Shinoa "Everyone! Brace yourselves! Kimizuki, do it!"

We all grabbed hold of anything solid that we can as Kimizuki pressed on the brakes, forcing the M.R.A.P into a sudden stop. I felt the back of the vehicle shift upwards and my torso be displaced from my seat for a short moment before slamming back down onto the ground. I saw as the two vampires jumped to the front of our car.

Narumi "Alright! Everybody out!"

We did as ordered, leaving the vehicle as fast as we could and getting into formation. The vampires didn't attack us. By the looks of things they seem to be waiting for something. It was then that I remembered a crucial detail that was lost amidst the rush. Turning to look behind me, the carrier had landed and around a dozen vampires are making their way toward us.

On their uniforms were a concerning sights. An insignia that I've heard and read about...

One that belongs to the strongest branch in the Vampire Army....

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