new nest

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i nervously loading my bags onto the helicopter, my wings tense too, my avian side going crazy in my mind. i was ordered by the commander to support a task force called "task force 141", i was excited at first, they are a group of monster hybrids. like me! i thought to myself, it was until i checked the list of the task forces names that my heart almost came out my ass... there was a werewolf, A FUCKING WEREWOLF. known for killing and hunting Avians! i am an avian! 

The pilot that was flying the helicopter looked over at me and spoke into his head piece so i could him through the loud sounds the blades of the helicopter made. "Sergeant Eagle? please strap in, it's going to be a 2-hour flight!" he said. i gave him a smile and hopped in the flying vehicle, my wings shifted and curled so they were comfortable in the seat as i buckled myself in. As the helicopter was taking off i sank into the seat, this helicopter taking me to what seemed like my new 'safe' home.


Of course, i had fallen asleep because i was jolted awake by the Heli and the pilot yelled over the radio to me that we had arrived, i sighed and got up. grabbing my bags i hopped out of the vehicle and saw a man with a bucket hat a beard and what surprised me the most was... the wings, horns and tail he had. My wings tensed up, the feather on the rising, i felt intimidated by this guy but i kept my stance. "Ahh, Y/N? Welcome to your new home. i'm Price, the captain of task force 141" as the dragon looking man said that i nodded quietly which earned me a chuckle from him "you must be excited, come, I'll show you around" Price said, with that he had grabbed my arm and was now dragging my stupid ass to the entrance.

 We entered what looked like a kitchen, i looked around and saw at least five men, they all perked up to stare at me.. i noticed they were all monster hybrids or such, one had a leopard tail, one had goat legs, the rest seemed to have masks and all, so it was hard to know their abilities that well. "This is ghost, König, Alejandro, Rodolfo, Gaz and..." Price looked around the room in confusion "where is soap..?". "In the toilet sir" one of the soldiers said. "Nah! i'm right ere'!" a loud Scottish accent s heard, i freeze. Standing near the doorway was a guy with short, wolf-like ears.. and a mow-hawk..?

i say still, y wings tensed up as my legs felt like bricks. I WAS WITH A FUCKING WEREWOLF. I KNEW IT! i thought with annoyance, Price noticed my silence and hummed. "Alright everyone! this is Y/N! or Eagle as they call her, she's here to help with spying, guiding the air-force team and tracking, soap, you got a good helper now" rice grinned over at the mow-hawk dude, soap put his thumbs up and chuckled. "Ghost, i need you to show Y/N around, got it?" he looked over at a man tall man wearing a skull mask, i was very intrigued that mask.. Why was he wearing it..? Was it something that included his powers? i was brought out of my thoughts by Price nudging me a little "Y/N? i need you to stay focused alright?" he asked, i nodded slightly and walked over to  ghost who got off of his chair and started walking to the hall.

 i followed him closely until we reached a door. Ghost tilted his head to look at me. "This is your room, get comfy" his British accent was cold as he turned on his heel and walked away, i watched him leave and turned to my new room's door, i opened it and sighed in relief, they had at least given me a bed, i looked around the room and saw a bathroom. might as well shower, i thought to myself. placing my bags down and grabbing out some raggy pants and my special shirt which had a few buttons in the back so i could fit my wings into the shirt and so i could fly with them on, i also grabbed my panties and bra before heading into the shower. i felt calm and relaxed as the warm water soothed the tension in my wings and body, i sighed in relief. After a while i turned the shower knob off and walked out, placing a towel around my body.

 as i was about to put my pants on after putting my shirt on the door to my room slammed open and soap stepped in with a grin on his face as soon as he saw me though he paused and then blushed in embarrassment "holy shit! i did not mean to disturb you!" he said before turning on his heel and left, shutting the door behind him. my heart was pounding, he just saw me half naked, he didn't see all of me of course because my shirt was large enough to hide my... private part from the world of pervs.

 My wings fluttered as i finally put my pants on and went out the door to find soap standing next to my door, he took a glance at me before blushing in embarrassment again. "Sorry.. for barging in like that-" he was about to say when i stopped him halfway. "No, no it's alright. i should have locked my door" i say. Soap stared at me with wide eyes before chuckling, "alrighty then, let's go to the kitchen aye?" Soap looked at me with a grin before running off to follow him. 

You might be thinking, why am i being so calm? Isn't Soap a werewolf? a species that kills avians? well.. I'M NOT! CALM! I'M PRETTY SURE I'VE HAD FIVE HEART ATTACKS ALREADY! I'M VERY SCARED RIGHT NOW! my wings were READY to fly my ass out of here! That's how scared i am! werewolves are no joke for avians!


We arrived at the 'kitchen', which was just a huge bar, but instead of drinks lining the walls there were two fridges and a cabinet which was probably full of snacks. "i'm baaackkk!" Soap exclaimed with a grin and landed on the couch near the TV, i sighed and sat on a stall at the long bench which had a few other guys next to it, some of them eyed me with curiosity.

 i saw the leopard guy watching me like a predator that found its prey, i shrunk back into my seat. i didn't like getting watched like this, my anxiety was going throw the roof right now and no one was noticing... ok.. Maybe someone noticed, i felt a hand grab my shoulder. i perked up, my wings lifted to a attack position but i stopped halfway as i saw Price holding my shoulder, he had a concerned look on his face. "Y/N, you alright?" he asked quietly. "i'm fine, just don't like the amount of people staring.." i replied back. "Ahh, alright. you wanna talk?" He had a reassuring smile on his face, even with his intimidating presence i felt a fatherly presence that was radiating off of price. "Sure, i guess" i say with a grin. before i knew it Price sat in the stall next to me, he had a cup of beer somehow. his wing brushed up against my wing's feathers, it was a sign of comfort for avians and i think price knew that.

"So, where you from?" he asks, his wing still contacting mine

"Y/C, what about you?" i look up at him with a small smile

"Oh, i'm from Britain, i like Y/C, cool place" he chuckled slightly, his tail swaying around, i felt like he was a father to me all sudden. i look at him with sparkles in my eyes, i knew about Price, he is a captain most of all. but i- "Y/N? Are you sure you're alright?" his concern in his eyes grew, he put a hand on my shoulder again. "i'm alright, i can space out alot. sorry about that" i said , turning my head away from him, i heard Price chuckle and he nudged me with his wings. "Oh, you're going to be fineee, alot of my recruits do that, pretty normal if you ask me" i looked at him as he said that his smile was calming and i let out a small sigh. "ok" i simply reply back. 

There was a slight pause between us, his hand still on my shoulder. Price perked up and chuckled slightly. "ya know, we have a mission tomorrow. if you wanna join in i can get soap to help you, this mission is about tracking down a terrorist that's been causing disturbances.. sound cool" Price said as he took a sip of his beer he still had, i look up at him in excitement "really? Count me in! who's the terrorist?"

eagles and wolfs- (soap x reader)Where stories live. Discover now