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We had landed in a desert area, the Helicopter flew away and left me, ghost, graves, soap, Rudy, and Alejandro to interrogate Hassan who was now awake and had a bag over his head. He was tied to a chair so he couldn't move. I stared at him intently, the car lights shining at him. Graves walked over to him and started interrogating him, I saw soap setting up a computer and I hear him say "Sheperd?". I immediately hear Shepherd's voice from the computer, "Soap, you are live for interrogation". Soap turns and nods over to Graves, who grins and flashes his fangs at Hassan, showing that he was a vampire, I didn't really hear what they what they were saying though because ghost had come up to me suddenly, "Y/N, the comms are down, you know the way to base? It's not that far" he asked, tilting his head slightly. "Oh? Sure, I can make it there" I nodded and raised my wings. "Tell Price the comms is down, he'll deal with it" ghost yelled out before I lifted off into the air, soaring above the clouds.

 My wings spread wide as I sighed in relief, my left wing was a little cramped after my healing process, luckily it wasn't broken from the gunshot and i was able to still fly, i looked over to the mountains near the end of the desert. it was a good scenery above the clouds, the sun was almost fully gone in the sky as nightfall came, luckily birds had good night vision or I would be unable to dodge the helicopter that flew past me, I turned my head to see the Heli had circled around and was following me, I recognized those suits.... they belonged to the Mexican army! Fuck- I tried to get out of sight of the Helicopter when 2 more appeared next to the first one. They were chasing me. Shit, Shit, SHIT! Comms were down so I couldn't radio over to the others! I'm gonna have to make these motherfuckers lose track of me. 

i heard the sound of guns clicking and looked over my shoulder, the doors of one the helicopters were open and there were soldiers leaning out the sides, heavily armored soldiers, those soldiers were aiming their rifles at me! i turned my head back to focus on getting away but as soon as i did that i heard a gunshot, there was a pause until i felt the biggest fucking pain in my right wing and it instinctively curled in, faltering my flight, then i started to fall with my right-wing limp and my left one flapping around. in my Panick i glanced over to the ground that was slowly coming to me and scanned the area, there was a forest nearby with a huge waterfall. The soldiers in the helicopter kept firing at me as i narrowly dodged. there! i thought, without a second thought i angled my wings into a position so i started diving down to the waterfall, eventually i reached the waterfall. i had my breath knocked out of my lungs as i landed into the water, i felt numb...i just wanted to stay still... i slowly sank into the lake that was connected to the waterfall... Then my instincts went over the roof, my lungs started begging for air and i burst out the water. i was soaked,  my right-wing bleeding out and slumped down as i used my strength to struggle out of the water, stepping onto the rocks and dirt. 

The peace didn't last long as i heard the helicopter blades beating in the wind, i looked over and my eyes widened.. the one of the helicopters that were chasing me before had its machine guns start spinning around before the loud sounds of a machine gun firing rang in my ears, before i knew it i felt a large pain in my shoulder, which was now spouting out my own blood. i started running into the dense forest in front of me, i heard soldiers yelling and jumping out of the Helicopter as i tried running behind the tree, i made it halfway through the forest before getting shot in the leg. FUCK! OW OW OW! i yelped out in pain as i fell to the ground, the sounds of men yelling over to each other and running over to me was ringing in my ears as well as a high-pitched ring in my ears. i couldn't move, my wing, shoulder and leg were now injured. i felt ropes wrapping around my wings, the Mexican soldiers were tying me up... i felt a pinch in my neck which made me perk up and immediately droop down.. i was falling unconscious... There was shouting from the soldiers suddenly, i heard gunshots but i was too tired to care.. This was my end.... Already..?

A long silence was all i heard until i felt arms wrapped around me and someone whispered "don't worry.. you're alright now.." it was a man's voice.. it sounded like a Korean....? another silence until i fully fell unconscious, everything going pitch black.

eagles and wolfs- (soap x reader)Where stories live. Discover now