interrogation is boring

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Graves roughly pushed Valeria into the cell that poses as a storage container, i followed them in along with the others, Alejandro was noticeably quiet on the helicopter ride, and he was staring over at Valeria with anger? sadness? surprise? His expression was weird. i kept an eye on him, from what i can tell he's really pissed...

Graves: have a seat

Valeria does that, i walk up next to Soap, my wings brushed up against his side and he turns his head to grin at me, my smile back. Then that thought struck me when Valeria was talking to me back at that party.. i knew werewolf's kill Avians but... i shrug it off and look back to the task at hand.

Graves: Alright, how do you two know each other?

Alejandro: know is a strong word

Valeria: Las palabras fuertes son importantes. Nuestra palabra vale ¿verdad? (Strong words are important. Our word is worth right?)

Alejandro: Vete al puto infierno sonuvabitch-- te voy a matar. (Go to fucking hell you sonuvabitch-- i'm going to kill you.)

Alejandro tried going at her and i stepped froward, spreading out my wing to block his path while Soap and Rudy held him back.

Soap: Alejandro-

Rudy: calm down, commander

Y/N: Alejandro, No

Alejandro: Yeah!? Yeah!?

as i lower my wing he backs up, hi tail swaying around in annoyance as he crosses his arms, glaring over at Valeria.

Alejandro: Sigue (go on), tell them

Valeria: i don't take orders anymore, even the dogs in las almas know not to bark at me..

Y/N: [sighs] just tell us already

Alejandro: look at this-- she's ex-military, we served together 

Valeria:  different squads, same unit. you were the wild ones, huh... "los vaqueros"... my squad was clean cuts senores y senores 

Alejandro: until the raid of the La Arana. ¿Te acuerdas? (Do you remember?) 

Valeria: i remember perfectly

Alejandro: her team was told to cordon off the city to keep out La Aranas enforcers and to prevent the bloodshed.

Valeria: that's exactly what we did

Alejandro: Well, you kept out his enforcers because you were his enforcers, huh?

 Valeria: He was escorted to the mountains without incident, also to prevent bloodshed

Rudy: he was supposed to go to prison

Graves: so, you killed him, and you took over

Valeria: i created a power vacuum.. And i filled it. las almas needs me..

Alejandro: las almas needs soldiers, not sicarios.. and you... you disgrace the army. and your brothers, no?

Graves: why're you doin' this?

Valeria: you tell me... You're the contractor, no? what you don't do your competitors will...

Ghost: you're a narco, harboring a terrorist

Valeria: terrorism is good for business. it's insurance

Alejandro: what the fuck does that mean?

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