Chapter 5

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A frat party in full swing. Beers, bros, whatever else goes on at these things.
Buffy and Parker stand and talk both gazing into each other's eyes.

Parker: "Think I could get a dance with the prettiest girl at the party?"

Buffy : "What am I supposed to do? Stand over here and watch?"

Parker smiles and grabs her hand, leading her to the dance floor. They dance, in a rather close intense way.

Later on they sit comfortably on a couch together.

Parker : "Well, I declared premed. But I hated it. So I switched to history."

Buffy : "History? Fascinating dates and compelling faces."

Parker : "But there something amazing about these huge events that when you dig down into them they're just about regular people trying to make choices. When you look back at it seems like people were swept up in events they couldn't control. But I don't believe that. I believe you have a choice in everything you do."

They kiss.

Parker : "Is this okay? Because I can stop if you wanna. It's your choice."

She pulls his face close and strokes his cheek.

Parker: "What are you doing?"

Buffy : Making a choice.

They kiss again. Buffy's heart melts.

-Cut to them kissing in Parker's room and shedding clothing.

-Cut to Giles looking through his books and calling someone. The phone rings and he gets Buffy and Willow's answering machine.

Giles : Buffy are you there? Call me, I need to talk to you.

-Cut to Buffy and Parker getting to know each other between the sheets. (Its a steamy scene, whatever you deem steamy to be)

Buffy wakes up alone and without knowing where her clothing are.

Buffy : "Parker?"

She wraps the sheet around her and gets up looking through his messy room for her discarded clothing.

Buffy : "Just shirt. Pants. Everybody needs pants."

Parker walks in bearing coffee, and Buffy turns around.

Parker : "Hey, you're up."

Buffy : "You're here."

Parker : "I live here."

Buffy : "Oh, I just, didn't know where you were."

He sits on the bed, Buffy standing near him.

Parker : "It looked like you were going to be out for a while. So I ran for coffee. Better than what I got around here. Warm soda and breath mints."

Buffy : "Breath mints. Wouldn't be turning them down right now. So, do you have any plans for today?"

Parker : "Actually my mom's coming to visit."

Buffy : "Oh, well I'll just clear out then. But maybe we could um, talk or something later."

Parker : "Absolutely, I'll give you a call."

Buffy : "Great. Oh, uh, one more thing before I go."

Parker : "A kiss."

Buffy : "Well I was going to go with pants, but a kiss is good too."

They kiss.

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