Whispers of the Wind

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Day 4: September 4th 

Prompt: Promise 


She couldn't help the fact that she was nervous.

It was something that she always was at one point or another throughout the day.

But today was the day that they had been planning for MONTHS. Literally dealing with Dareth's constant whining about not being bale to plan it with them. Dealing with Kai's outlandish suggestions. Dealing with Cole's complaints and suggestions about cake. Dealing with Zane constantly spouting history facts. Dealing with Lloyd's vague understanding of what this ceremony was. 

All of it taking months.

Months upon months upon months.

Typically, this ceremony didn't take that long to plan. The Yin-Yang Ceremony was something that only took around 2 months to plan. That apparently didn't apply if you were a Ninja. It also didn't really help that it was a ceremony that many people don't' really do anymore. 

But they were doing it.

And as excited as she was about it, she was filled with anxiety.

She wanted this day to go perfectly.

She NEEDED this day to go perfectly.

And she was getting a little ticked off at the other person that this even was even for.

Jay didn't seem to be having  any concerns about this at all. He walked around the kitchen that morning whistling and grabbing a donut before going outside to go harass who she assumed was her brother. Even last night when she tossed and turned, he slept like a rock. A never moving lump on the left side of the bed.

In all honesty, she envied him.

But, if she were being completely honest, she was also kind of loathing him.

It just didn't seem fair to her.

But then again, he had been a Ninja longer than she had.

Perhaps it was just a skill that she had yet to acquire. 

And if that was the case, she was going to be even more ticked off. 

But she to calm down if Cole's face was anything to go by.

"I don't understand why you are so worked up." Cole declared, grabbing a huge chunk of cake with his fork and throwing it into his mouth.

"What do you mean you don't understand?! There is so much that needs---"

"It isn't like this is your wedding, Nya. Even if it was, Jay wouldn't care as long as he got to spend the day with you. You know that. You just need to calm your nerves." Cole argued. Though it was muffled from the amount of cake he was trying to swallow.

"How? How could I possibly do that?" Nya muttered.

"I don't know. Kai takes a bubble bath. Try that." Cole said with a shrug, walking away with the rest of the cake. 

She was pretty sure that was the cake for the Ceremony.

She was amazed with Jay's insight about getting another cake.

Then again, it probably was the most logical thing to think when she thought about who she lived with.

Jay was such a blessing in disguise sometimes. 

But she agreed with Cole's assessment. Perhaps, a bath was all that she needed. It was something that she typically did after particularly rough days. Though, Jay was typically on the other side of the door on their bed for her to complain to.

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