Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Carmen parked the car in the driveway and stormed into the house, seething with anger and frustration. Trembling with rage, she flung her bag onto the bed and forcefully slammed her bedroom door shut.

"I can't believe he would do this to me," she snarled, pacing around the room too restless to sit down. "Why? Why? Why?"

That man always treated her this way. Always. But why? She had no idea. Did he find it amusing to put her in difficult situations? Or did he think he had the authority to make decisions for her life? She hadn't even met him before joining Logan Enterprise. Yet, he acted as if he knew her better than anyone. It was because of his attitude and belief in his control over her that he convinced her to marry Ronin. And now, with the same arrogant attitude, he thought he could just intrude on her life and change its course as if he always had that right.

No. This time she wouldn't allow anyone to dictate her life. Enough was enough.

She refused to be controlled or manipulated by anyone.

Absolutely no one.

She was done with Logans.

She was done for good.

* * *

"Why do you have an issue with her?" Jade Logan finally asked, her gaze fixed on her son's tense back as he stood facing the large, floor-to-ceiling windows in her luxurious suite. The soft rays of the setting sun bathed the room in a warm glow, contrasting with the turmoil swirling within Ronin.

After the meeting led by Grandpa Edgar, all the other company members left right away, but Grandpa didn't give the green light for the family to leave. Ronin felt trapped in that situation; all he wanted was to get out of Asheville as soon as possible. But Grandpa Edgar wasn't done with him yet. He was still holding Ronin back.

"Why should I not have an issue with her?" Ronin retorted, his voice edged with frustration. He shook his head, attempting to fend off the throbbing headache that seemed to intensify with every passing moment. Ever since the unexpected announcement, Ronin had tried numerous times to talk to Grandpa, to reason with him about the baffling decision to make Carmen the CEO of the company. But that man had been constantly engrossed in conversation with his best friend and lawyer, not giving anyone else a moment.

"Carmen didn't ask for this, Ronin. It was all Edgar's doing, and you know that," Jade said.

"Yeah, but she could have said no right away. Instead, she acted all dramatic, as if someone thrust the Miss Universe title on her without her consent."

"Now you're just being mean. Besides, she never gave her consent."

"I'm just being realistic. And we don't know that," he turned to look at his mom, his expression far from happy. "Do you know he went to see her yesterday? They had dinner together, for God's sake. I'm telling you, she knew this was going to happen. That's why she looked so smug before. She always knew. And why does Grandpa keep bringing her back into our lives? Why can't he let go?"

Jade let out a sigh and moved closer to her son, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know this is frustrating, Ronin, but you have to understand that Edgar has his reasons. Maybe he sees something in Carmen that we don't. She's family, after all."

"Family?" Ronin scoffed, shrugging off his mother's touch. "We barely know her. She wasn't part of our lives until recently, and now suddenly, she's the one who gets to run the entire company?"

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