End Credit Scene

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You thought I was done, didn't you? But what is a marvel story without an end credit scene! I got this little bit of information from Poseidon who has contacts with the TVA (which would have been nice to know before but I guess that's Olympians for you). Enjoy!

p.s. I have not actually read this yet due to Poseidon's persuasion (he really did not want me to read it). Something about making things awkward for myself and possibly messing with my future? However, he insisted that it needed to be added to my story. Who knows, maybe there will be more to this story than what I have already written? Probably not but you can never be too careful eh?


Loki stared up at the ceiling of his cell looking to anyone else to be bored out of his mind. However he was the farthest from bored as a person could be. He was pondering, plotting, going over something over and over again trying to understand it, understand what had happened. It just did not make sense; he had taken all precautions, done everything he could think of and yet his chance at victory had slipped through his fingers.

With Alita's grandfather's death well, you cannot control nature.... but that was not what was making him ponder so deeply. Sure, he was upset that he lost Alita, but he was just glad she was alive, he just did not understand how. That was Soul Stone's price, a soul for a soul. Therefore if Al had lived, then what...?

His pondering was cut short by the sound of the door being unlocked. Loki sat up to greet whoever was coming for him. Mobius M. Mobius walked in with his arms crossed.

"Come on pretty boy, you're coming with me. And be quick about it won't you, we have a meeting with yourself."

Loki stayed sitting, "I don't understand."

Mobius smiled, "With all the different timelines, realities and dimensions there are and knowing yourself, do you really think that any other version of yourself hasn't thought about messing with time before?" He gave a soft snicker, "And you're in luck. this one is from the same timeline as you, but different reality so you two shouldn't be too different."

Mobius proceeded to cuff Loki and tightened the collar on his neck. As Mobius was doing this Loki finished his previous question in his head.

'The Soul Stone has to have its price, so if it's not Al, then what is?'

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