Oh Look! Another Family Member!

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I stood outside 177A Bleecker Street hesitating to knock. I wanted to soak in the experience. I mean where is the rush? There was plenty of time, get it? Time?....Okay yeah that is cringey. I even took out my phone and took a dozen selfies. I mean this was the New York Sanctum. I was going to take pictures to prove that I had been and rub them in other people's faces. I am not a humble person, I will tell anyone and everyone of my accomplishments no matter how big-headed it makes me seem. I do not care. If I am proud of it, so should you. It is one of my many weaknesses . . .

My fangirl session being over, I pulled out the ankh from my pocket and put it around my neck. How did I come to obtain it again? Well, I may or may not have stolen it back right before I started to run, after all, it is mine. It was not really stealing if it is my inheritance.

As I expected the door opened on its own when I rang the bell and after I stepped in it closed. All of the sudden, Thor Ragnarök style, I was on the roof. There to greet me was the Ancient One in all her bald-headed glory.

Side note here: I think shaved looks amazing on women, it is a shame that not many women do it as often. A shaved head really brings more definition to the face. The only reason I do not personally shave my head is that I have done it once and...it did not go well. Not that I looked terrible, I think I looked great, but my mother was livid. That was a bad month for me. Alright back to the story.

"I know why you are here and becoming a woman will not make me more agreeing to you Loki. You will not get what you came to obtain," The Ancient One said.

"I didn't think it would, seeing as I was a woman to begin with, and I'm not Loki. However, I will leave with what I came for. It's my right seeing as I'm an Infinity Stone myself."

The Ancient one paused in her circling around me (we had both started pacing around each other in a circle the moment I had gotten on the roof).

"How can this be?"

Before I could answer my ankh and The Eye of Okamoto began to glow. An image of a woman began to form in front of us. As it became clearer, I knew who it was. Standing there as if in person, and not a magical recording from the past was Cien.

Before I say more about what happened there is something that I need to clear up. Every single Emotion Stone has the memories of those that came before them, however not every single one of Cien's memories has been passed down. Some of her memories were very dangerous and she did not want to endanger her descendants. She placed complex spells to make sure that they would go to the one who would be the last Emotion Stone and that they would slowly gain them as time progressed.

Cien was very in tune with the Time Stone, in her last few years she dedicated her life looking through the future and recording immensely accurate messages to help her descendants. Messages so accurate it is as if she was in the present with the person she was relaying them to. That is what we were witnessing, one of those messages and another reason I was distraught when I saw the ankh in the museum. The ankh is what transmits the messages.

Cien was wearing a simple ankle-length sheath dress, her black hair down in waves, kohl around her eyes, and the ankh I had on my neck was around hers. She was rather beautiful but in a plain way not necessarily because of physical reasons, but more like she radiated beauty. Yet there was a pain in her eyes. Her wrists, neck, and ankles had faint scars from three hundred years of enslavement.

Cien turned and looked at The Ancient One, "Hello once again Timekeeper. Thank you for letting me use the Time Stone to talk to my descendants. I know you were against it at first, however you were still very kind and open to me. For that I thank you. I must ask another favor of you, I know it is your duty to protect this Sanctum, but I must talk to my granddaughter alone."

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