Chapter 1

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I was standing next to my grandfather's throne when two guards came in supporting a person clothed in all black.

" Careful! Shadowmen are dangerous, take him to the infirmary." my grandfather. I had never met a Shadowman before, so I followed the guards. They set the Shadowman down on the bed and left him, moaning.

" Are you alright?" I asked.

They sat bolt upright. The black mask they wore had three rectangles cut into it for sight and breath.

" Mister, I asked you a question."

The man ripped off his mask and I gasped. A beautiful girl looked back at me, her electric green eyes shining.

" I am so sorry I called you a man." I apologized. The girl just huffed and set her head in her hands.

" What did I do to make Thror mad this time?" she asked, standing. I stepped back because I was afraid. Surprisingly, the stories my father had told me of Shadowmen as a child were true. " The name is Roxanne Nightflare, I think your's is..... Thrain?" Roxanne asked, her light brown hair cascading down her shoulders.

" No, that is my father. My name is Thorin Oakenshield." I gave a small grin and Roxanne returned it. For a Shadowman, she seemed pretty nice.


" Dwalin, have you seen Rox?" I asked Dwalin. She didn't really live in Erebor, but she came and stayed for a little.

" I thought she was up on the ramparts with Balin..... I'm not sure though if she has already left." Dwalin replied. I went up to the ramparts and saw Balin and Roxanne. She had her mask and cape on, which meant she was leaving.

" What is it?" Balin asked her.

" Dragon." she replied. Roxanne ran past me and down the stairs.


Roxanne POV

I fell to my knees and tore off my smoking mask. I had just survived dragon fire, but no mere flame could kill a Shadowman. I held up the item I had rushed to retrieve. The moonstone necklace felt cool in my hand and shone brighter than silver. I put my mask back on and made my way out of Erebor.

It was sad to see the dwarf kingdom stolen, but I had never come to like it. Even if I had became friends with Thorin, Dwalin, and Balin over the past few decades.


Thorin POV

It had been years since we lost Erebor. I was on my way to the Shire because we were going to acquire a hobbit to be our burglar so we could take back our homeland. I turned a full circle because I was sure I had been down this way once before.

I looked over at a nicely painted round door. There, hidden by a bit of shadow was a glowing blue mark. FINALLY!

I heard the merry sound of my dwarf kin singing. It filled my heart with warmth to hear them in such a jolly mood. I knocked loudly three times and silence was followed by footsteps. The door opened and Gandalf smiled at me.

" Gandalf, I thought you said this place was easy to find. I lost my way twice wouldn't have found it if it wasn't for that mark on the door."

" Mark? What mark!? That door was painted a week ago!" a small hobbit looked distressed.

" Gandalf put it there today Master Baggins." My head snapped over to where the mysterious voice came from. Oin and Gloin parted to show a masked man dressed in black.

" Oh yes, Thorin I forgot to tell you.... I have asked-"

" Me to join your little adventure! But I'm not sure if I should Gandalf!" the man backed up into a shadow and disappeared.


Roxanne POV

Why hadn't Gandalf told me this was a quest with Thorin? After what I had done he most likely hated me. I stood in the living room, took off my mask, and sighed. I crouched by the fire and held my hands by it. Shapes began to form and take action in the flaming landscape. Smaug flew around and a horse galloped in circles, trying to escape the dragon.

I smiled for the first time in weeks. I loved the beauty in the powers Shadowmen obtained. I stood suddenly and saw Fili and Kili behind me.

" Wow! I am so sorry I called you a guy!" Kili put his hands up and I just rolled my eyes.

" That is the point. You are not supposed to know my gender." I told them.

" Roxanne, I'm surprised to see you here." Fili smiled. Both Kili and I stared at the dwarf in confusion. " Dwalin told me not to mistake you for a guy. He also let your name slip."

" Whatever, and don't go asking questions about me to Thorin, Balin, or Dwalin!" I prodded his chest with my finger.

" Hey, no problem!" they said at the same time. I stormed into the corridor and hung my mask at my belt. In the corner of my eye I saw Thorin and Balin talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying so I pretended I was not going to be eavesdropping. I closed my eyes and breathed out my nose and concentrated.

" It's been so long Balin." Thorin said

" Since what?" the old dwarf asked.

" Roxanne. I-we haven't seen her in years, I am wondering if she even remembers us." Thorin replied.

" Of course she remembers, I think she is just mad you abandoned her. Oh, and don't you forget, Rox is a very skilled girl-"

" She is no girl. A girl wouldn't be a Shadowman, a girl wouldn't bear any mark!" Thorin spat.

I ignored the conversation because I knew that Thorin didn't like me anymore, but why should I care?

" Hey Rox..." I turned and saw Fili beside me.

" Yesh, watt do you want?" I twisted on my heel and folded my arms over my chest.

" I was wondering if you were going to join us on this adventure, I was kind of hoping you were... but Kili did too!" Fili said. I smiled and let out a soft chuckle.

" Of course. What if that burglar fails? I am one of the only people here that knows the halls well, I know your uncle will make me go down to get the Arkenstone if Bilbo fails." Fili gave me a weird look and I just pushed past him.

" But I won't be going in for him." I muttered under my breath. There was another reason why I was going down into that mountain.

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