Chapter 7

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I sat on my bed, contemplating what my next move was. I couldn't leave the company, but I couldn't stay. I got so angry at myself, that I threw a knife at the mirror. A shard of glass skidded past the bed. I heard a 'crunch' and heavy footfalls.

" What do you need?" I asked.

" I came to say sorry about earlier." Thorin walked in and sat next to me.

" There is no need to apologize. I do not feel you have to." I replied with a warm smile. I swear Thorin did his puppy eyes in the worst situations. " And don't give me that look!"

" What look?"

I raised an eyebrow at him. Thorin gave out a small chuckle and looked up at me. " Don't you have stuff to do? Dwarfs to boss around? I kind of wanted to be alone right now."

" I understand that, I just wanted to tell you something." I rolled my eyes and told him to hurry up.

Before I knew it, I was pushing Thorin away from me. " Why did you do that?!"

" I just couldn't help-"

" Get out! Just get out!" I yelled. Thorin looked shocked.

" I'm sorry!" he said, walking out. I held my face in my hands. Why did Thorin have to kiss me? I shook my head and tried to shake off the feeling of his lips being pressed against mine, but it was so shocking I couldn't. I fell back on the bed and cursed myself several times. Why did it have to be me he liked? There were plenty other women out there, dwarf or no.

I felt something was missing.

" That filthy dwarf tricked me." I said as I noticed my moonstone necklace was missing from where I had tied it onto my wrist. There was really only a few ways I could get it back. Threaten him with a dagger to his throat, did what he did to steal it from  me, or knock him unconscious and take it. Bilbo walked in with a smug smile.

" You missing something?" he dangled the necklace in front of me.

" Are you going to keep it?"

" No, I don't fancy stealing things from my friends unless it helps them in a way." Bilbo threw the necklace to me.

" How'd you get it?" I asked.

" Thorin put it in his coat pocket and left his coat where anyone could easily take it back." the halfling did a little bow and I laughed.  " Hide it, I can hear Thorin coming!" he hissed.

" Really? Thorin is like a troll, you can hear him from a mile away!" I stuffed the moonstone necklace in my shirt, where Thorin would never dare to go.

" Master Bilbo, come with me."

" Get out of my room! I told you before!" I growled. The dwarf king stepped into my room, then out of it, and in again.

" Don't test me dwarf."

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