Chapter 3

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It was almost dawn. I stood and collected my belongings, as I started towards the door, I felt a presence behind me. " What?" I asked.

" Where are you going? You signed the contract." Gandalf asked.

" You already know why. I can't be in the Shire during the day, it would be to much for the residents. They would freak out and-"

" Where are you going? You signed the contract." Thorin walked over groggily.


Thorin POV

" gibberish gibberish gibberish." Roxanne muttered.

" What?" I asked.

" She doesn't want any other hobbits to see her because they will fear her. Rox must leave the Shire before the sun rises." Gandalf replied. I just raised an eyebrow and gave both a expecting look. Roxanne flipped her mask over in her hands and put it on.

" I don't want to deal with grumpy Dwalin or Gloin either. Just let me leave the Shire, I will wait for you in the forest."


Roxanne POV

I made it to the forest and waited a few minutes. After an hour I laid down on my back and tried to keep myself busy by counting leaves. I was bored at ten.


" Who?" I opened my eyes and stood as fast as I could. It was a Starblocker, Nuada to be exact. The same Starblocker who killed my instructor Jackson.

" Oh, Nuada. Heeey, hows it going?" I asked, scared.

" Well, I get energy from killing and I just killed Jackson the other day..... I'm doing great." she said.

" Please just get away from me! I don't see what people see in killing others!" I unsheathed Jackson's black sword.

" Ugh, I wish I could kill you but I can't! My new master wants me to take you to Dol Guldur. You aren't like other Shadowmen, you also call on light and fire. It is a brilliant-"

" I'm not going anywhere with you Nuada." I growled. She just sighed and unsheathed her sword. The dueled for several minutes before I was brought to the ground, just like Jackson was. I crawled backwards with my arms and ran into a tree trunk. Or so I thought-

" Back off!" Dwalin growled. He swung his axe at Nuada and she deflected it. Fili and Kili pulled me to my feet and I tripped the Starblocker. She stood and fled.

" Thank you Dwalin. You too Fili and Kili, owww." I twisted my back and it made a cracking sound. I took off my mask and pushed back my hood.

Sweat clung to my forehead and palms. That was close, too close. If the dwarves hadn't come when they had, I would have been unconscious and on my way to Dol Guldur.

" Who was that?" Balin asked.

" The Starblocker who ruthlessly killed the one person who had come to care for me my entire life. Nuada, don't try and pick a fight with her. Please, that means you Thorin." I replied, wiping my forehead with the back of hand. " I was just waiting here for hours for Thorin Nocanshield and gang. Then Nuada comes and Dwalin saves my skin. But I still have to deal with.... you two." I pointed at Fili and Kili.

The dwarves burst out with laughter. I got a cold glare from Thorin Nocanshield and smirked.

" What? Simple little joke didn't hurt anyone!" Kili laughed.

" Well, that is except me!" I tried to sound like a man, or at least sound like Thorin. That made the dwarves laugh even harder. Dwalin patted my back hard and smiled. " Didn't know you had humor!"

Okay, I didn't know either.

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