Chapter 4

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We camped on a cliff that night. Balin told a story about Thorin cutting off Azog's arm or something. Honestly I wasn't listening because I honestly didn't care.

" And I thought to myself then, there is one I could follow. There is one I could call king." he said. I snickered and remembered when Thorin first came in Bilbo's house.

" Yet he lost his way twice." I murmured. Gandalf hit me upside the head.

" Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing the back of my head. I dozed off for a few minutes, that was what Gandalf told me when I woke up and everyone was in their bedrolls.

" You have the first watch." he said. I stood and walked around to the fire. I felt something rub against my legs and looked down. A black cat was rubbing against me.

" Prrrrrow!Prrrrrrow!" it purred.

" Okay, you're adorable. And I don't say that to everyone." I picked up the cat and looked into its golden eyes. It wriggled around, making her hard to hold. She meowed annoyingly and pawed my face. " And annoying. I'm going to name you Thorin Jr." I groaned.

" Mrow?"

" Yeah, because you are just as annoying as the original." I swear I had terrible luck, Thorin woke from a nightmare right as I had said that.

" What is that?" he asked.

" Thorin, Thorin Jr. Thorin Jr, Thorin. This is my new pet, Thorin Jr." I replied.

" That sure was repetitive. Whatever, as long as he doesn't get in the way." Thorin stood and walked over to the fire. " And don't start doing that thing where you make shapes appear in the fire either." he warned.

" It's not my fault! I try not to, it just happens. Can't you be a little forgiving for once?" I asked. Thorin scratched in between Thorin Jr's ears.

" How can I forgive you when you stole something of mine?" I was surprised. How had he known about the moonstone necklace?

" What did I steal?" I asked. Thorin Jr jumped out of my arms and into the forest.

" That necklace. It isn't your's!" Thorin spat.

" Actually, it was your grandfather who stole it from my family! And unfortunately, that necklace was keeping my mother alive while she was still pregnant with me. If she had it while giving birth she would have lived! But no, dwarves are selfish and greedy, they are blind!" I shoved the so called king. He gripped my shoulder and dragged me into the forest. There, he beat me so none of the company members would see or hear.

I tripped Thorin and held my sword to his throat.

" And we used to be friends. You've changed Thorin, and I am disappointed. I bet you only you would do something like this to someone who actually felt bad when Smaug took Erebor away from you. Now I'm not so sure I should feel any sympathy toward any of you filthy dwarves." I hissed.

" Just give me back what is mine and I'll leave you alone!"

I laughed. " You really don't see. Just go back to the camp, I'll be over there in a minute." I let Thorin walk back to the camp and sighed.

Nix's POV(Thorin Jr)


I walked into a clearing and the sun began to peek over the mountains. I turned back into my Starblocker form and faced Nuada.

" Where is the girl?" she asked.

" I could not separate her from the company. That Thorin Oakenshield stayed to close to her side." I replied.

" Nix, we need to get her to Dol Guldur and we can't get her if she is always with the company! You need to do everything in your power to separate her and the dwarves! Soon I'll have to resort to drastic measures, and we need her alive." Nuada exclaimed.

" I'll try, but I'm out of ideas. We tried to do this a few years back, but Jackson spoiled our chance! Now we are up against thirteen dwarves and a wizard!" I stomped my foot on the ground.

" Just go and report back to me in a few hours. We will have her no matter what! If we don't, our master is sure to kill us." I turned into a cat and trotted away. I hated my job.

Roxanne POV


We set off on our way again, but not to long after we were caught in a downpour. I stayed dry because my cape and coat were thick and made it hard for the rain to soak me. The rain didn't last long though and soon we stopped at the ruins of an old farmhouse that was destroyed.

" Are you sure we can't just keep going for a little longer? This Doesn't seem right." I yelled up to Thorin and Gandalf, who had dismounted and were talking in the ruins of the house.

I didn't get an answer. Thorin Jr jumped onto my pony and purred.

" Where did you run off to?" I asked the cat. She cocked her head at me and meowed. " Okay, don't answer me!" I said sarcastically. Fili and Kili came over and pushed me off my pony. " What was that for?" I yelled, my mask falling off. They shrugged their shoulders.


Gandalf had left, night had fallen, and the company was eating the soup Bombur had made. Thorin Jr bit the hilt of the knife I was using to skin a rabbit and ran into the forest. I ran after the feline and followed her deep into the forest. I was surprised when I saw Thorin Jr jump up and land as a Starblocker besides Nuada.

" Great job Nix." Nuada came up to me with a bag to put over my head and tried to knock me unconscious. I ducked and kicked her in the back. Nix came up behind me and I sliced his face with my sword. That put him out of the fight or awhile. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

Nuada had stabbed me with a curved dagger. She pulled it out and laughed. " I'm sorry I had to do this, but now the poison will kill you. And no, it is not a morgul blade, that doesn't have an antidote."

I ran and held my shoulder. I saw a bright light to my left and knew it was the dwarves. But how I was wrong.

Three trolls stood by a fire with some dwarves on a spit and others in sacks on the ground. I sighed an walked over there.

" What? Another one?" One of the trolls scratched his head.

" I'm not a dwarf." I said, cutting at the ropes of the sack that Kili was in.

" What are you doing?" another troll asked.

" Freeing my friends, what does it look like?" the ropes were thick, so it was hard to slice through. Suddenly, I was in the hand of one of the three trolls. I huffed and stabbed his hand. I was dropped and fell on my head.

" OWWW!" I yelled. I sat up and rubbed the spot that was now swelling. I felt pain in my shoulder and gripped it. The poison was burning like mad. " Aghhhh!" I exclaimed. I pulled off my mask and inspected the wound.

" Eh, she's a female!" what seemed like the not so brightest troll said.

" The dawn will take you all!" Gandalf yelled. He hit the end of his staff against the rock he was standing on and it split, letting the sunlight shine on the trolls. They slowly began to turn to stone. After the dwarves were freed, Oin came over and looked at my wound.

" What happened?" he asked.

" I was stabbed with a poisoned blade. And there isn't any antidote." I replied.

" Thorin!" Oin called. Thorin came over and crouched down.

" What?"

" It's Rox, the lass has been poisoned and there isn't any cure. What are we going to do?"

" I don't know, let her die?" Thorin stood and glared down at me.

" Thorin Oakenshield! How could you?" Gandalf hit the dwarf king on the head with his staff. I sighed and stood.

" If I die I die." I said.

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