Madea slaps Shelby

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In court...

Judge: So Madea, if you don't want to go to Prison, you will be with the royal siblings for the whole week.

Madea- The hell i am ! Oh ho ho ho hell no! I got a brother to take care of and a nephew to watch

Judge: Then how about you tell them to come over at their castle to stay for the weekend?

Madea- listen im having a rough day beatin yo officers asses and-

Savy: It's okay Madea, okay, we'll take her in our custody Miss judge.

Judge: Thank you princess. Case closed. *slams gavel*

Issac: The whole week? Augh! Now we're going to miss Halloween today!

Madea- say something else so i Can slap you silly

Issac: Sorry.

Markus: So what are you dressed as Savy?

Savy: I'm the girl from the fantastic four.

Chaz: Not bad sis, guess what I'm dressed as.

Madea- who are you son ,my lord jesus thats a good looking shark head

Chaz: I'm Chaz, and guess what I'm dressed as.

Issac: You look like Aquaman.

Chaz: Correct.

Madea- aquaman ain't got no shark head boy you must be crazy

Chaz: Sorry, I want to impress Blitz.

Derek: Well let's head to the castle, our lovers are going to be there waiting for us.

Madea sees a young giril

Madea- excuse me ,who is this

Savy looks: Oh hi Mr Lawrence!

Lawrence: Hi Princess, I was hoping you can watch over my daughter Shelby, she wanted to go to that sorority party but I told her no.

Shelby: Whatever dad.

Madea- um excuse me sir but i know your daughter did not just sassed you

Lawrence: I know, so I was hoping you can watch over my daughter for the night while I'm going to work.

Shelby: With the royals?! Are you serious dad?!

Lawrence: Yes I'm serious sweetie.

Madea- Oh hell no! Its bad enough im staying with them ill kill that littke girl if she crosses me !

Lawrence: Well I should go, see you soon Shelby. *as he went in the car and left*

Shelby scoffs: Can't believe I'm stuck with the royals now.

Time skip...

In the car Savy drives as Madea sits up front

Madea calls her friends*

Madea-there. I told bam & hattie to watch joe for me

Markus: Awww, I want to meet Bam and Hattie, I'm a big fan of Hattie from Love thy neighborhood.

Florabelle: Yeah, my favorite part is this episode where Hattie called you so you can beat up Phillip.

Madea- its nice you kids worship me but im trying to get this night over it.

Chaz: Well if you want some company, you can invite Hattie, Joe and Bam to come over.

Markus: Pretty please.....

Madea sighed-ok ok fine

Madea calls them"

Shelby chews on her gum*

Shelby sassily speaks to savy

Shelby: I know you, you just don't have the guts to scold me bitch!

Madea- little girl you dont talk to a grown up like that & stop popping that gum

Shelby: Ugh whatever. *pops her bubblegum*

Savy: Madea it's okay.

Madea- no its not. A little baby like her should not talk to you like that

Shelby: I'm not a baby bitch!

Madea- little girl watch that trash mouth of yours

Shelby: Heh, whatever old lady.

Madea- little girl , listen, imma ask you one more time to stop popping that gum!

Shelby: Or else what?

Issac speaks to madea about her adventures

Issac: Madea, let's calm down and talk about your adventures.

Madea-( sighs ) like what kind ?

Derek: Like how you help your granddaughter with her bad husband who cheated on her with a slut.

Madea- oh that *giggles* you saw the chainsaw part ?

Vincent: Heck yeah it was awesome!

Madea- well let me tell yall something there is a limit of how much someone' crap i can take-(hears shelby's gum and gets annoyed ) little girl if you dont stop popping that gum !

The siblings are worried*

Shelby rolled her eyes*

Shelby- look ! If you touch me im gonna call 911!

Madea- my daughter tried that i hit her so hard she dialed 9910 !

They are shocked*

Issac: Whoa, I better tell this to my wife, she'll be amazed.

Shelby took off her earrings- you dont know me , ill whoop an old woman

madea looked shocked & angry- what ? Who the hell do you think you're talking to ?

Markus: It's going down!

Zack: Oh boy...

Chaz: Yeah do it!

Shelby- I'm talking to you !

Madea looked like shes pissed off now

Savy: Uh oh...

Shelby- you think im playing ?

Madea- thats it !

Madea took off her seatbelt , ran to the back and started slapping the hell out of shelby

Derek: Ah!

Markus: Calm down Madea!

Savy: I'm trying to drive!

Madea- Shut up ! Shut up ! She kept slapping shelby

Chaz: Whoo! World star!!

Issac: Yeah!!

The car swerves on the road

Savy: Ahh! Oh boy, let's hope my husband and the others wait for us at the castle.

Zack: Yeah sis.

Madea- now little girl you better sit down shut upand put your reatbelt on right now !

The slapped and embarrassed shelby puts her seatbelt on

Savy: Oh my.

Vincent: That's awesome!

Madea- I dont know whats wrog with yall being scared of that little girl i oughta slap you silly like i did with her !

Derek: Cool!

Savy calms down and drives*

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